48 hours WITHOUT food

in #health6 years ago (edited)


Have you ever starved yourself intentionally?

Probably not, sounds stupid right? Well, it turns out fasting is actually extremely healthy for you! Crazy right? In fact you might be surprised to learn that most religions around the world support fasting for one reason or another. Not that I am religious, but I find that extremely interesting. Even ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics talk about the benefits of fasting, so this is nothing new. Fasting has been around for thousands of years, maybe more. Maybe there is something to this whole fasting thing....

I started intermittent fasting over a year ago and it was the best thing I have ever done for my body. Intermittent fasting is when you fast for a 16 hour window and only eat during an 8 hour window over a 24 hour period. (So if you ate breakfast at 9am then you would have to eat dinner by 5pm and then no food for 16 hours). There are multiple ways to intermittently fast, this way just suits my lifestyle best.

There are many health benefits to intermittent fasting so I wanted to give it a try. I lost a bunch of weight and felt amazing so I continued doing it pretty much everyday. Sure there are days when I want to eat breakfast early in the morning, so I do. It's not something you have to do religiously, but 3-4 times a week will make a big difference in the long run.

I have read a lot about long term fasting and its benefits so I wanted to try it. Typically I try to do a 24 hour fast at least once or twice a month and one 36 hour fast every other month to keep me feeling on top of my game, you would be surprised how good you feel after a fast. Not only do you feel better physically, you also feel like you accomplished a lot mentally. It is hard to go without eating food (especially since we have been conditioned to eat at certain times of the day not whether we are hungry or not). It's hard when your body sends you hunger pains, your mind keeps telling you to eat, everywhere you look there is food, it seems like every commercial on TV is some kind of food advertisement! It is mentally draining to be honest, but it is so worth it. To over come those thoughts and feelings and push through your urges shows you how strong you really are. It really is a great feeling, so I thought I would push myself even more and go for a 48 hour fast this time.

Until now I had never tried a 48 hour fast because it seemed to hard. After 36 hours of fasting I am usually extremely weak, I find it hard to get up and move around so I thought 48 hours would be like torture. But I decided to go for it anyhow.


My 48 hours started at 6pm Monday night after a healthy dinner of vegetables and rice. I find it easiest to start at this time because it gets me through the first part really quick because I'm sleeping through 8 hours of it! BOOM 12 hours down by the time I wake up at 6am. The first part of the day (Tues) was easy for me, I usually don't eat "breakfast" until noon because of my intermittent fasting so the day started normal with a hour long walk with my dogs and a light workout. I exercise at this time everyday because after you fast for 12 hours your body starts burning fat as fuel instead of sugars or empty carbs that have been hanging around since your last meal, so you are really doing something that matters. It is impossible to work off the food you eat throughout the day so its best to work out when your body is in fat burning mode.

I tried to pass the time quick Wednesday by being on steemit a lot. The trick to fasting is keep your mind busy on other things, do things so you don't think about food. I was getting really hungry when I got to the 24 hour mark (6pm Tues) but I wasn't going to give in that easy. I knew if I could hold out a few more hours than I could just go to bed and at least sleep until my 36 hour mark (6am Wed) if nothing else. As I laid in bed Wed night I didn't know if I was going to make it another 20 hours, it seemed like an eternity away and I couldn't get food off my mind at this point. I thought at the very least 36 hours was still good. I would make my decision in the morning.

Surprisingly, when I woke up on Thursday morning I felt pretty good. I still felt weak but no hunger pains and my mind wasn't working against me anymore, I decided to continue on with my fast. Only 12 hours left at that point and I was feeling optimistic. Surprisingly the second day actually seemed to go by quicker than the first! The hunger pains eventually came back pretty strong in the after noon and I was feeling rather weak by 3pm but I was soo close to 48 hours! My mind kept telling me to eat but I only had a few hours left so pushed through them and hit my goal. It felt amazing to complete the challenge, and even more amazing to eat! LoL.

It really was such a sweet sweet victory! I ate a honey crisp apple Wed evening to break my fast, they had been taunting me for days sitting on the counter staring at me so I thought was good revenge (lol). I made scrambled eggs and toast after that because it's important to break your fast with healthy foods not junk food, for obvious reasons. Eating something after fasting for 48 hours is unexplainable, everything tastes so amazing!

I was thinking about the fast after it was over and it seemed that a 48 hour fast was somehow both harder and easier than I had thought it would be. I think it was actually more mentally difficult than physically difficult for me this time around. Maybe that's because I am getting use to fasting or maybe it's because I put on quite a few extra pounds since my life got turned upside down :/ either way I'm glad I decided to try it because I am incredibly proud of myself for finishing it.

