Blue Inferno for Tres Culos

This is my entry into Finish the Story Contest hosted by @bananafish.

Blue Inferno for Tres Culos
by @f3nix

"They're coming outta the walls! They're coming outta the goddamn walls!"

Tres Culos awoke startled, at the sound of his own raving nightmare. A muffled sound that multiplied in the bottled and synthetic sounds of a dinghy seen from the inside.

Where the hell was he?

Around him, a blue claustrophobic hell jolted convulsively, smashing him repeatedly against plastic walls encrusted with unspeakable miasmas.

"I was hoping that hell was more spacious and above all less shitty, in the literal sense of the term." He thought as a trail of excremental smell slapped him almost with the same physical strength of the umpteenth jolt.

Tres Culos was still too stunned and disoriented to react to that torture. He tried to faint again, but the smell did not allow it. Even the after-effects of what looked like a colossal hangover couldn't help him.

Now that he was slowly focusing on himself, he tasted something different in his mouth than the usual rancid of the after-booze. Something bitter. Something that moved jerkily.

"Yearrrrrrgghhhhhhhhhhhh!" He spat and screamed together. On the grey floor stood a cockroach still tangled in Tres Culos' saliva. The brown insect seemed to look at him scornfully as if it wanted to say "Wassup, never seen a roach?" If it had a small arm, it would surely have shaken his fist as a challenge to the wide-eyed Tortillas De Pelo bass player.

"Mum, there's a screaming toilet!" On the sidewalk of Allerton Avenue, a child tried to interfere in the conversation between his mother and the neighbour with the only result of receiving a frowning look.

For Tres Culos, the revelation took place progressively, triggered by the irreverent attitude of the cockroach. The bassist's eyes slowly moved from the insect to the wall ahead of him. On the blue-spotted plastic stood an inverted heart that could very well be interpreted as a bum: he knew that sign. A ubiquitous symbol in all rock festivals in which he had participated.

The brand of the renowned Montezuma porta-potties. He was imprisoned inside a fucking chemical bath.

He tried to open the door. He tried to undermine, crack, push his shoulder against the bloody door, but there was nothing to be done. At the umpteenth jolt, another moment of awareness struck him: the door would not open because it was pressed against other toilets, all piled above a van in movement.

He screamed asking for help until almost vomiting. And it was between one gagging and the other that he heard a guitar riff coming weakly through the wall. His beady eyes widened as his already fine lips blanched and stretched out in surprise.

"Machete is that you! What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Hi Tres, did you hear this riff?" Answered the unmistakable voice of the Tortillas guitarist.

"Machete are you telling me that while we die slowly because of the shitty smells, your only idea is to play? And then, for God's sake, why were you in a toilet with the guitar? "

The presence of the guitarist made his hypothesis of an accidental post-concert kidnapping unlikely.

"Très .." The guitarist continued complaining "There's very little we can do. Have you ever heard of the legend of the Masonic porta-potties association?"

"If there was Mendoza, he would take us out with one of his plans." Tres Culos thought desperately.

"This guitar riff is really cool. If only there was Tìo Billy, I would ask him to follow me with the drums." Machete thought.


The doors of the portal-potties ripped open as soon as they touched ground. Tres and Machete pop their heads up.

"Tres," machete asked, whispering, "you see what did that?"

"I can't see shit."

Suddenly, a light came on above them, revealing a brown brick tunnel covered with some kind of ooze seeping out of the walls. Looking into the depths, they saw three lights spaced far apart. Chains lined the walls as if they were put there to guide the blind into a black hole from which there was no return.

"I don't see a way out other than that way," Machete said as he stroked a diminished cord. The sound caused the walls to grown.

They started walking. The soft ground fizzled with each step they took.

Tres thought about the time they crashed on an island and had to escape some creepy plastic monster.

When they got to the first light, they saw a red and purple valve. On the wall was written:

Turn to get your bass guitar back.

Tio moved to turn the valve but was stopped by Machete's chest.

"Hey, what's the big idea?" Tres asked annoyed.

"We were ... kidnapped," Machete said while repeating the riff he played on the ride over.

"This isn't fair. They let you keep your bleedin' guitar." Tres moaned.

When they came to the next light, they saw on the wall a yin/yang symbol containing the cardinal directions along with straight and broken lines place on top of one another.

"What's that for?" asked Machete.

"I'm not a book nerd. Let's keep moving."

On their way to the third light, Tres noticed the ooze on the walls breathing by growing out of holes and shrinking back into them. He spotted the coach roach scurrying along with the ooze's rhythm by ducking in and out of holes to aviod being crushed.

Maybe it's going to sqeeze us to death Tres thinks to himself. A full day without a drop to drink had brought on some shakes. He began to wish he'd stayed in the portal-pottie when his foot slipped, barely catching himself before falling into the muck. He swore he heard the coach roach hiss.

When they reached the third light, they looked up onto a second story where they saw a reclining chair. Written on the wall below in faded colors was:

Yuppies in the times of back then scouted along in their BMW'S and Sabb's. Their meals were a fake gourmet food topped with peanut butter, jelly, and a sliver of baloney. Seven grain bread was served as a filler.

"That," said Machete, "is going to be a kick ass song."

A spider dropped down from the ceiling in front of Machete's face. His body jolted back as his fear of spiders kicked in.

It then laughed.

"Hey! Blokes."

Stunned, Tres and Machete looked up to the second story and saw Mendo waving.

