Celtic Fiction Novel-We Come Back: Vol. 1: Chapter 5.2, A Dash of Historical Fantasy!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fantasy7 years ago

Find all currently posted chapter exerts at the table of contents listed at the bottom of the page!

Deadly Sweet


“Sir, your mother is waiting for you, with tea laid out in the drawing room.”

Trix let go of Aubrey, and backed up. Without breaking his gaze from Trix, he responded, “Thank you, Andean. Let her know I am on my way please.”

“Very good, sir.”

After Andean closed the door, Trix started to walk towards it when Aubrey held out a hand to stop her, letting it gently rest on her arm.

“Your mother needs you, best not let me take up your time.”

She looked at him, and then ignoring his hand,

walked to the door. Before she could reach it though he ran around and stood in front of it, in front of her. He reached his hand up to her neck and pulled her into a kiss. It was so surprising to her, yet so welcomed as she had loved him for so long, that it caused a few tears to escape from their ever controlled prison.

He wiped the tears off her cheek, and said, “My dearest Trix, don’t cry.”

She giggled and hugged him. He rubbed her back slowly; she was in a long flowing layered sheer green dress endowed with two small straps allowing for cold bare shoulders. He almost regretted his impulsiveness, knowing how she felt about him.

“You really should go in now though,” she looked up at him.

He smiled at her, and held the door open.

As they walked into the drawing room she grabbed his hand, and though his mother was not in the least bit surprised, and actually quite happy, as she had always really liked Trix, she couldn’t help but wonder if it was mutual between them. His father on the other hand, was not as happy about this apparent union. He wanted to be, but he knew his son, and he had never expressed to his father before that he cared for Trix as anything but a friend, and as he had grown to think of Trix as a daughter, he didn’t want her with anyone who didn’t completely love her, not even his own son.

He intended to confront Aubrey about it at a more appropriate time. Now as they all sat and sipped their tea, Trix felt more and more elated, whilst Aubrey kept glancing at his ring. While doing so he realized he had let his father leave his room without explaining anything about what had occurred whilst he was gone. No matter, he thought to himself, Raea would be home soon enough.

The room Fareus had prepared for me was quite elegant.

The floors were a medium pine wood, which complimented the wood furniture in the room, including a four post bed, and a full length mirror. I stood in front of the mirror adjusting my dress here and there. The maroon and gold wallpaper complimented my dress and necklace famously. I decided for a subtle change for dinner, I would adjust my hair from down to completely up. Just as I finished pinning it I heard a knock on the door.

“Yes?” I called out.

“It’s Jack. I was hoping I might escort you down the stairs.”

“Of course, hold on just a moment.”

I looked out the window, it was just getting dark.

With one more glance at the mirror, I opened the door. He was so… beautiful. For it seemed his formal dinner attire complimented his mysterious, deep eyes in such a way, I could not help but notice. He felt the same way looking at me. Though I had only adjusted my hair, it seemed every time he saw me, it felt like the first. He held out his arm for me, and I took it happily.

We made it to the drawing room with not a word spoken,

but many a glance, smile and an occasional stare. All of the ladies in the drawing room were completely decked out in jewels and bright dresses. I actually felt rather under dressed in comparison. Beathan, Hoss and Mason stood as I entered the room. I may have felt under dressed, but in their opinions I was still quite a sight. Everyone made small talk, and by the time the bell rang for dinner, I was thoroughly introduced and updated on who each person was. I was caught off guard however, when Miss Delaine took my arm and pulled me aside for a moment before entering the dining room.

“Miss Astraea, I hope you will allow me to give you a small bit of advice?”

Before I could object, she continued, “Mr. Staun is engaged,

and I just wanted to make sure you knew, so that you didn’t allow yourself to become interested in a betrothed man. I wouldn’t want you to waste your time and beauty, on someone you couldn’t have that didn’t deserve you.”

She released my arm and walked straight into the dining room without another word. She smiled to herself; she had seen the way her sister had looked at Mr. Mackintosh, and her sister always got what she wanted, and she refused to be left with no one. She had very little loyalty towards her sisters, but absolutely no loyalty towards this Miss Astraea, and if telling a fib would get her more time to woo Mr. Staun, so be it.

I stayed to the side for a moment, catching my breath.

He was engaged? I had no reason as of yet, to doubt Miss Delaine’s words yet had I ever asked Mr. Staun? I hadn’t and perhaps if I had, I would have known sooner… What am I doing here? I started to become frantic holding back the tears that seemed to come out of nowhere and decided to leave. As I headed the opposite direction of the dining room Fareus saw me and said, “The dining room is just in here Miss Astraea.”

“I apologize, Fareus, but I am not feeling well and must return home. If you will make my excuses to Mr. Staun please, I need my cloak.”

I avoided eye contact with Fareus, wringing my hands

back and forth, in a feeble attempt to restrain myself. I felt as if I was losing the ground beneath my feet, and that thought sparked anger within me.

“Of course, let me get it for you.”

He went to a nearby closet and pulled it out and wrapped it around me. He could see I was clearly in distress, and yet every principle within him shouted not to be impertinent by questioning me.

“I will go arrange for a carriage immediately.”

“Thank you.”

Once he had disappeared around the corner, I opened the front door and slipped out, gently closing it behind me. Only feet from the door I burst into tears. I cried as I forced myself to walk instead of run passed the fountain towards the trail. The moon hadn’t risen yet, and at the moment, the once clear sky was now hidden behind clouds.

As soon as I found myself outside of any line of sight

from the house, I picked up the skirts of my dress and ran. The wind ripped at the side of my face like wild cats on a boar, forcing stingy tears to leave lines where the raw skin had chapped.

Though the pain of a bitter cold evening and a wet face in itself was more than any one woman should stand, the pain of what felt akin to betrayal in my heart, was immeasurable.

All watercolor artwork from the previous chapter can be purchased through @scribes!

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Rose Schreiber. Copyright 2017. Not for reproduction or republication.
All rights reserved.

Table of Contents



Chapter 1.1-The Angel Above Him


Chapter 1.2-The Angel Above Him


Chapter 1.3-The Angel Above Him


Chapter 2.1-The Bonds that Tie Us


Chapter 2.2-The Bonds that Tie Us


Chapter 2.3-The Bonds that Tie Us


Chapter 3.1-Business or Pleasure


Chapter 3.2-Business or Pleasure


Chapter 3.3-Business or Pleasure


Chapter 3.4-Business or Pleasure


Chapter 4.1-Farenton on Parade


Chapter 4.2-Farenton on Parade


Chapter 4.3-Farenton on Parade


Chapter 5.1-Deadly Sweet


We Come Back Cover1.jpg

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