Exquisite Corpse #2: Get Off My Farm, Punk!

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

Since the first exquisite corpse went over so well (or was it under, as in six feet under?), I decided to host another one. The following brave Steemians answered the call:

We have two more than last time. This should be good.

exquisite corpse
Image from Pixabay.

Here's the way this will work

Each person in the chain should write a #Steemit post of 350-1,000 words picking up the story where the previous poster left off and leaving room for the next person to take the baton and run the next leg. It's like a relay race with literature. The last person should try to wrap up the story with a good ending. Each person should strive to have their part of the story posted within three days of hand off.

There's no requirement to keep the #story on the same arc as previous writers or to maintain a consistent voice or tone. This is a writing exercise for fun. Use your imagination and give us something to like. That's about it.

I'll write the first part of the story. After that, we'll move in reverse alphabetical order. So the posting schedule is as follows:


When you make your post, tag us all so we can keep up with the story, and make sure you mention the next person in line after you to let them know it's their turn. You might also give a short explanation before the story to let your readers know what they are reading. I'll upvote each participant's part of the story with a 100% upvote.

Now, without further ado, let's get on with it. Shall we?

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If you haven't joined us yet, join the Speculative Fiction Writers of Steemit Discord group where we get weird, horrific, scientificky, and fantastic in strange and beautiful ways.

If you do join, check out our #farmpunk and #exquisite-corpse channel. They are to kill for!

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Get Off My Farm, Punk!

Image from Pixabay
Quetzalcoatl burst through the fog and slid into Main Street in Flushing, Queens with a jolt of energy he hadn't known since exploding through his mother's birth canal. His feathers were on fire and his serpent head twisted so that his neck appeared to be tied in knots while his face and eyes examined the big city landscape behind him. The tractor beneath his cockatrice-green body puttered to a standstill, blocking traffic in both directions.

Moments before, he had been on the farm where his father had trained him to harvest the best maize and squash among his clan. Confused, he tried to think his way out of this absurd predicament. The cacophany of car horns, industrial machines, and other city noises prevented him from focusing on the problem at hand. How did he get here, and how will he get home again?

Unable to think, he dismounted the tractor, wondering what the hell that contraption was anyways, and stood in the middle the street blowing at the flames emanating from the feathers on his wings. When it dawned on him that his neck was twisted, he craned it until it snapped back into position.


That hurt.

"Hey buddy!" A man in a suit and tie yelled out the window of a yellow Porsche. "When you're done screwing around with your Halloween charades, why don't you get your damned tractor back to the farm you escaped from. You freak!"

Quetzalcoatl contemplated chewing the man's face off, but decided he had better things to tend to, like getting back to the historical epoch from which he came. Whenever that was. Being a cultural deity was hard enough without having to deal with human issues like time, egos, and sun glasses. He inhaled and let loose a gust of oxygen onto both wings, first the left then the right, to put the fires out. That was annoying, he thought to himself.

He glanced both directions down Main Street, then pushed himself past the Porsche and a small sedan driven by a mousy old grandma toward the most beautiful building he could see. When he reached the steps of the Queens Library, he climbed them and stood in front of the glass door contemplating whether he should enter.

Queens Library
Public domain.

He could hear, behind him, the perturbations of a Chinese man with a high-pitched voice. The Mandarin dialect was as foreign as the current landscape, but he could tell the man was upset. He pushed himself through the glass entrance of the library and strolled through the first door he saw. It happened to be the ladies room.
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Okay, that's it. Strange beginning. It's up to the rest of the writers to get this from Point A to Point Z. Whether we go through points B through Y or not is up to fate and authorial license. Don't worry about the challenges of overcoming weirdness, it's all a part of my diabolical plan. The idea here is to have fun. Go whatever direction you think is best, just give us a ride to remember.

And with that, I'll hand it over to @sarez.

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"Quetzalcoatl contemplated chewing the man's face off, but decided he had better things to tend to" - Rainbow vibes!! @ blockurator this "baton" is heavy and slippery. And I'm sweating @quillfire @ireenchew @fromage @dranuvar @blueteddy @bennettitalia

Put some elbow grease into it. :-)


I do not envy you your task. On the first Exquisite Corpse, it was the Men's bathroom, now the Ladies. Really? What genre of literature is this?


We're just making it up as we go. ;-)

Punk-Fiction. Hee Hee (evil laughter)

oh dear... this is certainly going to be a wild ride!

Yes, I can't wait to see what directions it goes. I figured, why not make it as challenging as it is fun. :-D

I'm so excited that I'm in the rally... Can't wait for my turn. The suspense is killing me.. ha ha


Don't worry about the challenges of overcoming weirdness, it's all a part of my diabolical plan.

Well, I'm glad to hear you have a plan.

I wish I had a plot.


The plot thickens.

This was my first excursion into farm punk--very peculiar :) I kept thinking of the occasional goat or pig that escapes on its way to an abattoir around there. I think Quetzalcoatl's disorientation might be a little like that.... But probably with a happier ending.

We'll see. I kind of tricked my co-conspirators here into writing farmpunk by luring them into a writing exercise called exquisite corpse. Holy flipper dipper, Batman!

Thanks for reading. Perhaps you should join us on the next go around. Or join my #farmpunk fiction writing contest in November.


Block, I was just about to write a scathing commentary on your deception and duplicity. Your admission somehow deflated my righteous indignation and I now find myself exactly where I found myself last time ... dealing with a lunatic in a bathroom! :-)


And you deserve every minute of it!

Well that wasn't nice, tricking them :)--but then it is a punk writing exercise...
No, no. No punk for me. I spent a lot of time looking into the grotesque, as an academic exercise, but anything to do with punk just passed me by. And gaming--forget it. That whole Monster business is another universe I'm not tempted to know.
Feel like I've been undercover ever since I signed on to Steemit. Time to come out of the closet!
I'm older than you, I think. Married to a Vietnam War (combat) vet. Graduated from NYU in '70. Fully embraced the '60s. I don't fit into the typical Steemit demographic profile. But then, what's typical about a decentralized blockchain? It's an experiment in the making. So here I am. No punk for me--but yes, speculation. I hope to participate in that spirit. Thanks for the invite.

You're only a little older than I am. I have an uncle who was in Vietnam. Born in the 60s. I'm not your typical blockchain or crypto junkie either. Just an old fart who put the fart in old fart. And totally punk, in a sort of David Bowie-Annie Lennox kind of way. The 80s was good to me, but I just blew right through it.

And you deserve every minute of it!

David Bowie..one of my favorites. I'll find a way to participate... :)

i am waiting @ireenchew is a great writer dont know the rest but looking forward to the sequal.
love britt

Yes, I'm sure it will be awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing what each of the writers contribute. You can see the second leg of the story by @sarez right here.

Or you can join the Speculative Fiction Writers of Steemit Discord group to follow the whole story from front to finish.

This is almost china mievillian.

Ha ha. Yeah, thanks.

I'm glad this is still on going!

Hi @blockurator
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