Daily "Introduceyourself Post" Bounty #26

🐟 🐳 Hello Steemians!! 🐳 🐬

gadget reading.PNG

@gogogadgetupvote here with another (almost) Daily Bounty Hunt!

I hope to encourage Steemians across the platform by rewarding new users introduceyourself posts, and by rewarding users who help me find the VERY BEST of the posts in that tag!

Everyday I will reward up to 3 users for sending me links to #introduceyourself posts. As well as Upvote and Resteem the posts that they link me to.

Not just any introduce yourself posts. They will have to meet specific criteria which I will outline in a moment, so you might have to do some looking 👁👁. I do ask that posts be in English or bi-lingual. Not that I don't want to support posts in other languages, but I can't judge if they meet my criteria if I can't read them. Thank you for understanding!


You can click anywhere on the above image to visit the rules

So the intro posts linked yesterday qualify well enough. But I would really like to see more posts with verification photos. A lot of comments and interaction with other peoples posts (that aren't just copy/paste "hello" and "thank you" type comments helps to prove a person probably isn't a bot, and that they are going to be active on the platform. If someone has a two or three day old Intro post with a dozen people welcoming them and they haven't responded to any of the people greeting them, I am probably not going to consider that a valid post. I also want to see the people submitting posts to my contest greeting and upvoting the people's posts that they are linking, as well as do not forget to Upvote this post to be a valid entry. The rewards these posts earn allow me to give out bigger prizes. I am working on revising the rules section and creating a new rules post to link to. Other than that, thank you all for your participation!

Yesterday's Bounties and Bounty Hunters!

It seems I lost a few participants after taking a few days off, which is understandable, but I am back now and hope to get more participation from you guys! You can see the bounties that were entered yesterday by CLICKING THIS LINK and scrolling down to the bottom to the comments section.


Everyone's favorite part! The prizes will be a 100% Upvote for first, 75% Upvote for second and 50% Upvote for third. So get out there and spread some love to the New Steemians just joining the platform, and get yourself some rewards in the process.

As always, thanks for taking the time to read my post!

Polish Your Posts by checking out this post full of useful tips for newbies about post creation by @ethandsmith!

Learn how to write quality comments that improve your blog by @ogochukwu

You can see your posts total pending payouts by visiting https://steemviz.com/pendingpayouts and typing in your username!

Don't forget to check out @steemvoter

Every user can set up 3 rules to vote for their favorite author automatically. You get more rules the more SteemPower you have.

Learn how to add Emojis to your Steemit posts by CLICKING HERE

Images from google and pixabay. Gifs from GIPHY

Remember to follow me so you can catch my different Daily Contests every day!! Upvoting and Resteeming this post helps me spread more rewards to more users!

I'm @gogogadgetupvote and I'm Always On Duty!


@greatvideos! Good to see you again my friend! How have you been? Holidays were a little hectic for me (though surprisingly having little to do with celebrating the holidays) and I had to take a couple days off from the platform, but I am back now!
By the way, First Bounty Claimed!

Hi gadget

I pleasure to hear you are back to doing your hard work and that is helping Minnows!
I've been doing well,, it's all coming together for me, so Happy Days!
A pleasure to chat with you again!
And a pleasure to help a Minnow with your great help along!
2018 is our greatest year to be,, Happy to have such friends like you on Steemit.com!

We will surely help a few more Minnows around together!
Many Thanks for!

Glad to hear that bud! 2018 will be a great year for Steem indeed! Have you seen my new contest post yet?

I'll look at it now

You should make another engagement contest and let me know about it and I will be there to help with Upvoting all participants

Trying to turn it into a daily thing now! Thanks for all your support! You were one of the first to support my account in my first contest! Thank you so much for continuing to support my efforts!

Second Bounty Claimed!

Thanks sir. Good to see your contests again. Hehehe. Happy New Year

Third Bounty Claimed!

here I am supporting

voted comments

That is really awesome of you! Thank you so much for helping me support others!

Quick Question! If you are tagged like @gogogadgetupvote say on the intro post's comment section itself... will that get your attention enough to check it out... or do we need to submit the url's here on the daily bounty posts? I have tagged you on posts... and left the bounty rewards here to others. But I am never sure if you see the tag... like @originalworks. I know you aren't a bot... and i think there is an app to see when folks tag a person... but I haven't a clue. That's how noob I still am! hahhaha One Step At A Time! Thanks for all you do Gadget!

I used to get notifications. The notifications seem to have stopped after one of the last HFs. And I have not found an app or anything yet that tells you when you are mentioned. I know there are tools for that, but I don't know of any specific ones. Your best bet is to submit them in a comment to one of my daily posts. And if you do find a "mention" app or whatnot, please let me know!

If I find an app, a tool, or anything about being tagged... I will let you know. I appreciate you more than you know! You helped me get where I am... and have been more than encouraging and uplifting to the community!

Oh, @depu is your real account is it, and @janvir is one of your others? Okay, as long as you only submit entries from ONE of your accounts, I suppose I will consider your entries. You are still helping me support new users. I will not, however, tolerate rudeness. And I consider being told how to run MY contest and "save your rule" as you put it, to be rude. And I think it would have been polite of you to talk to me in response to one of my many, many comments to you before this.
And it may be because of the sudden spike in Steem price, but this post linked is over ten dollars.
I do appreciate you helping me support newbies coming onto the platform, and I look forward to your future submissions. As long as you only submit from one account. I do frown on self-voting your own comments, especially in a contest where your comment is likely to get upvoted anyway. You could use that voting power to upvote the other people entering my contest, as some of my other followers do.

sir,"save your rule" I mean, according to your roll, I made a comment with my real ID.when you tell me submit my entry by my real ID. yes sir janvir is my one ID.sorry for mistake sir.i want to competition in your dailly contest.can i get permission sir?

Okay. I understand now. Sorry about the miscommunication there. Yes, it is okay for you to participate in my contests as long as you only do so with one account per contest post. I really do appreciate all of your help in supporting new Steemians. Thank you! And I would suggest avoiding the self voting your comments. Or if you do upvote your own comments, then upvote some of the other comments on the thread as well, then no one will have any reason to complain about you rewarding yourself when you give out more votes to other people. At least that is how I see it.

ok sir..thank u lot

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