Morning Walk ~ 4 Miles

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Health Update and Weight Loss Maintenance

I Am Off The Net Till This Evening, Time To Paint!

I was diagnosed with fibromyligia back in 1993. What this means is I suffer from muscle and joint pain, inflammation, infections, fatigue, memory problems, it's really a nasty diagnoses that has a host of symptoms but no known cause and no cure.

I lost 50lbs 3 years ago going on a no grain, no sugar or processed food, no booze, just a little bit of fruit, tons of veggies, a little bit of legumes, a little bit of lean meat, red meat and fish twice a week, with intermittent fasting, change of eating habits and lifestyle (diet).

Intermittent fasting means I eat within a 6 hour window and don't eat for the rest of the 24 hour day.

I am a 57 year old biological female of European and Native American lineage. I am done with premenopausal symptoms and firmly established in postmenopause now.

I am Free!

Which means my biological system has shut down it's reproductive system. The transition was difficult and I had to totally change everything I eat, my exercise program and a lot of my habits. I am basically a totally different human now...I've been through this several times, moving through my childhood, teen years, and motherhood/adult years so I know how to break old habits and establish new ones to suit this new body.

Yeah, I said new body. Our body is constantly changing and I don't look at age the same way many people do. I don't care how I look, I want to function efficiently. I found the medical and psychological establishments don't care about my health, they only care about profits so I had to figure out what health means to this body right now at this time.

Health is different for everyone but we do have some universal truths regarding all human health. We all need a safe place to live, 6-9 hours of sleep, fresh air, sunlight, exercise, clean food and water sources and friendships. The combinations of these things may be different for each one of us. I share my struggle to find health to inspire, not to tell you what you need.

This summer I felt like crap, I was extremely fatigued which can be partly blamed on menopause but I also think I had a parasite problem from eating raw foods like veggies and fruit. That's one of the reasons why humans cook their food! So I went on a cleanse most of the summer and feel a lot better. I also added more red meat to my diet, this body cannot process vegetable heme (iron) so I had to add red meat and organ meat once a week to my diet. I don't mind, I am not a vegan or anything else you can name. I try to eat organic and whole foods, keep it simple is my motto when it comes to food. I eat the way my northern ancestors ate and my body seems to thrive on lots of greens and a little bit of animal products like fish, eggs, cheese, butter, cream, animal flesh and organs. I do not do very well on a lot of fruit or grains, I get inflammation issues, infections, and my cognition slows down a lot! I avoid caffeine from coffee as well. I can handle tea just fine thank goodness.

I used to run at least 5 miles a day, five days a week in my 30s but my joints couldn't handle the stress, I have wide hips. I have no problem popping out those babies though! So I do weight bearing exercises, simple stretches, and I walk at least 4 miles a day, five days a week.

I don't need a lot of water but I need clean water, city water makes me sick so I usually filter my water to get rid of fluoride, chlorine and other chemicals that screw with my hormonal system called the endocrine system. Our endocrine system is the communication system for the body and you screw with your glands with fluoride which is close to iodine's chemical structure you are going to kill your master gland called the thyroid. During menopause women's thyroid is weak and we must protect it at all cost or it will cost us tons of money and lots of pain as we move into our 60s. So I take usp grade iodine with selenium made from organic mustard seed. That may be why my hair hasn't gone completely gray but it also may be a genetic gift from my Native American lineage.

My parasite cleans consisted of taking a mix of green hulls from the Black Walnut, Epazote leaf, fresh organic clove buds, wormwood, pumpkin seeds, and papaya seeds. I am not going to give advice on recipes or tablets. You can research and find out what you need. That is what I did and it's part of discovering who you are and how your body works.

I also have lived in moldy old houses and been taking herbs dealing with mold and yeast problems in the body. I take Quercetin tablets, Jatoba bark, Pau D Arco bark, Licorice root, Goldenthread root, and anise seed, all of this are certified organic. If you buy tablets you can be getting sources that have been processed to the point of being ineffective. So you really have to research how the herbs are gathered and processed.