Do yourself a favor and get proactive with your health, you only get one body so take care of it!. Look into fasting, both intermittent and long term, see if something suits you. It is incredibly healthy and an easy way to shed some extra pounds while making your mind stronger too!

There are so many benefits to fasting:


I really hope this inspires other people to try fasting :)

Peace, Love and all that hippie shit

The STEEM Engine



A very well written article. I actually like to starve. I have so far received mixed reviews about it. Some people say it can be really very dangerous for your stomach if you provide food at the right time. But some people say it helps in growing endurance.

I'm basically not a big fan of food from my childhood. Most of my meals are always after I feel extreme hunger. If I don't feel hungry, I don't eat at all. And I have only two meals per day and it makes me stay healthy and confident. Thanks for this wonderful article.

Glad you liked the article. I have not met many people these days who don't like food, but I wouldn't say that's a terrible thing as long as you are eating enough to stay healthy. I don't think it is dangerous if you eat at least one healthy meal a day. I have read the human body can go weeks months without food. If you have extra weight even longer. I read an article about an overweight guy who didn't eat for a year and lost like 200lbs. I know week long fasts are common for high end athletes so I would say you have nothing to worry about my friend.

That's nice. I have been like this for many years now. I was once thinking of gradually reducing my food consumption. This is just out of curiosity to check how many days I can withstand. I have seen many such Yogis who fast this way. Some are - Fire Yogi, Prahlad Jnani. You can Google these names to read more about them. Even BBC did experiments on them to understand the possibility.

Yeah I do Intermittent fasting for quite a while as well. It's definitely beneficial! I do water fasting occasionally too.

I even posted a 4 day journal here on Steemit some time ago. A lot of people thought it's actually bad for your health to do this, LOL. Some people can't accept that some of their beliefs are old and false.

The hunger problem can be quite hard to overcome at first, but for me, I notice that after not eating for 2-3 days, I tend to forget about food and no longer feel the need to eat. My brain is not telling me to get food every second. I usually fast for 1-2 days as well, but sometimes I go for 4-5 days to clean my body if I was drinking alcohol or smoking weed lately. I'll go for 3-4 days fast next week, since I haven't done it in a while.

It's hard to do water fasting since I'm going to the gym. Lifting weights and not eating anything for days simply drains my whole energy.

Oh wow, 4 days thats impressive. I hope to go that long by the end of the year. In all honesty I probably couldve gone longer this time but my fiance does it with me and she was ready to eat, and since we started it together we thought it was best to end it together. I did feel the fasting was getting easier the longer i went, so maybe ill just give 4 days a go next time.

I know many people think fasting is bad for u (lol) but most people are indoctrinated anyhow, so i dont let their ideals bother me.

I usually dont work out hard when im fasting, i usually only walk for an hour, a light 15min run and some other light cardio when I am fasting so I dont over do it.

Good to know there are other health conciousness people out there like me.. i followed you because i need more like minded people in my feed. :)

Yeah light cardio works best when fasting. It's just hard to find time for me to fast for longer times, since I go to the gym 4 times a week and play basketball at the weekend. I tried fasting and going to the gym but it really sucked, cuz it made me very tired. Not gonna do that again, LOL.

In Ramadan month we fadt for 30 days.
It is coming after 17 days from mow
We all muoslim countries LOVE RAMADAN




صوما مقبولا و افطارا هنيءا




I learned a lot about Ramadan when I was in the military and in Iraq. It really was a quite amazing to see so many people fasting for so long. I am excited for you because Ramadan is coming soon and you will enjoy the benefits of fasting as well. :) Thanks for the resteem my friend.

My friend . Can you kindly make a post about my resteeming service and another post about our friendship please...

remind me and I will try to get one done this weekend. But I need more info. What are the costs? how many followers do u have? Are u upvoting as well? I need all the details my friend ;)

Hi bro.
Only resteeming
My followers are now 1080 and increasing day after day as a nice quite stream flow
My fees are only 0.02 SBD OR 0.02 STEEM
I will resteem 3 to 5 posts from his own writings each time the stemian is asking for the service.
Thats all

Thank you

I think the problem is that you are actually too cheap. People think that it is not a good service because the price is so low. I think you should charge atleast 0.05 per resteem. That is a really fair price and it makes it more worth it for you to do your service. Also if you resteem more than one post then your are cutting into your own profits because people will only need to use you twice a week instead of everyday (if they are posting daily). I really think you have a good idea being a real person who resteems, I just think you are doing it for way to cheap.

