Krakow old city centre tour :) My one day in Poland WITHOUT a SteemFest ticket

in #travelfeed6 years ago (edited)


2 days ago, I've arrived to Krakow for my short SteemFest experience. Apart from meeting couple of people, I hoped to check out the city as well. And little did I know the latter will be checked before I even check in at my appartment. Follow me on my quest of Finding an appartment and enjoy the beautiful vibe the old city centre offers :) I certainly did!


My plane from Vienna landed at 1am. But with all the husle, bus ticket machine and VISA card struggle, I got to the city at 4pm. The bus itself took an hour which was pretty surprising. So as I started to walk in the direction of my AirBnb, the golden hour has just started :) And boy, was it offering beautiful scenery :)


After not even 2 minutes of walking, I saw first of many many blue corner shops selling typical Polish pastry called Obwarzanki. I'm actually not sure if it's typical just for Krakow or Poland in general, but I immediately remembered my last time in Krakow and that my parents kept feeding me this delicious "bread" all the time. So of course I grabbed one this time as well. You can read more about it here :)


As I was chewing down on my treat, soo many beautiful churches started to appear. I was pretty surprised how bad my memory is as I've visited this city 2 times already and I didn't remember it to be as beautiful as it indeed is.


As you can see on the map, Krakow city centre is “fortified” by a park. I totally love this peaceful message and find it kinda symbolical :)

Build parks, not walls!



Anyway, when I've suddenly reached the park, I knew I'm getting close. On the other side, my feet were starting to feel it, as I just had a hard sprint session just yesterday.


I made it through the green fortification and now was succesfully in the centre. Towers and old architecture everywhere! What was very nice and symbolical was Pope John Paul II “greeting” everyone right “on arrival”


Btw, I'd be also cleaning my window daily if it would be on such public display right next to Pope's mosaic near the town gate :P


And the centre was indeed stunning. As I've already mentioned, pieces of history on every corner. I had no idea what the story behind all those magnificient churches was, but I'm sure there is a good reason why they were soo big.



As I was getting close to this church, I had noo idea this amazing cathedral is hiding on the left. Just couple of meters and suddenly it revealed itself in the full beauty in the late afternoon sunshine.


The church next to it suddenly looked almost scary. Left behind, in the shadows, while the catherdral was enjoying all the tourists eyes and was showing off in the warm autumn sunbeams.

Back to original mission!

I was getting lost just aimlessly wondering around and enjoying the vibe. But hey! I'm on a mission of meeting fellow Steemians here. I can't get sidetracked now, when I've already made it so far!


Time was ticking and it was getting darker and colder. Time to move on! So I went thru the rest of the square with head down, not paying attention to any of those architectural masterpieces. Mission, mission, mission...


Almost there...

And than, after another grueling 10 minutes of walk (my legs were already really roasted by this point), I've arrived to the street I was looking for!


Now, just the number needs to be a 36 and not 9. So close!


This was sadly just number 25 :/ I wish this one was the one. Well, maybe I step up my blogging game here on Steemit and palaces like this won't be out of question anymore :D

Anyway, couple of minutes more and I've succesfully arrived to Royal Kakow Aparments!!


And now, waiting game till @phortun arrived was upon me. Took a nap and once he arrived, we headed in the direction of Qubus Hotel, where all the magic (and sometimes whale hunting :P) was going on :D

Next day and the originally planned sightseeing

Next day we woke up and once @phortun decided his need to puke ain't that bad and he won his fight with his hangover, we headed back to the centre.


As you can see, pidgeons are not taking over just in Venice but in Krakow as well.


