
I actually love smoking while I fast. yes the munchies can suck if you smoke the wrong strand but it honestly seems to make my fast go by faster and easier when I do smoke.. Plus I need it at night to sleep all the way through the night.. I say it helps more than it hurts on a fast, atleast for me. :)

I think it helps as well, as long as I don’t break the seal & have not been eating much sugar. Soon as I start with the sugar that shit is like crack. Been intermittent fasting lately, getting my body used to going longer & longer without food & feels really really good

Yeah, sugar is like crack!! Lol.. When i started eating candy and drinking liquor (which is also pure sugar) again it was straight down hill with my health.. i packed on 20lbs in a month and a half and felt like a lazy piece of shit! That shit is dangerous! Seeiously. I have finally taken back my health.

I have been intermittent fasting pretty regularly for over a year now (up until the past few months) and it is amazing.. after my 48 hr fast i have decided to only eat once a day now and i feel fantastic! The weight is falling off and i just feel so much healthier now.. i may go back to 18/6 after i get back to where i wanna be physically.. but im gonna ride this out for a while and see where it leads..

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