Yes my fees are cheap 0.02 to help others to spreadvtheir names and i to have real friends on long run not only walk in coustemers.
Take as an example you. Shela. Anakrli. Turnviuor....etc
Yes i need desoertly the money to close my fatal loans but i have a principle in my life to help the poor bcz when i was rich i was mean and the hit i took from god forced ne to taste the poorness .... so i want to help... i need teal ftiends... money vomes and money goes but real friends are rare....

I hope i phrase it in good english . Plz forgive me for my weak english

From my exp. Here thecresteeming service is beingvignored by 99% of membets asvtgeyvsay whyvshiukd i oay 0.5 or 1 sbd for such a non profitable service.

In my point of view.... i do servive to help and to spread and teally fro myvexp. Only the real members will use it.

Look to yourself how many times you sent me 0.02 sbd to resteem and upvote others to help them.... many times..

I fo now the same by resteeming 3 to 5 posts .... I enjoy jow helpibg others. ..

I do not know when i will die but i know onevyhing i am very happy now for helping others even i am BROKE.

Thanks for sharing your fasting experiences. I haven’t fasted to any extend but might give it a go after reading your post.

Watch you tube for fasting in islam and you can feel the best of it... try to watch Sarah the english lady from UK how she was fasting and she is telling her pro about fasting with poor mouslim families.... then she converted to islam.... her stroy is one of the best to be watched



Thats great! :) Make sure you educate yourself more on fasting before you try it and don't over due it your first time. Thats the best advice I have for someone who wants to try fasting. Good luck ;)

I love fasting. I used to do it monthly for years. I would usually go 3 days. Makes me feel renewed and cleansed. Haven't done it in a while. I really need to.

3 days? Thats awesome! I am going to try 3 days next time but I don't know if I would've made it this time.. I am trying to work my way up to a week eventually.. And im in no hurry to get to the week right now so it may take years lol.

I find after 24 hours you no longer feel hungry. Drink clean water. Make sure you don't get stressed, that takes energy. Remember, your brain is the number one consumer of energy in your body. That's why fasting is often associated with practices such as meditation and yoga. Wanna do a collaborative Steemian fast? I'm in if you are.

I would definitely be down to do a collaborative fast! I don't know how we would even get something like that started but I do think it would be a cool initative for people and then they wouldn't feel like they are doing the fast all alone. Lets figure something out!

great reminder! i have also fasted in the past and love the way it makes me feel. clears out the whole system :) in so many ways! great post!

It's so great to hear that so many other people fast. It shows people are starting to take their health into their own hands and that is something we gravely need right now. Knowledge is power!

Thanks for sharing @moderndayhippie. This is total detox brother. This is what you need now. I have some stomach problems so can't cut out everything. But if you can fast that is wonderful for your body and soul.

Glad you enjoyed it @mineopoly. It is exactly what I needed, and I am feeling great now. I hope I can ride this high for a while, i get into my new home next week and I want to be feeling good when I start the new chapter of my life.

Excellent. As long as you have friends you are rich.

The question I’ve been thinking about lately is how smoking cannabis affects the fasting state. Seems to go well together for me

I actually love smoking while I fast. yes the munchies can suck if you smoke the wrong strand but it honestly seems to make my fast go by faster and easier when I do smoke.. Plus I need it at night to sleep all the way through the night.. I say it helps more than it hurts on a fast, atleast for me. :)

I think it helps as well, as long as I don’t break the seal & have not been eating much sugar. Soon as I start with the sugar that shit is like crack. Been intermittent fasting lately, getting my body used to going longer & longer without food & feels really really good

Yeah, sugar is like crack!! Lol.. When i started eating candy and drinking liquor (which is also pure sugar) again it was straight down hill with my health.. i packed on 20lbs in a month and a half and felt like a lazy piece of shit! That shit is dangerous! Seeiously. I have finally taken back my health.

I have been intermittent fasting pretty regularly for over a year now (up until the past few months) and it is amazing.. after my 48 hr fast i have decided to only eat once a day now and i feel fantastic! The weight is falling off and i just feel so much healthier now.. i may go back to 18/6 after i get back to where i wanna be physically.. but im gonna ride this out for a while and see where it leads..

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I mean, maybe? I cant say i think its the best of ideas. You start feeling weak and dizzy after a day if you are doing anything at all physical.
I know lower calorie intake and stopping eating just before you feel full, always keeping your self just a tad bit hungry is healthy but fasting... i dont think ill be trying it any time soon.
But thx for sharing. :D

That is ok, it's not for everyone. Thanks for reading my article tho :) Take care.

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