Typing A Blog Post While Riding On The Back Of A Mechanical Bull | My Life As The Mom Of Twins

in #healthy-home6 years ago

Real-time update

Usually, I collect little snippets of our life and glue them together for a "seamless," retrospective blog post. But I think that in order to stitch the whole blog together, I'll need to include some real-time, what's-happening-in-the-moment entries.

Otherwise, the twins might one day think our life was a series of perfect episodes. LOL

Hold on tight, let's ride!

So, I sat down to start this blog post at 9:49 pm. Ten minutes later and this is how far I've gotten ... Squish has woken up twice and still won't sleep. Matt has just gone in to get her and see if she's hungry (we've already tried everything else, so the cycle begins again.)

Evenings like this make me feel like I'm riding a mechanical bull.
Up. Down. Jerk right. Pause. Insert more coins.

Well, she just burped and is now drinking heartily. Problem solved ... maybe.

After the girls went to bed at 8:40 pm (the first time), I tackled my work projects. Thankfully, I was able to finish off what I needed to for the night. (I try to get my work done as I can throughout the day, but once the girls go to bed, it's down to the wire.)

New formula

lots of bottles to wash #twinbottles

As you may recall, we recently survived a formula scandal.

Sadly, Lazada was out when we went to purchase the formula again, so we bit the bullet and moved up to Infa A+. Well, sort of...

A couple months ago, we accidentally purchased Infa's A+ 1-year-old formula. We kept it, knowing that the girls would be able to use it eventually. When our recent attempts to get regular formula failed, we felt we had no alternative.

This morning, we opened the box.

The girls have taken the formula all day without any problems ... except that

they . can't . stop . drinking . it .

Squirt even cried when she polished off her afternoon bottle. Apparently, Squish enjoys it too. She's just finished off a nightcap with Matt.

Matt is signaling for me to put Squish to bed ... so we'll return in a moment.


A thought while putting Squish to bed...

I don't know how many times I've started a Steemit comment, only to come back ten, fifteen minutes later (sometimes even an hour or more) and then never post it because it seems completely irrelevant. Perhaps that's how I'll feel about this blog post.

And we're back

My watch just told me it's 10:15 pm. I set an alarm so I'd know when it was time to start getting ready for bed ... LOL. These days, I just turn it off and keep on typing. I'll be happy if I make it to bed before midnight tonight.

It's been one of those days ... where the projects and ideas just keep rolling in. I know that if I don't make the most of this quiet time, I'll regret it tomorrow.

She must have read my thoughts. Squish is up again.

{A cute picture of Squish just for good measure. See how strong she is?}

Matt has fallen asleep on the couch, so we'll see how long I can type with Squish on my lap.

Not long I'm guessing.

Hopefully, I can finish formatting this post and get it ready for tomorrow morning (6am here, but 6pm EST).

Have I mentioned that Squish is the squirmer?

... Yep. Looks like this post will have to end right here. Well, that made for a pretty eventful real-time bull ride blog post! Let's do it again sometime ;)

10:33 pm Signing off for now!

If you're interested in reading the rest of our story:

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Still a clap-clap even with Squish on your lap and after all her episodes. 😁 Hmm. Maybe she had something in mind to contribute to the blog. She's soo cute! Although I'm more into Squirt these days.haha. I suddenly missed my baby. (I'm back again out of town for work unfortunately.) Usually, when my baby (Tia) falls asleep at 8pm, I take out my phone then to start writing but after a good 10, 15mins, I'm already sleeping soundly right next to her.lol. So much for trying.

Thanks @filnette! It’s funny because a lot of people gravitate towards Squirt ... she’s more naturally outgoing and laid-back I think. Squish is becoming quite the talker these days. I figured out that’s what’s she wanted ... just to tell me about the day. Then she was happy to go to sleep :)

I bet you’re exhausted at the end of the day! At least you get those before-bed cuddles <3

Haahhaa. I can't really pinpoint why I'm gravitated towards Squirt as well. But I think I should be more inclined to Squish as she's the talker.lol I am very much like that, that's why.

Yes that's what I always feel and gets me going: coming home to those sweet smiles and go to bed with those giggles. 😊

until my baby turned to 2 years old, I used formula milk for the 1st time.

I think I would’ve preferred that too. Since we have to use formula, it’s really difficult when the stores stop carrying what the girls like.

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