Steemit Daily 100+ Rep Fitness Challenge & Exercise Idea - Day 107

in #fitness6 years ago (edited)

Daily exercise idea - Weighed Woodchop

  • Hits the core, obliques, shoulders and grip.
  • Activates legs and cardio.
  • Don't rush or bounce. Control the movements.
  • Can use a kettlebell, dumbbell or plate.
  • Great for sports.
  • Always stretch well before exercising.

Example below (not me). Please do your own research to confirm the proper mechanics.

Daily Update:

  • 16 Steemians contributed 5,787 daily reps for 3/23/18.
  • Congrats to @thevillan for hitting 40,000 reps!! Another SBD to be happily awarded for his effort.

Overall Summary:

  • 282,879 overall by 42 Steemians from 11 countries in 106 workout days.
  • I can only upvote so much without exhausting my voting power daily, so please help me reward their effort.

Reps line.png

The Challenge:

At least 100 honest reps of exercise every day. No excuses. No bullsh*t. Just actions, positivity, and results. Only post AFTER your reps are done. Always support each other.

  • You choose what types of exercise reps to do.
  • 30 minutes of fitness walking, running, spinning, biking, cross-country skiing, etc., can count as 100 reps if you need to rest or can't use weights.
  • I'll award 1 SBD for every 10,000 rep milestone you hit. (15 SBD paid)
  • I run the numbers daily which is sometimes harder than my reps.


  • Weights not required.
  • Do real reps with good form, aiming for 100+.
  • Start your reply with "Challenge Completed".
  • Reply with a list of the exercises and reps you did.
  • Cumulative tallies are appreciated as a separate line.
  • Only submit reps you've done, not ones you're planning to do.
  • Use the tag "fitnesschallenge" on associated posts.
  • Upvoting or resteeming is appreciated to reach more.
  • Try to upvote as many contributors as possible to motive each other.


  • Stretch before and after exercise.
  • Breathe properly on each rep.
  • Quality over quantity.
  • Eat a healthy snack after and stay hydrated.
  • Start with exercises you enjoy to build up for harder ones.
  • Take before pictures to appreciate results over time.
  • Feel good about your accomplishments.

My Daily Challenge Completed - 200 reps:

-100 Push-ups (for @notorious562)
-90 mins of walking (counted as 100 reps)

My Daily Assessment:

On top of researching new exercises that will help me with my sports performance during the season, I'm also going to start trying to highlight exercises that I see in your workouts posts below. Feel free to start highlighting some interesting ones for me to look into or even be challenged to do, noting that I'm just working out at home now with few resources.

See All Of My Progress Pics After 93 Straight Days & 11,212 Reps

Original Intro Post With My Motivation

Reps Bar.png

@rmsbodybuilding and @steemmatt with attendance of 106/106 days.

Last Daily Rep Count:
842 - @faizan07
645 - @wa2qr
550 - @mudasirfarooq
530 - @notorious562
510 - @belemo
490 - @bitfiend (bringing it)
406 - @fitspace
352 - @gruber.muc
305 - @mgood
300 - @rmsbodybuilding
250 - @rj1
200 - @ubair1
102 - @drhag
100 - @thevillan
100 - @steemmatt
100 - @mightpossibly

New feedback from @musclegirlfusion:

"Since I started posting in this challenge, you've given me a reason to blog on steemit. No matter how discouraged I get when it seems like no one is reading what I write, I know I can write it and post it here and it adds to the challenge. So thank you for giving me the motivation I need to stick with blogging!!"

New feedback from @bitfiend:

"After starting 6 days ago I already feel stronger. This is definitely the most consistent exercise I've done in an extremely long time but I am happy to be taking part! While I walk around mostly in pain, I know it's all for a good cause! My health! I am feeling better and I'd say my sickness is mostly gone now. I think that if I had not been exercising, I may have been sick for a bit longer. Persistence pays off!"

Feedback from @mightpossibly:

"I find it deeply satisfying to do these reps, which is a big deal. I've always hated the gym and prefer to exercise at home. But I've lacked the discipline to do it. It sort of feels like I have gym buddies now, without the hassle of going to the gym."

