Field Of Fable- The Witch And The Imp (Chapter 5)

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

  Chapter 1 can be read here! Chapter 2 can be read here! Chapter 3 can be read here!  Chapter 4 can be read here!

The sun shone so bright it was hard to see the children running towards the house and before them was the brightest rainbow you ever did see. But there wasn't time to admire it. No, they had to get back in the cart...........And quick!

"Get back here..........Get back here......What do you think you are doing?.........You will get us all killed! " Hermey stopped for breath wiping his sweaty brow. "Children get back in that cart now!" Hermey was stood in panic, shaking like a leaf. 

Borris stood by the cart. "Get those children back here Hermey, it is not safe. I will stay here and keep look out!"

Hermey and Leila followed the children into the house. 

"It's ok Hermey, I just wanted a quick look and some cake.........Wow..........Lucy look......Everything is made of cake." The children stood in awe, staring at the house. They had heard the tales of the house made of cake from their mother and father but it was far more amazing than they had ever imagined!

It was cold inside considering the heat outside, no doubt to keep the sweet delights from melting. Inside the walls were layered in the most vibrant colours. The different smells filled the room with an array of mouth watering temptation. The room in which they stood was circular but led into a large square room at the end. In the circular room was a table made of battenburg, and hung on the walls were 3D pictures of gingerbread men and chocolate rabbits that danced to a high pitched tune. A surreal but completely breathtaking experience.

However the children were more interested in the square room where they could smell marzipan, icing and chocolate. Toby ran into the square room taking a chunk of cake out of one of the walls. " Lucy it's chocolate chip....... your favourite. Milk chocolate, dark chocolate............ even white chocolate! Lucy runs over without hesitation and takes a bite. "Hmmmm....this is delicious......Toby look.......These foot stools are made of giant scones! Although i wouldn't want to eat one of those with the witches feet being on them!"

"Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" They both grimace in chorus. 

Leila pulls them away. "You silly don't understand. The witch will not be long, she will know you are here. She is not like us she can sense things we can't. WE NEED TO GO......NOW!"

As she grabs Toby, Hermey and Lucy follow but soon they stop deadly still as they see The Witch and Rumpelstiltskin pass by the window. Borris fails to notice them coming back as he is looking for them in the other direction. 

They freeze until Hermey quickly hides under the table. Leila quickly gets the children to hide in the oven. She then flies to the top of an old wooden cabinet, watching anxiously at what is about to happen below.

The door creaks open as they walk through. The witch stops Rumpletiltskin in his tracks. "Right we have the frogs now. I need that mirror tomorrow. You wouldn't cross a powerful, evil, If not somewhat beautiful witch now would you?"

Rumplestiltskin tried to keep eye contact without staring at the witch's rather large wart that hung from the bridge of her nose.

"Can you smell that ?"


"No...........smells like human.........human flesh!"

"No.............Witch hurry up..........I mean....... Your beautifulness........Please could you hurry I need to catch these scoundrels before they disappear."

"Oh do be patient dear!" She flutters her eyelashes at the impatient Imp and smiles coyly through her discoloured teeth. He smiles back but frowns in disgust as she turns to put an urn onto the table. 

"Right....I need a hair from your head, and two frogs, which we have in here......Rats droppings and the breath of an old hag.............Oh that will be me!" She cackles as she pulls a hair from the Imps head.

"Now..........Rats droppings......Where did I put them. She heads over to cabinet where Leila is hiding. On the shelves are rows of dusty bottles. The witch picks them up in turn to find the right one. 

"Ah ha .................Here they are!" She unscrews the jar and pops a few in the urn with the Imps hair. Now i have to bake them for 5 minutes!"

She starts to walk towards the oven. Toby and Lucy are starting to panic until the witch stops and looks around. "Actually I will put it in the cauldron. That way I can see the frogs squirm in the heat. They walk towards the back of the room. "Wait a minute.....!" She looks at the wall to find teeth marks. "Humans.....humans have been in MY HOUSE!" She screams in anger. 

Leila realises they have to leave. She flies down knocking a jar of flour purposely so it falls all over the witches head, and opens the oven door to let the children out. Hermey runs from the table and bites Rumplestiltskin's leg on the way out. 

As they Imp screams in pain they all run past him and out the door towards the cart, they jump in and Borris starts to run pulling the cart along.  The witch and the Imp run after them in confusion. Although Rumplestilstkin knew about the cart he couldn't actually see it, and the witch certainly couldn't. As they suddenly disappear, the witch waves her wand as a shot of lightening darts out striking the wheel of the cart. The cart wobbles almost throwing them all out onto the ground but Borris magages to regain its balance. Ahead is black shimmering screen energy. Another animated voice appears. This time louder and more lower in tone

"Welcome to the Centre Of The Fables, there is no turning back now!" 

The voice sounds sinister and as they journey through the screen, they look back to see the witch and the Imp, screaming and shouting. They are stood still. They cannot, or will not go any further.

As they reach the other side Borris takes of his cloak and sits on the ground, holding his head in his hands. The others stepped out of the cart and sits on the ground besides him."Borris shouldn't you be covered, what if they see you.....?" Toby asks as he looks around in nervous anticipation.

"Don't worry sir, we will hear them before we see them here!"

To be continued......

  Disclaimer:My writings are to extend my creative writing ideas. Call these first drafts if you like. Secondly I am dyslexic. I do struggle to proof read and I can't always get people to do it for me. So if there is some typo's, then so be it. Thank you for reading.   

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