"I trust the ride was awful and scared the fuck out of ya!" he exclaimed, bent over as he laughed. When he finished, he said, "I'll explain later. For now, we've got a new location to play in. Come up."

Tres and Machete looked over a city and saw a billboard:

Welcome to the Underground Alien City

... to be continued? ...

PreviousFinish the Story ContestEntries
The Town That ChangedEven the Clouds SmileThe BorderHorror Vacui
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Apocalypse and PretzelsMetallic KissesCurie upvoted The Battle of Bloodneck ValleyAwakening
Curie Upvoted ObstinancyThe Last Will and Testament of Geralda ConnorsCurie Upvoted Pirate HuntersSpoon-fed MemoriesLucid Dream
The Taste of ChickenCurie upvoted Hunt More Precious Than a Green StoneKaylaCurie Upvoted The story of Mr. Renhe Ren


tortillas_de_pelo low_res.png

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That was a fun read. Good job wonder what happens next.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Glad I could entertain you. I'm wondering the same thing.

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Ooo this is a good ending. Bam, you come right in with a scenery change, freeing them from the porta-potties, painting this tunnel, almost exuding filth, increasing the detail as they get deeper. (Haha please tell me this is a gig up a butt hahaha!)

The way the tunnel reacts to them brings in a great moment of wonder, my first instinct was drugs trip, but i love that isn't where you took this (unless you did and I missed that bit)

The valves, with their cryptic symbols and messages are just so perfect, now not sure i figured them all, but have very much enjoyed trying.

The way you weave the cockroaches through the story is fantastic, to the point where you bring a whole new meaning to the cockroach in the first half in true Finish The Story style.

And such a perfect springboard-for-the-imagination ending! What has Machete got them into! (in giant butt playing for bugs? actual aliens as the name suggests in some kind of living ship/city? Or something else entirely!) Love it! <3

I'm surprised by how the butt came into this, but I can now see how the writing could make it appears so. 8-)

Not a drug trip at all. Good eye. I was exploring underground city videos. One of the videos talked about a 1933 underground city. Aliens were there. I went with it.

The first one I grabbed out of thin air. The second one was the yin/yang symbol showing the eight trigrams with there respected directions. The third was from a video I found - I took the words and rearranged them slightly.

Wanting to include elements from the first half into my half, the cockroach made its entry. What else could survive Tres' mouth?!

I'm going with aliens that take many forms living in an underground city.

This could be the next QITR adventure for the band?

I can tell you love it by your message. 8-) Thanks

I was just picturing it and the walls almost alive, and yep, butt haha. Although i am now far to tickled by the idea of a gig up a butt, and the advertising for it, and of a couple going, and getting knocked up while they were there because they misunderstood the 'up the butt no babies' concept hahaha but really, we know who'd be headlining that gig

oh what! Now that sounds like my kinda documentary! Can't beat some good underground settings and inspiration! And you know, everything is aliens really ;) so very much an accurate ending lol

the way you work the cockroach, and the moment with the spider (but that was really Machete right?) does open the possibility of... insect aliens! Almost like the one in the first half was guiding him. Maybe what Tres thought of as a fist shake was more of a beckoning. Gave another layer there!

Aww yes! Underground city/giant butt, can see @f3nix going for that ;)


I believe that Machete and Tres Culos have once again exaggerated with drugs, but I also believe that they can get good material for new songs, also a concert in one of the most bizarre locations in a long series of bizarre locations is in sight!

Bizarre indeed.

I find myself asking, "Who is the protagonist the band battles against?"

Maybe we'll get a chance to explore this in the future.

A touch of Alice in Wonderland

Turn to get your bass guitar back.
And then what seems like an LSD trip...but I guess we'll find out when you continue.
Glad I wasn't on that trip :)


I was looking for underground cities. Of course, Alien living beneath us came up.

That threw me for a loop at the end. We're all waiting for the sequel now. Ha ha

Good. I achieved what I was going for. 8-)

{I shall come back with that sweet Co-in vote to give yah more for this good, good story...}

- Portal hopping -

So let's sail to the realms
oh we're going to have fun;
I heard the porta-potties
are secret teleporters!

I can feel adrenaline all-around,
but I know that's just the start
to a great adventure of an end
which I don't know off!

Another portal, another question
Going around in spirals | I'm loosing a sense
seein' all sorts of sights | of where I am now
the portals are now smelling more than funny.

I can't just imagine what
can be at the end, but
my eyes are getting heavy
and I just want it to end.

Well, yah might've finished the story... BUT YAH ALSO CONTINUED THE STORIED!!!! ARRRGH! So how does it feel that yer part of "break conventions" gang on the @bananafish now? O @tristancarax, I got a bone to pick with yah when I'm done typing this lil' comment. But the final encounter was so unforeseen, yet I was expecting some crazy with the first mention of portal activities and felt great. Definitely good usage on that QITR materials and building up some HYOPE!~

Comradely Love,
Comrade Prof. Dr. Victor


I've been part of the "break conventions" group every chance I get. lol

Your poem was a fun read.

What is this bone picking, sir?

I was quite surprised with where the story went myself. It has been difficult for my to write about space and aliens. If we end up doing more on Tortilla de Pelo, this might be a fun story line to play with.

QITR is almost out! It has been fun reading your work and partaking with you in this recent adventure.

That's part of the joke, that yah keep on re-entering so I have to do the honours recognizing that yer a part of this group each and every time.


Steals one of yer bony-bones - finally picked a bone from yah.

Hmm... I do encourage yah to write independent / "just for fun" posts to hash out where it could go.


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