'The Shattered Bride', Chapter 9.3 from the Irish Fiction novel: We Come Back: Vol. 1steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction7 years ago

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The Shattered Bride


“Where is his body, what window did he… ” Hoss couldn’t finish his sentence.

“I advise you ladies stay here, Mason, perhaps you will wait with them? Beathan, you and I can follow Aubrey,” Hoss instructed.

He was in shock, but he would refuse to not be the one there to move Jack. Mason nodded, not speaking. Just as Aubrey went to lead them outside, Jon came down the stairs carrying Raea. Everyone stood when they saw him. The girls were crying, and the men all said their condolences. Aubrey took this opportunity to explain.

“We have a carriage in the woods near here, from our earlier arrival. My father is going to take her body there so we can take her to be buried back at our estate. Father, I will meet you there in a moment, I am taking them to Jack’s body.”

His father nodded, and walked ahead of the group outside, down the stairs, and out towards the trail.

The moon was waning fast,

and would be gone in less than a half of an hour. He gave a serious warning look to Aubrey, and continued forward. Aubrey took the hint, grabbed a blanket off a chair, and quickly led Hoss and Beathan to the scene of the tragedy. When they came around the corner of the tower, both Hoss and Beathan stopped in their tracks, seeing Jack’s body sprawled on the ground. They both took deep breaths and let their tears pour down their faces, both leaning on each other and the tower for support. Aubrey gave them a moment before speaking.

“Do you two want me to stay and help you lift him into the blanket?”

They both nodded. He laid the blanket out, and let Hoss be the first to touch Jack’s arm. Hoss could not help but withhold his tears, in order to complete the task.

He whispered, “Oh, Jack...what are we going to do without you.”

He nodded to Beathan, and Aubrey, and together they rolled him over onto the blanket.

His torso was soaked in blood,

but his face, was as still and as content as an angel. It was like he was just resting. Hoss confirmed that he had no pulse, just in case. He lifted Jack’s head up slightly, and let tears fall on his face, as he kissed his head. Beathan moved his hair out of his face, and together they wrapped the rest of the blanket around him, and the three of them lifted him up, and carried him up the stairs and into the hall. They had decided to place him in his room on his bed, so as not to shock the ladies further. Aubrey gave them both hugs, and then took his leave.

“I hate to just run off, but I don’t want to leave my father in mourning alone,” they nodded and gave their condolences again.

Aubrey eyed Beathan, wondering if he recognized him.

When he got outside on to the terrace, he took off running down the steps, and across the estate. He had very little time left.

When Jon reached the bridge to take them home, he was only willing to wait a few minutes, and then Aubrey would be on his own. He had to get me home. When he couldn’t wait any longer, he made the journey back. He whistled for my horse. Starling was surprised to see him, and worried greatly about Raea upon seeing me limp in his arms. He climbed on him, carrying his daughter, and commanded that Starling take them home. When he had laid me down in my own bed, and had spread Jack’s sheet over my blanket, he sighed heavily, as he closed my door. He let a few more tears for my heart, and for Jack’s sacrifice, fall down his face. He found his way down to the drawing room, and made himself a drink. When his wife came in the room, he wasn’t yet ready to divulge everything that had happened.

“Do not ask me anything just yet Grace. I have no strength yet to discuss it.”

She stayed silent, and came and sat down next to him. She put his hand in hers, and held it, knowing he would tell her when he was ready.

Aubrey ran the entire way up the trail,

and as he saw the last of the bridge getting ready to close, he leapt into it, and was surprised when he landed at the forest near his home. He ran across the bridge and to the palace. When he burst through the door, he didn’t hear any sounds of anger, leading him to believe I was still passed out. He walked over to the lit drawing room doorway, and saw his father and mother sitting together. He leaned against the side of the archway, feeling his adrenaline starting to wear off. When his father looked up at him, he sighed, and offered Aubrey a drink.

Aubrey took it, and stood near the windows,

looking out at the stars. He felt the notes in his pockets. He needed to give one of them to his father to read; the other he would wait and give Astraea when she was ready. Everyone stayed in silence, like the calm before the storm, two of the three in the room, silently preparing for the moment Raea regained consciousness.

The mourning Hoss felt in his heart for Jack, who had always been more of a brother than a friend, could not have possibly struck Hoss harder. After he had said goodbye to Jack, he had placed his body on his bed in his room. When he closed the door behind him he called for the doctor to confirm Jack’s death and made arrangements for the burial. He thought about when the glass had shattered. He looked down the hall, and felt a strong urge to walk to Jack’s office, where the loss had taken place.

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Rose Schreiber. Copyright 2017. Not for reproduction or republication.
All rights reserved.

Table of Contents



Chapter 1.1-The Angel Above Him


Chapter 1.2-The Angel Above Him


Chapter 1.3-The Angel Above Him


Chapter 2.1-The Bonds that Tie Us


Chapter 2.2-The Bonds that Tie Us


Chapter 2.3-The Bonds that Tie Us


Chapter 3.1-Business or Pleasure


Chapter 3.2-Business or Pleasure


Chapter 3.3-Business or Pleasure


Chapter 3.4-Business or Pleasure


Chapter 4.1-Farenton on Parade


Chapter 4.2-Farenton on Parade


Chapter 4.3-Farenton on Parade


Chapter 5.1-Deadly Sweet


Chapter 5.2-Deadly Sweet


Chapter 5.3-Deadly Sweet


Chapter 5.4-Deadly Sweet


Chapter 6.1-Good Morning Moon


Chapter 6.2-Good Morning Moon


Chapter 6.3-Good Night Sun


Chapter 6.4-Good Night Sun


Chapter 7.1-Waiting on a Storm


Chapter 7.2-Waiting on a Storm


Chapter 7.3-Waiting on a Storm


Chapter 8.1-Death is Only the Beginning


Chapter 8.2-Death is Only the Beginning


Chapter 8.3-Death is Only the Beginning


Chapter 8.4-Death is Only the Beginning


Chapter 9.1-The Shattered Bride


Chapter 9.2-The Shattered Bride


We Come Back Cover1.jpg


Wow!! Great post!! Keep posting such posts good luck!

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