The Cat Father, Kicking A$$ & Taking Names: The Tempest Papers, Letters From a Boat Cat

in #humor6 years ago (edited)

Another letter from Tempest to finish up our weekend "Cat"ch up ;) Haha, see what I did there? I'm so punny.

Of course I am sick as a dog. Ugh, that wasn't intended, but yeah, I'm going to blame it on the NyQuil!

Anyway, here is the rest of the weekend dose of The Tempest Papers:


Dear Paris,
That bitch Cinnamon and I made up (I'm just using the term in a technical, descriptive way this time.)
Yes, really. We're the best of friends. This morning she attacked me out of nowhere and I kicked her ass like the ninja that I am. Now she cowers in my presence and that works much better for me. I might let her attack me every morning, just for a refresher course.
Look at that photo. She's a mess. A MESS. Cowering in her little bed. Yeah, she knows who's boss.


AND Look at this. Tiberius knows I’m boss, too. You
can see it on his pretty (but somewhat stupid) face!
I am the CAT FATHER!
Kicking ass & taking names,
Queen of the pets, Overlord of the floating castle,
Champion wrestler Extraordinaire

Background Paper Source (all other photos are mine)

Read Previous Tempest Letters:


Letter One: Stupid Human Tricks

Letter Two: Training Humans to Sleep

Letter Three: Catching a Monster!

Letter Four: The B*tch, Cinnamon

Letter Five: I’m a Contortionist!



Quite funny. The cat father is really in charge. Tiberius looks befuddled. 😂

Right? Tiberius never quite knows what to think about the cats, ever. He desperately wants to be friends, but they don't want anything to do with him.

Thanks for the comment!

😂 He wants to be part of the gang. I can feel his confusion. No problem, it was a funny post. Real nice.

Awww I love the cat boss!!! (Love the imaginary thoughts you came out with!) Somehow I'm more a cat lover than dog. But Tiberius is a good looking dog too! :)

Edward Lear, author of \The Owl and the Pussycat\"", is said to have had his new house in San Remo built to exactly the same specification as his previous residence, so that his much-loved tabby, Foss, would immediately feel at home."""

Just want to let you know that I really enjoy reading these. Your animals are amazing.

Thank you! I really enjoy this little foray into the world of animals as well :)

Lol that is one tough cat. Hope you shake off that nasty cold. Mine is finally on amends after 2 weeks.

Oh my lawd, I hope this doesn't hang on that long. I already feel like I'm going nuts sleeping so much! I'm glad you're starting to feel better!!!

Thank you. :-) It was horrible. Am lucky that I didn't pass it on to my son. Been loading him up on vit c and wiping everything down with lysol wipes.

My married daughter got it a month ago and then her two toddlers got it. I thought we'd missed it, and hoping it isn't that bad AND that I don't give it to anyone else in this house. We're all taking a lot of immune boosting crap and I guess I'm crossing my fingers.

The weather just needs to warm up now. Am so ready for Spring/Summer.

Oh my word, YES. I am SO tired of gloomy-cold and now rainy weather. I need the reviving of spring!

But--but The Dogfather would be a great character to come along (as a stray, perhaps, assuming no mutiny on the Tempest) and put this impudent cat in his place!

Haha! So right! If only the dogs in this family weren't such pushovers! :)

Fantastic comment, thank you for the smile!

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