Irish Fiction: We Come Back: Vol. 1: Chapter 6.1-Good Morning MoonsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago

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Good Morning Moon


When I landed at the trees outside the bridge to the palace,

I felt dizzy and sat down for a moment. I had just been through a whirlwind of emotions, most of which I hadn’t felt since I was a human. It was utterly exhausting. I whistled for Starling, and pulled myself up, using the aid of a low hanging tree branch. Starling could feel something wasn’t par usual, and carefully flew me home. Truthfully, I didn’t feel well at all.

I walked through the kitchen entrance into the main hall, and headed up the stairs to my room to change for dinner. I needed the railing much more than I had ever needed it before. Before I reached the top of the stairs, Andean saw me, and called out,

“Shall I send Trix up, Keeper Astraea?”

I nodded, unable to utter even the shortest sentence. When Trix burst in the room glowing from her evening of delight, she immediately became stone serious as she rushed over to help me sit on the bed.

“Raea, what is going on? You look awful,” I lied back on the bed, with a small laugh.

“What happened?” Trix was very concerned.

I might not be able to see myself clearly, but Trix could,

and I was much too pale for comfort. I sighed deeply before speaking in a low whisper.

“We are one. Oh Trix! He is the sweetest, most gentle man. I seem to have been wrong about him, his pride, his upturned nose, is merely a disguise. Underneath his pride and façade, he is capable of great things, of great heart. I promised I would return to meet him tomorrow.”

“Though you look like you are in pain, you sound as if you are happy. Why is that?” Trix sat looking very seriously at me, as if I had some pre thought out answer to her question.

“Because, I am happy Trix… though I had forgotten how exhausting human emotions really can be,” I sat up, taking slow deep breaths.

“Here,” Trix handed me a glass of silver water,

quite known for its healing powers.

I disliked not feeling well it was true, but I absolutely despised being told what to do. Still, I drank it down, and almost immediately upon doing so, my color returned to its normal hue, and I stood up, feeling much better.

“Will you help me change?” I smiled at Trix, who I just realized, looked exceptionally happy.

“Of course...there is a surprise waiting for you downstairs.”

Trix was grinning from ear to ear. ‘She never could hide anything; the only thing that ever makes her that happy is Aubrey!’ I thought to myself.

Realizing this, I exclaimed aloud, “Oh hurry!”

Trix whipped her head out of the closet with concern, and then smiled seeing my ring light up with a message from Aubrey. I responded, let my hair down, got dressed in my favorite blue gown, and blue bell star necklace, and hand in hand like we were little girls, Trix and I ran down the stairs.

Downstairs, Aubrey was standing by the fireplace,

talking about his recent painting with our mother and father. Aubrey was a fair skinned man, not as tall as his father but near enough, and of a natural build. His eyes were made of the iciest blue, and yet from his flushed cheeks and dimples, to his shining smile, he warmed all who looked upon him. Everyone he came upon seemed to find a sense of balance in their lives after a few precious hours spent with him. It was as if his example made others feel keener to balance their own emotions in life. I painted summer and twas the same manner in which Aubrey painted spring. When he saw his ring light up blue, a tell tale sign of my presence in the house, he smiled, and returned the message, so glad I was home. He had heard enough of the comings and goings of the household to feel future questioning of me was in order.

Just then Andean announced us both.

As his two favorite women walked across the threshold into the drawing room, he lit up. I dropped Trix’s hand and ran to him. He lifted me up in a hug and spun me around. We were not identical twins, but we were soul twins, and more so than that, we were kindred friends. I was so happy to see him, just as happy as he was to see me. The whole family loved reuniting us, as the household seemed incomplete if we were apart. I looked back at Trix and gestured for her to join us.

Trix sprinted over to us and we all joined in another hug.

I noticed the way Aubrey had touched Trix’s hair, with lingering fingers. He stared and stared at Trix whenever he thought I wasn’t looking, or so it seemed to be to me. Trix had spent as much time in this house as us, and though he had always hid it from Trix, I often wondered about his true feelings for Trix. It was clear to me that Trix was desperately hoping he would find it within himself, and sooner rather than later.

