An Almost 100% Organic Lunch Meal You Can Pay with A BTC in The Former First BTC Capital of The World

in #food6 years ago (edited)


Have you ever had an almost 100% organic lunch in a homey resto and paid with a btc? Asking that doesn't feel as proud as I used to. Perhaps, it's because of the fact that btc transaction fee costs too much you would want to say it's not worth using it specially now that the price has dropped. Perhaps, if it does make it to a 50k - if it ever does, who knows!!

The day my husband was feeling ill, I was suffering from a stiffed-neck so we went for a Tui Na massage and decided to have lunch in the city. Where else would you treat yourself of something healthy after getting your body pampered with a therapeutic massage? Of course, somewhere that serves good food and by that I meant all natural and nothing that sounds like a Science experiment.


Can you find the first post that shows what I had when I first came here? 25% upvote to the one who'd get that first.

EDIT : first post link's been given.

We were famished but they've served a lot this time. The bread was doubled, the cheese were two times more than last time and almost everything is just - MORE compared to the last time.


Almost everything that was served to us was organic and local. I love the fact that they left everything as natural as it is. I'm guessing the owners of this place are healthy eaters as well, they understand that those who often healthy have a very, very sensitive palate and that each vegetable and fruit has it's own taste, knowing which to combine with which means - there's no need to add too much taste enhancer.



The ones that are cooked are also kept to three ingredients and that's not a usual thing to have even here in the EU. I am a fan of such cooking and I love the fact that it's up to me to spin the pepper and salt on anything I feel like needs having it.


I also love the fact that nothing that is alive was pre-plucked nor pre-cut on the salad. The only fresh thing that was pre-sliced was the pear which I had first before eating the rest. The place was not abuzz so we were served immediately though the chef sliced everything right after the order was given.

Anything pre-sliced would mean - you're just eating fiber and less of all the nutrients you're supposed to get from all of those fruits and vegetables or worse - a dead veggie so I really appreciate that part a lot!


It was a healthy YUM moment and I had a homemade chocolate cake with my coffee which I forgot to take a pic of, just because I couldn't help myself from digging into it the moment it was served.

Here's something to give you a hint. Yes, it was a wet day.


Now, have you ever had an almost 100% organic lunch paid with a btc? TBH, No, I haven't. This one's also paid by a fiat valuta though this place still accepts btc. Hopefully, the people who came up with this awesome idea finds a way to use another crypto and perhaps, if Steem keeps mooning, it might stand a chance. If you ever go on a trip and get lost to the city of Arnhem and you're looking for something healthy to eat .. you'll thank the one who found the link to first post about this resto.


Is there any resto in your place that offers lunch or any meal that be paid in cryptocurrency? If yes, which crypto is it?

This content's 100% mine. I took all of the pic with my Samsung Galaxy A3, 2016 edition.

Here are my most recent posts: **TIP :
on posts that are old and have already been paid out. ONLY Upvote POSTS THAT ARE 6 DAYS OLD below to earn yourself curation rewards.

pssst!!! these have been paid out and won't earn you curation rewards anymore ;)

Submerged Haven and Finally Getting My Ducks in A Row
Ruffels, Seaslugs and Oyster Shells on Logs
Can You Goat Talk? Hell Yeah! Watch and Listen!
A Flowering Borage Plant In Winter
The Bulbs Are Awake

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Thank you for posting @englishtchrivy.

Lovely photographs of a lovely lunch....perhaps the finest one can have whilst recovering.

A massage followed by this delicious looking lunch sounds like a lovely day out.

Wishing you all the best mon ami.

Hope someone finds the previous post....would enjoy reading it again.

A bientot. ^__^

thank you mon ami

koskl found it :D

i wonder what's in that pot of the second looks like a souffle.

Q: Can you find the first post that shows what I had when I first came here?

A: this post

lo0ks like some really nice bread there too.

yep! a savory one :D

edit! well done @koskl!
there goes your 25% sorry I didn't click on the reply earlier on

thank you my dear. 🤓 💰

Woooo very good

Would love to be able to pay with Steem, Dogecoin or any other. The food was looking good by the way.

dat het Steem wordt Oaldamst!

Daar duimen we voor Ivy!

hopen maar dat Otto ons back up geef ;)

Vast wel. :-)

great story i think you are very foodyyyyy am i right?

thank you
yes :D !

I assume you were in Arnhem? Looks good execept for the cheese.. I can not stand cheese, eventhough im a kaaskop. :)

The only time i tried to order a pizza(i like melten cheees:) here in Middelburg didn;t went good. They didn;t recieve my btc and after 2 times i gave up I had to pay 50euro in total and still no pizza, the day after i got my money back.

oh I didn't eat any of those cheese
it's for the kaaskop I'm with haha
but even he didn't manage to finish all that
it's pretty much a lot

ouch .. that sucks .. there's a site that shows where they accept btc in The Hague
just look it up - we checked it when we gave our niece a btc gift which she wished she didn't splurge on cause that time btc was worth less than 1k

bitcoinstad zoeken dan zie je wel waar je pizza met btc kan eten
of beer :)

Looks good! Although, I'd be afraid to pay for anything in crypto at the moment and losing out on those earnings!

This looks awesome and so delicious.
And paying with cryptos possible? Double Jackpot!

it was!
now ... flushed haha
yes! it's been like this here for years :D

Just wanted to stop by and say "hi". (DON'T upvote that, FCOL) Those photos are so appetizing, I could get hungry right before bed. Especially the bread; I love bread and cheese! Did you take the pics with your new "D Eye"?

no but with my favorite photo shoot weapon - my smartphone :D

Well, good job then. Honestly, these things still amaze me everyday. As one who schlepped a video tape recorder around in the old days, I still find it hard to believe I'm holding a TV broadcast studio in the palm of my hand.

thank you
I don't think I'd ever use the D Eye to shoot any thing on a plate while eating out
am very very shy in person
well.. at first yeah.. and then it's different when am close to someone
so ... it would be hard to do that :D

There's a difference in the level of embarrassment depending on which camera one points at one's food? I did not know that. Sweet of you to share.

no no no it's not about the camera
it's about doing that - taking a pic of food
even though its a common sight these days
I think I'd never get used to it
in the mothership someone asked if I'm a blogger
cause she said most of those do what I did
that's when I stop ... I got pretty conscious and red in the face

So cute! But YOU ARE a blogger! Just say: "Thank you for your interest. This photo will net me about 100 Euros tonight, and tomorrow I'll do it again." and then wait whose face will get red. ;-)

Seriously, try not to worry about the opinion of people who never even bought you a beer, oops, I mean, a green tea. It's not easy depending on disposition, but try. Life is so short, so let's enjoy it.

I don't
but I also don't like too much attention
introvert in the house

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