Legend of 2 brothers

Probably the main dominant building of the main square is this church. It's hard not to notice the difference between its 2 main towers. The legend says that two brothers were building the church together. The younger one realized his decision-making power is not that big, so he killed his older brother and decided to build one tower higher and in different style. Legend of two towers in greater detail is described here



Haha sorry I just deleted the picture where the top of the tower was included :D So posting this one instead as I have no other choice :D

After checking off visiting the main square from the to-do list, hangover and fatigue from yesterday started to hit on us. We eventually found a nice quiet square, sat down on the warm wooden benches and talked. I've had some nice time and discussions with @phortun and want to just say thx for it :)

Mandatory souvenirs for @liltammy

Then @phortun realized that Tammy would kill him if he won't bring home some nice magnets. Soo off we went, to hunt down some of the best pieces :)



On our way to the shops, we passes also this absolutely beautiful building of some polish theatre. I have to proudly say that despite @phortun is much more accomplished photographer, I was the one to find the best spot/angle on this one! Haha :D


The most enjoyable moment came in the very end

As the departure of our bus was getting closer and closer, we sat down at this tiny square and just continued talking. I don't know if it was the vibe, warmth of the sun or maybe caffeine kicking in (yeah I'm totally addicted :D ) but I was totally enjoying sitting here and talking about life in metropolitan cities vs rural areas and much more. Once again, thx to @phortun for being a great listener as well as offering several interesting ways of looking on stuff or life.


As we were talking a cool young couple of street performers started to play guitar and sing and I've decided to give them my last change which I originally planned to use for another coffee. I was thinking...

”Do something good for the others instead of thinking about your own well being”

Haha it's all nice and sounds good, but I was running all over bus stop 30 minutes later, looking for a place where to buy coffee with a card :D And on this funny note, I'm going to end up my talking about our tiny trip to Steemfest with @phortun. It was a cool one and hopefully we'll have a chance to do it again next year!

Also thx to @evecab, @el-cr, @mrprofessor, @for91days and @abh12345 for finding a time for us despite we weren't official SteemFest attendees! It was much appreciated and refreshing as I've witnessed some other barely giving us a second as they were way too busy blowing smoke up the ass some “important” people :D

Thanks for reading! Matko.

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So.. you are there but not for the steemfest? Well.. worth it anyway 😉 @matkodurko 😄 thanks for showing us how beautiful Krakow is 😊..

nope I've already came back, it was just one day there, check the last pic :D

And I mean, we went to the festival as the first day was kinda unofficial, but we didnt get all the badges and promotional stuff for official attendees.

Thank you for bring us for a day walk around a bit of Krakow.
Enjoy it!

Hah I'm already back home as you can see in the last pic :) But it was a nice trip!

Hahaha... I enjoyed it at least!

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Ouyeahhh :D :) Thx haha :D

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Dear @matkodurko,

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Oh hell yeah! I totally missed this comment of you guys :)) Made me happy right now, can't wait for that project to come to fruition! :)

Oops, our comment isn't that eye catching? We will have it upgrade with a big badge or something :) Awesome, looking forward to have more of your stories included. Steem on and thanks @matkodurko!

Hiya, @livinguktaiwan here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made the Honorable mentions list in today's Travel Digest #365.

Please drop by to check out all the rest of today's great posts and consider upvoting the Travel Digest if you like what we're doing.

Woo thanks :) Gonna check it out :)

Juj, to je pekný report, Matko! :) Fotky, text - celé to máš fajne spísané;)
btw. prvé čo som sa pýtala @phortuna, či si "internetový válečník" :D a že neni si, tak mi odľahlo :D

Hahahha :D...a ci som cudak si sa tiez pytala? :D

I have a feeling that I know this place, and I also have a feeling that I know you. \o\

Hahha there might be something into it :D

"...and now, waiting game till @phortun arrived was upon me. Took a nap and once he arrived, we headed in the direction of Qubus Hotel..."

Hahaha, I am missing some info here :DD But it is ok man - I had a great time hanging out with you and the other amazing people you mentioned in the post ;) We had a blast! Thanks for being my travel buddy on this trip, it was a pleasure :) Btw I was also surprised how beautiful city Krakow actually is :)

no idea what info is missing :DD

A fantastic travel story, and packed with beautiful pictures! Looks like Krakow is the center of the world at the moment here on Steemit :)

Hah thx, I probably enjoyed the city more than the actual Steemfest tho :D might be it's just cuz I wasn't the official attendee tho :)

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