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RE: East vs. West: China to dominate the world

in #globalization5 years ago (edited)

I wrote in this blog:

Jim is […] blinded to the Big Picture because (I know from my prior debates with him on his blog that) he wants to believe that it’s only the leftistards in cahoots with the Deep State that ails Western civilization. This is why he also believes that any blame for 9/11 (other than the Muslims he ludicrously thinks actually perpetrated 9/11) can only be attributed to his left singularity theory. Israel’s Mossad was evidently involved in the perpetration of 9/11 and the truth about 9/11 is available to anyone who bothers to look closely at a detailed analysis of the evidence as I explained in my blogs Debunking Mark Roberts’ 9/11 Disinformation Tactics, Plane Flyover; Explosives Planted Inside The Pentagon, Disembarkment of the 9/11 Passengers and “You can’t handle the truth!”. Anyone with even a modicum of physics and engineering knowledge would understand that the NIST reports on 9/11 were bullshit, and that (c.f. also) most likely the WTC were p͟u͟l͟v͟e͟r͟i͟z͟e͟d͟ ͟i͟n͟t͟o͟ ͟m͟i͟c͟r͟o͟s͟c͟o͟p͟i͟c͟ ͟d͟u͟s͟t͟ ͟p͟a͟r͟t͟i͟c͟l͟e͟s͟  with small scale, low radiation, tactical “suitcase” nukes planted in the basements after weakening with militarized, nano-thermate cutting charges (and the spectrometry evidence of dust samples confirms this).


Israel had the motive, because they want the U.S.A. engaged in the Middle East to support Israel’s security and existence (as Trump has carried out by officially recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s). There is a much deeper global elite pulling the major strings on this puppet world. They created Bitcoin and when their plan for world domination with Bitcoin


I recently also argued to Jim as cited in my blog End of democracy and a Civil COLD War approaches that there’s no realistic chance for restoration of a monarchy anytime soon in the whole of the U.S.A.. And that Americans are better off thinking about how to return to our roots of benevolent, decentralized fiefdoms aka manorialism. Jim et al’s rebuke was that without a centralized patriarchy then our manors will be defenseless. It’s essentially summed up in his blog criticizing Libertarian anarchists. Indeed if we’re not willing to endure extreme asceticism and walk with nothing to following Jesus, then we are subject to practical matters as to how to defend private property and organize society. Pragmatically […] We must embrace China as our centralized patriarchy for the time being until after the West has self-destructed, i.e. Jim’s own The strong horse and the weak horse point applies. Why mire ourselves in the coming decades of Western decline and separatism battles between a divided electorate?


I posted a comment on Jim’s blog which is awaiting his approval as the moderator:

I’m not namefagging.

Jim, when are you going to realize I won our debate and correct your myopia?

You’re referred to in my blogs. Note I agree with and have supported most of your core tenets, except for our major disagreement about the Big Picture behind the curtain.

And why were you the first person to respond to Satoshi […] where he announced Bitcoin? Are you a pysops disinformation agent?

Please answer and not censor.

I will not belabor the point. I only want to read your answer. Please do correct me. I will read with an open mind.

Discussion at Jim’s blog ensued.

I replied:

Jim replied:

I replied:

Jim replied:

I replied:

Jim, I’ll be ready to fight if I’m not too old, when we can win. My weakness is being too brave and willing to fight (the damn Cherokee genetics I guess), not vice versa. I’ll keep an eye on Trump’s draining of the swamp, and keep one foot in the USA in case opportunity beckons.

In the meantime, Soros is pissed off that the Chinese patriarchy is succeeding. So perhaps it’s best to align with that strong horse for the time being and keep my head below the tall poppies in their sphere.

P.S. I’m writing a blog about Angeles City where I am at the moment. Seems this might be the one of the sweet spots. Mindanao has been a pita. Will be interesting also to observe what happens with Australia. Thanks for allowing the dialogue.

