The Code Red Wind Storm Forced Me to Switch to A Polycarbonate Green House

in #gardening7 years ago (edited)

Are you all having a great weekend? I hope so! Well... I am, just a bit busy than what supposed to be a lazy weekend.

Two days ago, my sleep was cut short because of the sound of something that fell hard. I shook my husband and told him I heard a noise and that he should check it out while I struggle to keep my eyes shut because I just want to continue that good dream I was having.

My husband went around the house while I tried getting back to sleep to no avail. The howling of wind was unusually weird - almost like that of a mini but powerful twister. I got up and put up the roll lock to check in on the back garden.

My husband just got back in the room and said, he saw nothing. I told him the table outside's blown away and am afraid it might be broken. I also asked him to check on the solar panels hoping they're still there.

He got himself ready to go out and I headed on making breakfast. As usual, I pushed the curtains aside and looked at the unusually quiet street.

Holy moly! The willow trees across the road were dancing as if they're sweeping the ground and so are the rest of the trees around as well as the lamps on the street.

My husband got back in and said everything else was okay so we went on our daily routine and even went out to our set appointment near Sonsbeek that day.

The storm was short and I heard the wind stop howling after lunch and didn't notice much damage around us till we switched the tv on to check out some comedy films and accidentally saw the news saying code red has caused much damage on several places so since we didn't really check what our garden looked like that night, I did the next day.

Yesterday, the sound of a saw woke me up in my sleep and it was from one of the neighbors of the next door's. Apparently, one of the trees in their garden fell off and luckily not on anyone's shed nor house. I was greeted by this when I opened the door to the garden. My husband told me about it the other night but I had no idea it looked this bad. That's the smaller green house.


However, this is what made me so worried. I got four pineapple plants growing inside it and this is a no no. Surely, those four must have shivered and felt forsaken the whole night.


All of the bubble wraps I put around it have been blown far away and the whole zipped door's totally torn!


Two small pots containing young golden kiwi plants fell on one of the adult pineapples. My heart broke a bit because I wasn't supposed to place this here but I was hoping they'd fruit last summer and placing them outside would mean leaving them there to make sure I don't let any pest in the house. The two younglings are fine so I just placed them in the mini box where I normally let seeds germinate cause it's sure warmer in there.


The other adult pineapple's pretty scorched, I could tell from its top leaves but it's fine. I tried pulling both of their top leaves but they' won't budge so they're okay. I just cut the broken leaves off.


I had to no other choice but to buy a new green house and this time am getting one that's made of polycarbonate. Why not glass? It's not advisable after the hailstones the size of our fists sometime in July a few years ago.

Forecast says we're expecting snow and ice so I just duck taped the whole old one and squeezed the pop up green house in there and just put the bubble wrap around it to make sure the citrus and pineapples in there feel warm during the nights while am waiting for the new one to be delivered and get assembled.

This weekend, am supposed to prepare my veggie seeds and am actually pretty late for some of them but I will have to wait again.

Oh well, at least this time this one's promising to last longer than 3 years and it's got a window on the roofing ideal for my bee friends since they all tend to fly upwards when trapped in the old green house.

I can't wait to get my hands on it!

Last night, we got mail saying there's much damage in the place where our veggie garden is and I can't wait for tomorrow to pay it a visit. Am glad that we hid the peeps advice there to take out all of the other green house and veggie tunnels we have there. Surely, they would have gone astray to someone else's veggie garden had we not.

We're pretty lucky cause some people lost their homes and properties from the windstorm and those who went to work on bikes were even blown away. We haven't had anything like this back then. I think last time we've been warned it was all Code Orange and I used to kid my husband the storms here are like tickles compared to what we go through on a yearly basis in the Philippines. I guess the only worst part is the fact that it's too cold.

We heard it's moving elsewhere so in case it's passed by your part of the earth, stay safe and have a great weekend!

This content's 100% mine. I took these pics with my Nikon D3400 + AF-P NIKKOR 18-55mm(with flash)and tinkered on its filter that's why they all look like that .

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I understand you, my friend. These days in my terrace flies everything: vases, chairs, ... hopefully pass quickly ...

oopsss is it going your way?
stay safe it's almost a baby twister
uprooted and broke so so many trees here

O.o I am glad to see that you are ok, that was some storm!
In my place I can say that we are a little bit protected againts red storms.
We still have them but to a smaller extent...
PS: The photo quality of that camera is amazing, a must have item.


it seems that it was just here?
weird ain't it
am glad to see you around btw
I love my D Eye :D, yes! but I still prefer my phones :D

So sorry this happened. Your young plants are still insufficiently strong for such hurricanes. I also always upset if something happens to my plants. I hope that You will be able to protect them from unpleasant consequences. In our difficult climate, the polycarbonate is more secure than the coating film. But we have no strong hurricanes. I wish You a nice weekend!

thanks you too!

The terrible storm, we're all grieving over this tragedy. In this life, there is a cheerful moment and happy but there are also times when it takes a tough struggle because conditions become difficult and full of challenges. let us make the tragedy it as momentum or lesson. we must have a positive attitude in seeing what happens in our lives. maybe the calamity that befell us and the family makes us suffer the fear in the face of this ordeal. So let us help the disaster victims as best we can because no matter how small the aid will prove invaluable for the lives of the survivors. We hope that this tragedy will bring good. :)

you know that's funny, I told my hubby .. okay, now that the disaster's here
who's going to help the NL?
the NL is very very helpful and supportive at sending financial, manpower and all kind of aids for disasters all over the world but now that their own peeps have had it would the world do the same to them? Not heard of any voluntarily aid for those who lost their properties anywhere from even nearby countries but when anywhere in Asia gets hit with a storm or somewhere in a third world country the whole world goes gaga asking for donations.. such a funny funny world we have ain't it?

Nice snap,👍

It was a nasty storm, not as bad overhere as overthere at your place. Hope the polycarbonate greenhouse will stand the all-weather test.

Have a great weekend!

yeah! it was!
but it was okay here
the other cities had worse - I saw in utub
you three too! have a great weekend!

It is about making you think from a different perspective..
It is about writing without any expectations of UPVOTES..
Excellent post good analyses thanks for sharing.

Good Point!!! The Law Of Attraction!

i always follow you sir.....images (18).jpg

Ouch, sad to hear your property has been hit by the storm aswell. It was pretty scary here inside our cabin and I eventually moved over to my boyfriend's father's house, just to feel safe in a brick home. A wooden crate did fall over against the cabin, but luckily it didn't break anything. One of our neighbour's signs broke though.

It was a pretty nasty storm! The upside is that it gave us some more wood for the woodstove I guess...

in Eindhoven, too or you've moved?
glad you're safe

yes, we got lotza freebie logs for the fireplace for next year
they have to dry first haha

Oh, nah I used to live in Assen, but I recently moved to live closer to Zwolle. From what we've seen during our trip up to Assen this weekend, the weather there was a little less crazy.

Yeah! The wood here is all still lying in the open. We live at my boyfriend's dad's property now and I'm not sure how he usually handles this stuff. We'll have to ask him soon and offer our help :D

aw! zwolle is near here
you're in the chat sometimes?
perhaps you and your bf could join us in the btc meet up
though am not sure I could attend all of them
Is it alright to leave you a PM in the chat when there's such an event?

Yeah, maybe we could! I'm in the chat sometimes and if not, I'll get an e-mail about any PM send to me, so I'll notice it :D

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