One Month In Story- Fields Of Fable & Rooms Of Time

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

It has been 4 weeks since I have started 2 serialised fictional stories (Exclusively to Steemit!)

Namely The Fields Of Fable and Rooms Of Time.

I always use this disclaimer now as people have been helpful with my grammatical errors and typo's which is wonderful. However there is things to understand.

Disclaimer:My writings are to extend my creative writing ideas. Call these first drafts if you like. Secondly I am dyslexic. I do struggle to proof read and I can't always get people to do it for me. So if there is some typo's, then so be it. Thank you for reading.    

Over time I have noticed my grammar getting better, I think it is because I am learning to write more quickly and conscientiously like I am on auto pilot.  I write at least 2,000 words per day on here and on other material. The aim of these stories is to create drafts so I don't want to be spending endless amounts of time on proof reading as it takes longer for me with my silly word blindness thing I have at times. 

So this is my 4 week update in case you missed any.

Fields Of Fable

Chapter 1 can be read here! 

Chapter 2 can be read here! 

Chapter 3 can be read here!  

Chapter 4 can be read here! 

Chapter 5 can be read here!

Rooms Of Time

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4

I really am enjoying working on these stories and if I have to pick a favourite it would possibly be the Fields Of Fable.

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