Mindanao is great, aside from the small problem that Muslims are apt to blow one up or abduct one. I was in Davao when Mayor Rodrigo Duterte made the place safe, and considerably less corrupt, and it was very nice. What did you find wrong with it?

I also first visited Davao in 1994 just after the San Pedro Cathedral had been bombed.

Back then Davao was a paradise but now with development the traffic has become a pita. A coastal road is being constructed which may alleviate for a while, but they’ll [not] stay far ahead of insatiable demand for vehicles. Overpopulation is a drag.

Massive infrastructure projects are planned for Davao, and so I expect this means torn up roads, snarled bumper-to-bumper traffic, mud everywhere, etc.. Which is what I’ve been observing lately under the “Build, Build, Build” program. I’d rather leave while they upgrade Davao and come back in a decade when they’re done.

Additionally Davao is boring. No nightlife. Nothing is Americanized. Can’t even find Chicken Strogonoff or a sports bar that displays the American college football and NFL games. No decent Mexican nor Thai food either. Angeles City has all these because of the former U.S. airbase here. Some 800,000 filipinos here in Angeles with American fathers. So you can see some cuties with American genetics. I am tired of living in a backwater locale with nothing to do other than the Internet.

Also C. and N. Luzon are a few degrees cooler. I am active in outdoor sports so the equatorial heat wears me down. I find it to be a breezier and less humid up north here in Angeles.

The idyllic climate I would choose in Mindanao would be Manolo Fortich. There’s just so many problems lurking such as jealous neighbors, greedy local govt officials, corrupt police, roaming kidnap for ransom gangs, Abu Sayaf, NPA, etc.. Your neighbor can decide to produce charcoal inundating you will smoke. Or run their karaoke so loud you can’t hear yourself talk in your living room. The larger your investment (i.e. if you want a large land area to protect from neighborly misconduct), the more of a target you are.

Tagalogs seem to be more educated and respectful. In the SM Clark mall, 3 times I bumped into someone because of my blinded right eye, and they all profusely apologized to me. I was shocked. In Mindanao they get pissed at me when they cut me off and run into me because I can not see them coming on my right side.

Mindanao was historically a place where every man had several knives strapped to his body. There’s a reason the Americans had to slaughter the Muslim women and children in 1906. The Muslims were using them as human shields and then conducting raids on farms.

Mindanao is a pita. Do not try to invest there as a white man.

Jim maybe you’re thinking of something along these lines?

Thanks for the discussion. I will probably go silent again for months or longer.

Angeles City is full of whores and thieves, and Filipino street food in Davao is great – fresh bread and lechon baboy.

Durian is indeed the King of Fruits. If you are hanging out in Angeles City’s little America with all the other Americans, you missed out on all the good stuff.

But if you are a white man in Mindanao without the appropriate social connection, you will likely get killed. I am mildly surprised you survived. Little America in Angelese city will indeed keep you alive.


Same old same old. We have been up and down this road for centuries.

After 27 years [my insanely brave, curious, experimentative and adventurous stay] in the Philippines, I believe it’s a reasonable assumption that there’s nothing in the Philippines I didn’t already experience.

Each of us have different preferences and priorities, which can change throughout our lifespan.

A stroll through SM Clark mall reveals that very likely not even ~5% of the female population of Angeles are whores. The “little America” (transitioning now to little Korea) enclave is well stocked with whores. Well depends on how you define a whore. By a strict definition, nearly every female on earth is a whore in these modern times wherein virtually no one marries a virgin. Jesus invested his ministry effort with the whores.

Philippines is a shithole in terms of infrastructure and low-trust society compared the glory days or yore in the West. But there’s some benefit here because of the resources Schelling point legacy of the American military’s former presence:

Running a software company from Angeles City because of the available infrastructure (i.e. including 100 Mbps fiber Internet), wouldn’t stop me from roaming around the Philippines on vacation.

