This is why I love going back home! Suupertasty vegan breakfast ready right after I woke up :)

in #foodmodel6 years ago


Once kids get old enough it's kinda hard to spend with parents more than couple of days in a row. It's vert weird behaviour which can be seen over and over again among humans :D But on the other side, being away from home for several weeks/months and both sides start to miss each other tremendously.


Soo I went home

Yepp, I've spent last weekend back home in Slovakia. And maan, I felt like a fucking prince :D My mum took care of me as if I just returned from the tour around the world on bike or something hah :D

Saturday morning

As I've already written in this post from yesterday, I got pretty wasted on Friday. Means, I woke up around 10ish on Saturday. Weird enough, my hangover was not that bad - and my mum took "advantage" of it.

Breakfast for the hangover king

She made breakfast for me. But not this typical fast breakfast for stinky drunken son. But a real treat. Just check it out!


It had aaabsolutely everything! What caught my eyes first were of course avocados. Everyone loves avocados! (@macchiata :P). But as I reached my hand to take a piece, my still totally wasted eyes saw something behind them. This amazing potato garlic bread!! This next pic is also a submission to @iamjadeline and her #foodmodel competition. Details are HERE.


So far so good! I have this fresh still warm garlic bread and avocadooo. And then. She opens this bowl full of something....well, that something turns out to be - homemade fresh HUMMUS!! Wooohoooo, who's got the best mum on planet Earth?!?


And I was about to start eating, my mum shouted! There's nothing like a voice of a teacher who's used to fight with tens of students daily. The respect coming out of that voice is just too strong. Especially for a drunk fuck as I was that morning :D

MUM: "Stoooooop!!! You forgot the veggies!!!"
ME: ""Ok mum, sorry sorry, I'll wash the dishes, I bad"


When I thought, this morning feast is really about to go down, mum pulled out yet another weird bowl in front of me. And as he opened it, I was left speechless...I don't know what the name of these is, but I know they are toootally totally healthy. If any of you could help me with the name, I'd be suuperthankful!


It was hard to find some extra place on the table and I was also thinking if there's enough place in my stomach. Just hours ago, I was downing beers as if there was no tomorrow.


I know what you're probably asking now...

"Hey Martin, what are those green pills on your plate"

It's spirulina. It has soo many benefits it would take another separate post to talk about it. Maybe next time. For now I'll just link you to some external source. Here you go.

Breakfast 1 : 0 Hangover

I was really afraid what this will do to me. But maaaan, it was soo delicious my hangover got his ass kicked and slapped! One double espresso on top of this and I was absoluuutely ready to kill the day as if I went to bed at 10pm :) And on top of that, it was vegan! I hope @evecab sees this! :)

Thanks for reading!

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Your mom is a sweetheart :) And I must say WOW - hummus and avocado from your mom? Very modern ;)

I might be one of a few people in the world who dislike avocados :D I can have it from time to time but I can't say that I enjoy it.

These are alfalfa sprouts. They are quite expensive here and I'm sure in Austria as well but you can easily grow them. It costs no effort and you get a LOT of them. Check out sprouting on google.

Great breakfast! Today I had to wake up at 6:30 which I'm not used to anymore as I'm going to get the tires on my car changed and I would need such breakfast now :)

alfalfa sprouts? At first I thought you wanted to write just alfa...but you're right. Wow! Never heard of those! Cool stuff, I learned something...altho I'd like them to be called just alfa. So by eating them, I'd be more alpha (male) myself haha :D

Wow so you're vegan and do not like avocados?? Unheard of haha :D Avocado recipes are the biggest weapon to lure meat eaters to the other side haha :D

Sorry I was late to check this as been running busy with my children who are not well plus other commitment. Thank you for participating and will announce winners soon. :)

By the way, you really have the best mum on earth. I have never tried the potato garlic before and it is really looking super duper yummy! Can I have a bite please... :p

Ohh no, not the kiddo problems again :/ Ijust yesterday commented on your tube changing video :/ You're the bravest mum ever!

It will be quite often the kiddos. He is a special child with special need. I am used to it in a way. Still find life is challenging. Okay here you go. The winners'post. Haha. Spam your post with link. Lol

Oh my mouth is watering as I’m reading this!!!! This looks so good!!!

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HAh it was indeed totally delicious :))

Beer is vegan nephew. I am proud of you.

Also there is nothing like quick trips home to be mothered again. You never grow out of that.


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Hahah happy that I'm not the only person who still secretly enjoys it so much :D

Jesus.. This looks soooooo good! Really envy you for that one, ha!

Hah cured hangover in a second :D

@matkodurko, Parents are really next level gift from the Almighty Father because everyone will change but parents will not, no matter if children are changed or children left them they will hold the same love and same care and in my opinion after growing up many people forget this and they behave harshly in my opinion. Hope that for sure you've enjoyed the foodie stuff.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed 🙂

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Yepp, we forget it, true. But then again, if seperated for a long time, we tend to remember more :)

Have a great time ahead. 🙂

Loooks delicious 😋😊 Mama’s hotel - always five star 😁⭐️⭐️

Hahah Mama Hotel chain :D Sooo true! In every town in the world!

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Thank you guysss! :)

I don't like avocados, for example!
But they are healthy, so I force them in from time to time, but unfortunately I don't really enjoy them. I like to throw them into the mixxer for my smoothies, where I don't taste the flavour anymore xD

I don't know what the name of these is, but I know they are toootally totally healthy.

It looks like cress, but it looks a little different. But since your mama put it on your plate, it will be good and healthy :D

"Hey Martin, what are those green pills on your plate"

Spirulina is very healthy and also extremely high in protein. Especially the vegans can access protein here very well. I think that was about 60% protein. Excellent!
But I must confess that I have never had the pleasure. I have to see where I can buy it. Even Rich Roll swears by it!

It's called alfalfa sprouts. @delishtreats gave me the English lesson this morning :D Also, you two guys are literally the only 2 people who I know and don't like avocados. It was my pleasure to help you two meet hah :D

Hahaha, thank you for introducing @booster916 to me :) It's nice to know another person from the avocado haters club :D

You can get spirulina in any health store or order it online. I prefer the powder as I can add it to my smoothies or meals that I want to turn green :) BTW, blue spirulina is even cooler. It's very expensive but having blue food is like doing some magic :D

I have looked at some things on the internet.
I think I would rather take the capsules because they are easier to dose and require less effort.

They seem to have many healthy properties, but that doesn't convince me. For vegans it might be a superfood, but as an omnivore in Europe I have enough better alternatives with domestic fruits, vegetables, legumes and meat to cover vitamin B, iron and protein.

Especially with protein it gets critical mmn. You only consume 10-15g a day as far as I have read. Let's let the 10g be protein per day. That is nevertheless only 10% of the total requirement.

I am always critical of these courted superfoods and always like to look at many sources and many opinions. Unfortunately Spinulina could not convince me here.

It's true! Whenever I go back home, my mom will cook me something delicious. Have fun there!

Hah already back in Innsbruck :D but thx!

oh what a sort trip! well now you can make your own avocado!

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