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RE: East vs. West: China to dominate the world

in #globalization5 years ago (edited)

I replied:

Jim replied:

I replied:

Jim replied:

I replied:

Allah wrote:

You should really do a full post on your past as a commie entryist.

I don’t want to expend the time to try to dig and research this allegation. Can someone please explain? Jim did you radically (diametrically) change your core ideology later in life, or was there some strategic reason for this alleged past affiliation with commies and Cuba?

I’m not aiming to DOXX you.

China seems to be going through the similar ideological transformation, from Marxism towards capitalism. Capitalism requires patriarchy. Demo[n]cracy is a power vacuum which subverts patriarchy and property rights. In demo[n]cracy, capitalism is captured by the left singularity (because unearned votes for sale) as evident by the societalcide TV commercials I viewed this holiday season for American football games, e.g. two men kissing each other, KFC Chickendales (gay male strippers of Chippendales), etc..

Hey Amerikan has a vote just because he/she/it was born. Said Amerikan is thus vested in believing this “wonderful” snowflake existence wherein value is still created out of nothing. So said Amerikan votes for the delusion. Thus left singularity.

We really need decentralization technology to counteract patriarchy at its dysfunctional winner-take-all end game, which is what I claim the patriarchal elite are trying to do now with a 666 global control grid to subjugate the nation-state patriarchy.

That completes the circle of my understanding of what is going on.


It was not a mistake to reject that plan when victory in the Battle of Britain was still in prospect. But with defeat in the Battle of Britain, the correct solution would have been to invade Asia and back off from the total war, total state, economy, to focus on food and raw materials through the Asian market, following the wise advice of Xenophon.

Ditto analogously with the Trump situation. If Trump can't restore [sane patriarchal order, and truncate the left singularity] quickly and with sufficient violence, then I’m looking to Asia to sustain [us] until left cannibalizes itself via economic ruin in the West, before contemplating when to attempt the restoration of the homeland. Live to fight another day.

I replied:

Jim replied:

Filthy Liar replied:

No. The Boomers are lazy af and the youth view Trump as corrupt. That they also view the Dems as corrupt is beside the point, because the Dems are doing what the youth want, ie getting government out of the bedroom and putting it back in the boardroom. The Cathedral is doing just fine […]


Everyone is waiting to see which way the wind blows. If Trump looks like he is about to become the most powerful man in the world in reality there will be a world wide cascade of Trumpists.

But until the people that committed crimes against Trump, and vast numbers of other Americans, go to jail, he is not the most powerful man in the world. If he cannot send them to jail, the crimes will escalate, resulting in the elimination of Trump, Trumpists, and the entire right.

Jim, if Trump ignites the civil war by initiating arrests, then he will be blamed for the economic crisis that is about to obliterate the U.S. economy regardless (e.g. rising interest rates).

Yet he’s going to blamed for it anyway, so perhaps the ideal strategy would be seize power with lightning speed and ferociousness that he might cause the radical left to react violently enough to initiate a massive slaughter within a civil war. That may be the only hope of a quick restoration.

Trump’s window of opportunity is closing not primarily because the left grows ever holier than last week, but because “it’s the economy stupid.”

Perhaps better optics for the coming economic collapse though if the left can be enticed to fire the first major shot over the bow.

(I’m delirious and should sleep)

I blogged in Bitcoin to $80,000 before May 2020 and $1 billion by December 2020? about the political-economic cliff Trump can’t avoid:

Unemployment in the West is headed greater than 30% no later than 2033:

Fed – No Surprise – The Next Bubble
— Armstrong 2013

The societalcide implications were developed in detail in my past blogs:

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