Hi Steemit! My names Mateo Navarrette, I'm here to share music

Hello Steemit!

My name is Mateo Navarrette. I'm about to turn 26 and I live in Los Angeles. I was born and raised here and moved back after attending the University of Arizona in Tucson for 4 years. I really enjoy living here, it would be perfect if it wasn't so damn expensive.

Here's a picture of me with my wonderful girlfriend Liz on the Ferris Wheel at Coachella. We've been together for a little over a year and a half. She's my favorite person to do my favorite things with, which includes going to music festivals/local shows and eating fried chicken like an obese animal on Sunday afternoons. We also met on Tinder, so the app does have some redeeming value. Don't listen to all the hate!

What I Do

I work in a little known division of the Music Business called Copyright Terminations. My company and I help established artists recapture the rights to their creative works back from major Publishing companies and Record Labels, such as Sony/ATV, Universal Music Group, and Kobalt Music Publishing. We have a lot of contacts in the world of Motown, here's a picture of me meeting Stevie Wonder

I like my job but it can get a little dense due to it being rooted in Copyright Law. One of my other passions in music is sharing new music with people and creating playlists. One of the most satisfying feelings in the world is opening someone's mind to a new song/style of music and seeing them emotionally connect to it. That being said I think I'll start off utilizing Steemit as a music blog to share songs with the community. My taste is eclectic, I appreciate almost every form of music from idyllic classical to dark sweaty techno music. The only genres I'm not really familiar with are country, metal, and modern rap.

These days I'm into songs with modern beats that have a tinge of jazz and saxophone to them. Here's a few examples, I hope you guys like them!

Flamingosis - Midnight in Montreal (2015)
Note: Hip Hop beat

Lovage - Stroker Ace (2001)
Note: Hip Hop beat. If you dig this check out their full album "Music to Make Love To Your Old Lady By". Intoxicatingly sensual vocals and beats are top tier!

Luca Lala Feat Tiziano Di Sansa - "Sax Pleasure" (Souldynamic Remix) (2017)
Note: House Music beat

I also made a couple beats back in the day. I haven't made any in a while but I want to get back into making beats this year. Here's one with an electro house feel.


I'm brand new to this community and the world of cryptocurrency but I'm excited to learn and create something big! Thanks to my good friend @brandonk for introducing me to steemit and its potential.

You can find me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MateoNav53


Welcome to Steemit!

Thanks Trogdor! glad to be a part of this platform

Welcome to steemit wish you the best

Thanks for the welcome Richard

Great introduction. I wish you well here. And thanks for the beats!

Thanks man, excited to be a part of this community!

Welcome to Steemit! Copyright law, huh, no wonder you blow off some steem at the fests! Nice intro and look forward to hearing more from ya, followed!

Thanks man! Followed you as well. Yep if by any chance you run into songwriters/musicians who need help getting their rights back me and my company may be able to help

Welcome to this gigantic magnanimous platform where you learn, earn and meet new people.

My Advice

  • Engage Steemians with good post
  • Avoid Plagiarism
  • Follow people with good posts

Note: Steemit is not get rich quicker it takes time and dedication.


Click Here

welcome dude

Thanks! the Cosplay and art you post is cool, I just followed

Welcome my bro!

Welcome to the fun!!!!! excited for your music knowledge and expertise

Welcome, Mateo! looks like you're on the good side of the music business. :) I've left out the welcome mat for you so you'll feel right at home! :)


Haha thanks for the support man. Yea we are on the good side of the business, there's lots of deceptive people out there taking advantage of artists

Welcome to the community
So glad to have you here. Your writing here was so refreshing and inspiring. I really look forward to seeing your future posts.

I also seek to...

"reach the hearts of people with a positive gesture"
That's always my focus with every post. It seems to work well as people on here want the real stuff!

I'm wishing you the best and want to affirm what you said. Just start! Write write write!

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Awesome thanks for the support and advice man

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