The dynamics, in which the house had stood when

we were newer, had altered between the three of us now. Trix loved Aubrey, Aubrey and I were best friends, and though we were close, we never spoke about our drunken night together, and so I assumed he loved Trix back. It was counterproductive to lack in communication, but some loyalties remained nonetheless. I didn’t know if the events of the evening had changed my position on the matter or not, but I found myself thinking of an excuse to get Aubrey on his own later in order that we might discuss Trix.

Suddenly I felt as if someone needed my attention,

and looked around the room, only to find my father staring at me in a concerned manner. I excused myself, and made my away across the room to him. I found myself childlike and wrapped my arms around his midriff, hugging him tightly. I wasn’t sure why, but every time I hugged my father I felt like crying, from the relief of his eternal love and protection I supposed. He walked me over to the windows and looked out at the night sky with me through his telescope.

When I was new, I remembered Papa telling stories of him

and his father using the same telescope to find the dragon in the sky, telling the tales of old. They had traveled there, and seen the dragons that lived there. He had promised to take me one day. He knew exactly where the constellation lied in the sky, and yet he let me find it every time. Even now, as an adult peering through the telescope, he waited patiently for me to point it out first.

Though the closeness of my mother and I was undeniable,

it was well known that my father doted on me, and often indulged me where he shouldn’t, but for the best of reasons. He loved me immensely and being his only daughter in this world, my safety was his chief concern. He worried now for me, yet he knew I would not tell him if anything were amiss unless I felt it was right to do so. I was rather headstrong, and not easily convinced in what hindered and helped me.

“Raea, I am your father, and I can tell when you are not well.”

To remain as inconspicuous as possible, him from appearing pressuring to me, and me from appearing anymore unwell to him than I was, we avoided eye contact.

“Papa, I am fine.”

I kept my voice steady as I continued looking into the telescope.

I felt as if my lie would bounce right out of my mouth, along with my heart (which now clearly pounded in my ears) and smack me in the face.

“No you aren’t, Andean told me how you looked when you arrived,” he watched me pause in my breathing, and take a deep breath as I stood up from the telescope and stared out the window in true ostrich fashion. I didn’t want to face any confrontations that evening, even if it meant sticking my head in the sand and pretending to hear nothing, “and I do believe your mother didn’t tell you everything the other day.”

I whipped my head around at him, “What are you talking about Papa?” ‘How did he know what we discussed?’ I thought to myself.

“After dinner, wait for me in the library, I want to show you something, my dear daughter,” he squeezed my shoulders affectionately, and kissed my forehead.

I tried to relax, as I was used to my father relieving me of most of my burdens my entire life here, however, there was something in his tone of voice that lead me to believe what he had to show me was not going to be something I liked to see.

“As you wish,” I sighed, laying my head against his chest.

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Rose Schreiber. Copyright 2017. Not for reproduction or republication.
All rights reserved.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1.1-The Angel Above Him

Chapter 1.2-The Angel Above Him

Chapter 1.3-The Angel Above Him

Chapter 2.1-The Bonds that Tie Us

Chapter 2.2-The Bonds that Tie Us

Chapter 2.3-The Bonds that Tie Us

Chapter 3.1-Business or Pleasure

Chapter 3.2-Business or Pleasure

Chapter 3.3-Business or Pleasure

Chapter 3.4-Business or Pleasure

Chapter 4.1-Farenton on Parade

Chapter 4.2-Farenton on Parade

Chapter 4.3-Farenton on Parade

Chapter 5.1-Deadly Sweet

Chapter 5.2-Deadly Sweet

Chapter 5.3-Deadly Sweet

Chapter 5.4-Deadly Sweet

We Come Back Cover1.jpg


Great works, I wish you success

Thank you! Following you!
Frolicking Raptors

great post ! keep it up! and thanks again for following!

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Frolicking Raptors

Very Interesting post.

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Frolicking Raptors

Thanks for following. I also followed you.

You going through with it, I admire the dedication.

Thanks! Following you!
Frolicking Raptors

Haiii @frolickinraptors Now I've followed you, I've seen your post nice and interesting and I've shared your post

Thank you! Feel free to check out the next exert! Following you!
Frolicking Raptors

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