Feedback from @notorious562:

"I seriously cannot explain how much this group pushes and motivate me to keep working harder. I love this fitness community and the support and encouragement will help us achieve our goals."

Feedback from @khufu:

"Your challenge has helped immensely to keep me motivated lately. I've had a lot of... problems going on so your challenge has been a quantum of sanity in an insane world for me."

Please support our hard work and dedication and ask any questions in the comments below.

Please also resteem this new format/replace in your post links if you don't mind to try to get a fresh start on spreading the word on our challenge.




I do "wood choppers" with heavy Indian clubs all the time as part of my warmup, they're a great full body exercise.

I hope I'm posting on the correct post.

My training for 24th March
67 km MTB bike ride, 15 minutes Indian clubs swinging & 60 snatches with a 32kg Kettlebell.

Thanks for validating those choppers.

Wow. That's a long trip. How long were you riding for in hours? Or how many reps is good?

It took just over 2 &1/2 hours Matt.

I'm not sure how you'd convert it to reps. I'd be happy with 50 reps as that would get me past the 100 mark if I include the Kettlebell snatches I did.

Wow, impressive with your ligament issues. Let's say 300 reps for the biking since that distance is no joke. 360 total.

Daily Challenge Completed - 305 reps
200 reps - Walking 30 minutes X 2; includes down and up elevation of 300 ft
10 reps - yoga asanas - 10 min X 2
5 reps - pranayama (yogic breathing exercises) 5 min X 2

100 reps = 1+ hours X 2 Transcendental Meditation and advanced TM-Sidhi (morning and evening)
(All reps from yesterday and night)

And 1 hour of ping pong which I'll count as just for fun. I haven't played in decades but some friends talked me into it so I'm back. It actually is an aerobic exercise if one plays competitively as there is constant, quick movement and every part of the body is involved. I did break into a sweat. Cheers.


Nah, it was a typo and really 322 reps. Scared me that you did some weird 32 crazy gladiator combination exercises that would really be like 5,000 reps.

sorry, I didn't want to scare you so much :) it is a typo. clean and jerk is kind of crazy gladiator combination exercise(deadlift, pull, jump, squat, half squat, jump, press, lunge) but I count it as one rep.

Challenge completed - 910 reps

Another monster workout for me, damn pre workout lol.
200 reps matty, I think that's a record. Keep it up :)

40k reps!? That's some milestone.

Yeah it's pretty cool that I have done so many in a short amount of time. Should easily crack 100,000 in a year :D

Todays challenge completed
Shoulder workout
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 30 reps
Upright Barbell Row 30 reps
Seated Bent-Over Rear Delt Raise 30 reps
Side Lateral Raise 30 reps
Standing Front Barbell Raise Over Head 20 reps
Seated Barbell Military Press 20 reps
Total reps 160

Good workout.

Daily Challenge Completed - 200 reps:
-100 Push-ups (for @notorious562)
-90 mins of walking (counted as 100 reps)

Today I will again upvote everyone here who posts a workout - reps total to acknowledge everyone's dedication to exercise and health. 100% up-vote which is only $.03 now. It would be much better if the price of Steem went back up to $8 to $10. Let's all desire for that.
Have a great weekend!

Saturday was huge for me. I'm getting closer to my target. Challenge complete: 924 reps.

You better have a ton of protein after that.

Can you explain the leg stuff a bit more and abs stuff? Just want to make sure the reps aren't more in line with cardio. No complaints, but just want to try understand so I can keep this structure.

The leg exerces focus on the abs and thighs

I'll get YouTube links or something, its the reason I wanted to make gifs


Daily challenge completed - 120 reps

Did a lot of mobility and technique work for about an hour or so. Finished off with a kind of conversational pace emom style workout as pictured. Counting the GHD sit ups, back extensions and squats makes it out to 120 reps.

My legs, shoulders and back feels really sore after last night. No “explosiveness” left. A slow and light day was really needed today.

Challenge Completed (200 reps)
Taught and performed a 1 hour FitCamp today! Loadd of fun and plenty of sweat to go around!
Great job everyone!

No doubt you'd probably kick my ass if I took one of your classes.

Lolol.... We would definitely have a good time (at least one of us anyway!!!)😂😂

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