All the sitting I've been doing this summer painting I put on 10lbs of fat, I had to cut my fruit, which kind of makes me sad, that's the only sweets I get anymore. But momentary pleasure isn't worth the pain I suffer when I get too heavy, all my old injuries start complaining and my immune system can't function correctly. Last month even through I felt really tired I started walking 7 days a week in the early morning rather than at night. The heat here in Oklahoma is too hard on me to walk in the evening. So I get up around 5:30am and go for my 4 mile walk. I dumped my 10lbs in a month cutting out sad and so happy at the same time!

I hope my little update inspires you in your quest to find health and happiness!

some_text A link to My Blog


good! stay fit reddust! We'd like to see more nice things of you :)

I missed you!

I stopped by a couple times but I don't know why I didn't say hello, it's been a hectic August! I missed you too <3

I'm a bit run down myself and don't feel so creative. Lots of Steem Blabla and more of summer in Europe kind of vibe I focus on mostly.
Weird I can't catch my favourite people's posts anymore.

I'm having the same issue, I miss my regulars. so many new steemians....I am making a list of people to check on each day now since my feed is so full.

I hope they hear us, sometimes I feel like a little dolphin squeaking and can't be heard above all the deep whale and orca bangs, booms and squalls .... lolol

Lol, what a great image! Yes I feel a bit lost as well...will keep my eye on you ;-)

@mammasitta, we need a tab and folder for our favorite people on our blog page. This is one of the reasons why I only follow a hundred people, which I check often to see if they are posting or have taken off and left steemit so I can add someone else. It's easier to find my favorites this way. August has been a rough month for me as well, in fact I have read many blogs where people are feeling blue or depressed, or fatigued like me. I just walk slower and keep on keeping on....I am glad you touched bases with me, I will keep my an eye on your new posts!

Looks like you maintain fitness well.. look like 37.. not 57.. ha ha.. 😊😊 Thanks for your great inspiration @reddust...

@djmalith, you can thank my genetics, I have nothing to do with my looks! Now that I am a grandma, I try to look nice, brush my teeth, keep my hair neat, wear nice clothes, but I don't care about who is looking at me anymore. I did care back in my 30s, I was pretty vain back then, now I don't give 2cents if anyone thinks I am cute or pretty but thank you anyway <3

Hehe tnx for sharing the message. And yes a morning walk is healthy. Mind and body need to relax and the day is stressfull.

@zoef, you hit a key point, walking really does help me let go of stress, living with my daughter during her divorce and helping take care of the house and kids has been all sorts of stress for all of us...especially for me because I like to be alone and very you know, kids, especially kids under the age of 16 are very noisy, my granddaughter is a chatter box!

hehe i have 2 kids, i love them dearly but they have a hard time beeing silent once in while.

In many ways my kids taught me patience and tolerance, they are incredibly annoying in so many ways. Thank goodness I love them all, babies are so cute for a reason ....hehehe

Damn, I have a real lack of motivation to get myself to walk half an hour, twice a week. You really have a strong willpower! Especially with all the things going on in your life, maybe a little bit too personal for me though :P But at least ur not ashamed of ur body ^.^

Which part was too personal, getting old and the reproductive system shutting down or popping out kids easily because of my wide hips?.....I had to work at letting go of the shame I felt regarding my body but I don't walk around naked to do that, like some women do...I was teased growing up about my bodies shape, my family called me lard ass, my stepfather gave me the nickname Lars for short and I wasn't fat, my family was kinda mean. I let go of my shame by learning how to be healthy and happy in a way that has nothing to do with the shape of my body but rather has to do with the shape my mind is in, especially since I suffer from a chronic illness and I can't always walk or work out.

Big lol at your first sentence xD I'm still really amazed at how strong you've become with what sounds as one hell of a childhood (and for that matter adulthood as well). I could never express myself in the way you do although I am a very open person....

That's why women are stronger than men ...hahaha, we almost die or do die bringing life into the world. We have evolved to be able to stand a lot of pain and keep on going because of our family, especially our kids. Men are strong too, men protect us when we are vulnerable, we are a team that works well together.

