Guess Who? The Tempest Papers, Letters from a Boat Cat in the Bahamas

in #funny6 years ago


Another letter from Tempest today... Tempest was our boat cat while we lived on a sailboat from Florida through the Bahamas, Turks & Caicos and The Dominican Republic. She wrote letters back home to her other humans to let them know how she was doing.



Dear Paris,
Hello, its me again. I suppose I don't have to keep pointing that out. I mean who else is writing to you regularly? Not these useless humans (and they have fingers and everything. You should see what a pain in the ass it is to type with paws the size of mine and no thumbs whatsoever. I swear I spend more time deleting mistakes than even getting words out in the first place. I guess in that sense its good that I am a cat, since I have fuck all else to do all day.)
That last paragraph took me so long that I forgot what I was planning to write about today. Oh well, probably nothing terribly interesting. I did take an incredibly big shit yesterday, but as usual, your father threw it away. I suppose since you're a human as well, you probably don't find it anymore interesting than he does, but I was totally impressed. I think Elephant was impressed as well, but she's being pissy again lately, so of course she wasn't about to give me praise over doing something amazing.
That being said, I think its time to visit the toilet box again.
Queen of the boat pets, Overlord of the floating Castle of 11 Purple Monkeys, Defecator Extroidanaire.
P.S. Your mom tried to take a photo of me on the back deck... I foiled her plans with my ninja skills! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA




Read Previous Tempest Letters:


Letter One: Stupid Human Tricks

Letter Two: Training Humans to Sleep

Letter Three: Catching a Monster!

Letter Four: The B*tch, Cinnamon

Letter Five: I’m a Contortionist!

Letter Six: The Cat Father: Kicking A$$ & Taking Names

Letter Seven:Throwback Thursday, Learning to Swim for My Life

Letter Eight: That #$%& Dog Wants to be my BFF

Letter Nine: I Wish Your Mom was as Dumb as The Dog!

Letter Ten: Throwback Post, How Tempest Came to be a Part of the Family With Bonus Kitten Video!


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Love that cat, what attitude!

Humans really need to find out more about cat feelings, after all having a great big dumper is something to be proud of, especially if there are no mice around to play with.

Ha! Good point :) Thanks for the comment!

First tempest post i read..and i liked it!
Nice work :)

That cat certainly has a fine personality

Great fun! It's awesome to see the world through a cat's eyes! There's nothing better than a good shit!

Right??? Sometimes you have to celebrate the more seemingly mundane things in life! :)

Awww. I love Tempest!!! especially enjoy her sarcasm, because it does sound like a 'snobbish'cat as she does her cat walk. Thanks for the entertaining post, @byn! I'm coming by often for Tempest!! (and of course for your other great posts) 😁

You are so awesome and supportive. Thank you so much for this! I needed the encouraging words tonight!

Heys no problem. Love and hugs to you, hope ya doing alright 💞🌷💝

The chlorine in fresh tap water irritates sensitive parts of the cat's nose. Let tap water sit for 24 hours before giving it to a cat.

Tempest sounds like quite an interesting companion and she writes an awesome letter! LOL!

Tempest, you're funny, I hope you can continue writing despite your uncomfortable nails.

She's the cutest with a strong personality!

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