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RE: 26 day detox: Day 2 - coffee, anyone ;)

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

OMG! I don't know you yet, but I love you already! You're hilarious. I'm also kinda-sorta on a detox program myself. And the coffee has been involved. But, I've fallen off the wagon for the last 5 weeks, but your posts are helping light the fire again. Thank you! Question: even though I was told to get organic coffee and grind them as needed, I went with the cheapest possible... have you compared the good stuff with the cheap stuff? If so, notice any difference?


Oh my gosh!!!! I love funny comments cuz I will laugh all day long at my own expense lol

But this is my first REAL question for detox help!!!! Woo hoooooo!!!

So first off... I'm not a detox expert but I play one on TV!

Secondly... Really, take my advice with a grain of salt.

Thirdly... My husband is the research king! He found this coffee especially formulated for enemas! (But dreemsteem? They have such a thing??? Well, they also have coffee from cats' butts, too, so........)

I will send you the link. (In the next comment ... Gotta grab the link!) We got a kit with the "Uranus" salve 😉, some essential oils (sometimes I used, sometimes I didn't), a special soap(used sometimes... I wanted to see the difference. I was my own guinea pig), Celtic salt, (Only hubby did this cuz it required 3 separate enemas and who has time for that!?!?!?) and the special coffee for the process.

Let's keep chatting!!! And I'm so excited that my blog lit a fire under you... Just keep the flame away from your tenders! 😂😂😂😂

That was easy!!! Here ya go @coachjj

But please only do what you have researched yourself and feel comfortable with! Lol really... Even between me and my hubby... I'm like.... "Um no. I'm not doing that."

Also I didn't use chlorophyll capsules cuz if you saw my other post... 2 gallons of green juice? I have enough chlorophyll, thanks! I'm practically a tree! 😂

I think I did feel more of that lymph drainage using this particular coffee?? But who knows. Maybe it's just placebo effect?? Lol

The more I did the coffee, the less I felt the drainage too... So??? I like to try lots of things. And then go with the least expensive option of the highest quality stuff! :)

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll check out the link. It's great to connect with people who have common interests. I learned quickly that people form interesting opinions about you when you mention the use of coffee enemas. Lol. How great to have your husband on board!

You're so welcome! You saw the link right? 😊 It was in a separate comment.

And my hubby... Oh my gosh. Talk about laughter with our first attempts. I'm surprised we were successful at all!!! He's a funny guy!!

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