Schelling points are a very important game theory concept. I believe Angeles city may be the best positioned of any other location in the Philippines for [a] tech hub.

The link quoted above details the ambitious plans for the New Clark City at the former Clark military base.

Although the New Clark City stadium was completed, typical Filipino mismanagement and shoddy construction work plagued preparations for SEA Games event.

Philippines in firing line over chaotic SEA Games build-up:

In one tweet, the Games’ slogan of “We Win as One”, was twisted into “Wiwi as One” to accompany a photo of one venue’s ladies’ room, where contractors had put two toilets in a single stall […]

Jim replied:

I replied:

[Shelby is] The one who declined to answer when I asked him about his current guns.

Self-defense is not a right. It’s something we will just do regardless when the stakes are high enough. In the Philippines, afaik we’re allowed to possess and deploy semi-automatic rifles in our homes for self-defense, which is already more permissive than Chile for example. In Latin America, it’s effectively illegal to use your gun for self-defense. And Chile may soon have a Marxist Constitutional change. California will soon if not already have less permissive gun rights than the Philippines.

I’m confident you agree that strategic thinking is more important than some gun right edicts from some illegitimate State. When the time is ripe, we’ll take up arms in the West and reestablish the homeland. I’m afraid we may need to stand by first and allow economic, societalcide creative destruction to open the necessary opportunity for it.

I’ll argue that strategically we’d be wise to help the societalcide collapse accelerate, rather than resist, so that the idiots won’t even have the organization to get around to taking our guns from every cold, dead hand. And the sooner we can accelerate to Madmax or civil war, the greater the percentage of the population which hasn’t kept up with the radical migration of the Overton window. The more shocking, extreme and devastating the lurch to the left, perhaps the more strong the reaction you want.

As I think you’ve alluded to in some blogs about history of left singularities, what we don’t want instead is decades or centuries slow slide of attrition into a Dark Age. IOW, strategically we want a horrific left singularity?!

Why would the Chinese patriarchs fear a restoration of Western patriarchy? Are we natural combatants and competitors? Must there be only one superpower in some more well considered future world? Would integrating into their system now help forge an interconnected future economy?

Do you in fact possess a semi automatic rifle in your home in the Philippines?

I’m no longer going to be in Mindanao. I recently sold everything (and any guns) currently living in short-term rentals out of two suitcases […] I thought I was headed back to the U.S.A. in January, but I’ve apparently changed my mind again. I have not visited the USA since 2006.

Because if you are in Mindanao, you are going to need it.

Can/will you share? Something worse than Marawi imminent? Or just the usual warlordism and roaming kidnappers?

Recently I visited Dahican Beach near Mati. A prominent national politician’s son has a beach house there. I was told some foreign lady was banned from the Philippines for taking photos of the DENR violations there. You know how it works in the Philippines. With the right connections, the law can be bent in your favor. When I was there in Dahican I climbed the mountain on the peninsula and was later told I was lucky I had not been abducted by Muslims there.

I have traveled all over Mindanao even in Maguindanao and Cotabato City for example. Mindanao is extremely dangerous. As I said I am too brave for my own good. I have even walked around in the mountains in these areas all alone at night and the local Datus thought I was missing a few screws upstairs. I have carried felled trees on my head for up to a kilometer up and down from the mountains to see if I was as strong as the natives (before I contracted the Tuberculosis and Dengue which has so messed up my liver).

Jim if you want to lose weight […] Eat only dinner as much food as you want but avoid fructose. Fast more than 18 hours a day. MSM will help you avoid hunger throughout the day and has numerous other positive health benefits. I dropped from 75 to 65 kg [which…] was my weight 30 years ago in my 20s.

Just the usual Muslim problem Same as it has ever been, but getting a little bit worse because Duterte’s health is failing.

Five percent Muslim is a crime problem, ten percent Muslim is a crime problem sometimes breaking into low level civil war, thirty percent Muslim is low level civil war sometimes breaking into high level civil war […]


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