TIL: 🐿 _It Wasn't a Deaf Squirrel_🐿

in #til6 years ago (edited)

If you happen live in an area where squirrels are commonplace, you've no doubt noticed how they can fluff-up their tail so that it swirls around in the wind.

I witnessed this today at lunch time while walking in a local park. The squirrel was perched in the crook of a tree and its tail had that characteristic swirl-effect going due to the afternoon breeze.

But as I approached ever closer the squirrel failed to scurry away, as almost always happens.

I got so close to it that I knew this squirrel must have heard me, but yet it still didn't move, just its tail blowing in the breeze.

Could it be that I've encountered a deaf squirrel? Well, that's what I was thinking until I was practically right next to it.

And as I walked right up to it, I couldn't help notice that it had the most perfect squirrel tail I've ever seen!!! Or was it???


All images (except as noted) @cognoscere and taken on Thursday February 8th, 2018 in Central New Jersey (Sony RX-100 V)


rofl!!!This made my day!!! You got me. You really got me!!!! Great photo of the real squirrel however.

Ding, ding, ding, we have another lucky winner!!!
I was wondering how long it would take 😉

hahaha....I saw the replies and scratched my head.

what in the world?!?!?!? LOLOL did they just not see the last photo???? hahahahahahaha i swear - this i how i will know that i have ARRIVED in steemit LOL when i have enough reputation (and/or power/steem/wealth/fame) to make readers come to my posts and COMMENT ON THINGS THEY DON'T BOTHER READING!!!!! i swear to you @countrygirl - the day this happens - i'm making a big fancy post about how i know I've make my TRUE mark on steemit. LOLOLOL geez louise. @cognoscere.... i also read it all the way to the end. fabulous hat. hahahahahaha

THE best. I think he deserves an award. I like the idea of making a post about it. You should read a couple of the last ones too. lol

So funny... at first I thought I was loosing it!

ohhhhhh i read them all LOLOL. (you know me - i live in the comment section hehehehe that's where all the GOLD is LOL)

I think it is all in terminology and location as to the innuendos. For example and you’re going to like this one in the US a fanny pack is the small bag that sits around your waist on your rear end. Now in the UK it means something completely different although in close proximity only in the female gender so i am so glad you didn’t say you did what you did there otherwise i would have been dying from laughter

I'm reading your comments on multiple posts... Lolol was this meant to be a comment from a different post???? I'm lost... But it IS 3:43 am and I've been up for 90 min lololol sleep!!!! why must thou elude meeeeee?

Well in fact it could work on either post just as well lol. Well you need to get some sleep i think if its nearly 4 am lol I am UTC +3 so now it is 15:30 here i take it you’re on PST i figured you must have been on a weird time zone seems like your 11 -12 hrs behind (excuse the pun) 😂😂

Lol I will try to go back to sleep soon hehehe
So you're in the same time zone as Moscow? Is that right?

First capture is perfect , beautiful squirrel

I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. I was like: "is that squirrel eating a sock or something?" Good one @cognoscere!

Wooow! awesome photography thanks for sharing it keep it up
i wish you all the best god bless you

that's the moment of the day hahah love it those shots really made it even amazing

@cognoscere wow nice post & great article & nice photography thank sir

I guess it wasn't that the squirrel was deaf but rather that it was just showing off. If I had a tail like that I would probably stay still and let people take pictures of me too.

@countrygirl... i vote this as the best comment LOLOLOLOL

Such a fantastic photography. They are pretty cute.

Awesome photography dear
Keep posting and thanks for sharing it

Awesomely taken beauty capture and well explained @cognoscere.
Appreciate your effort to provide steemit.

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