:) It's hard to say but yes, women are stronger... ^.^

Wow...nice post with cute pic and good article by @reddust

  1. You are presentation and written skill is execellent mam...I respect it...
  2. This is very useful article for our healthy life..I think daily mornning worm-up is very important to up our healthy life...
  3. I think your this good habit is petfect action for in your long and healthy fitness life..
  4. Thank you so much sharing this post with us..

I am pretty cute for almost 60 years old lololol.....but what I want is not to worry about my looks and be healthy. But I guess good health and good looks are kinda tied together. Thank you @dinisanda.

OMG...I cant beleive this mam..your 60 years old...hahaha funney...I cant trust it...
I think your 30-35 years old...
Nice maitain your cute body...
Wel done @reddust

I will be 58 this coming January, I am getting close to 60 and I am proud to have gotten this far and still have a soft heart and willing to learn new things!

You dont look like your age, thus younger :) so you do something very good.

Thank you @markush, I think my looks have to do with my heritage, my family ages slowly, we mature slowly as well!

Yes genetics probably plays a big role. But life style does help also. My little sister has a totally different skin then me. I smoke weed, she doesn't. And I eat more sugars etc

we mature slowly as well!

That's a blessing as well :)

We are a roll of the dice regarding which genetic data we will inherit. There is also some new discoveries regarding a second code contained within our genetic chain called epigenetics, which stores data from our parents experiences and is passed onto our children. If I had known about this coding, I would of been a lot more careful regarding my behavior from my teenage years until now. But then we have free will, the ability to change, which is the biggest blessing of all...We can take the hard code, soft code, all the conditioning and change it or ignore it...or go beyond to what is not conditioned or made ;-)

I will be honest - I used google translator to read all the text, cause was really interested, and had trouble understanding everything n english.
Wow! You made a great research about what your body really needs. So, as I understand - no sugar and sweets at all? And no fruits now (this point I know, but was really surprised when I first heard that they can influence of weight too).
I still need to make such kind of research myself, but looking at what you said here... It probably was so complicated. Anyway thank you for inspiring me.
And if I may say - you look fantastic!

@inber, I am so sorry, I am a horrible writer too. I am going to remember to try and work on my sentence structure so the google translator will have any easier time.

No sugar and no refined grains at all for me....exceptions of course during holidays but I can only have a little bit or I get migraines (bad headaches). Fruit has a lot of sugar but the sugar is tied up with fiber and it takes a lot of work for our digestive system to separate the sugar from the fiber and so fruit is healthier than refined grains, fruit juices, and sugar. But for me I just can't handle too much sugar or my body puts on weight. I can eat all the butter and cream I want and not gain an ounce...It's not very complicated, our bodies didn't evolve with access to tons of sweets, fruits or sugar but humans have had access to fats, animal fats and nuts. We will die without taking in good fats but can live without sugar ;-)

No no no, that's not what I mean! I just did it for not to google specific words I don't know each time, but to read all text in general. It's nothing to do with your writing, it's just my English. You writing is completely OK!
I yet can't imagine my life without sweet things at all. Plus I'm allergic to all fruits that have bones, and it makes everything even more complicated:(

@inber, if you don't understand some words just ask, I really love sharing data. I couldn't imagine my life without sugar but I feel so much better now, even when I get sick that I kick myself for putting this off for so long.

Great topic Thanks for sharing

I checked out your blog very nice. Thank you for stopping by, I haven't seen you on my blog before, very nice to meet you @mahmoudh.

@reddust Thanks for this post...I walk 4 miles a day, M-F, too. First thing each day. I work out with dumbbells MWF. I get my sleep. I live in a remote part of the New Mexico desert so it is extremely quiet here, which I adore. We artists need to be fit so we can paint our "purdy pitchers." 😎🎨👍🏽❤️

I think we would be best friends if we lived closer, that is, if you could get me out to socialize....yes we must stay fit and also have friends. This is a basic requirement for anyone who wants to live a quality life.

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