Rooms Of Time - The Georgian Reality (Chapter 2)

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

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Chapter 1

"Godfrey....what the hell is this? How do we get out?" Lizzie was standing in front of her friends eager to get an answer. Although firm in her stance, you could see she was unnerved and completely out of her comfort zone.

"Ladies.....this is an illusion. None of this is real. Think of this as being in a virtual reality, once you walked through the door, it was a vortex to a virtual reality room......that's all."

Lara grabbed Lizzie's arm and whispered. "Where's the door....where's the green button to get out?"

Lizzie spoke up for Lara. "If this is a virtual reality where is the green button?"

"It's above the door to the carriage.... right here. But you don't want to press that yet do you?.....Surely you want to see your fate Miss Rose.............?"

The girls all huddled together.

"It's meant to be weird remember and virtual reality is a thing? Isn't it? You know you have headsets and everything now. Lets stop being ridiculous and just get on the cart. All our friends have done it!" Gemma wasn't scared just excited.

"She's right, c'mon.....what harm can it do?" Lizzie grabbed lara's hand.

"Lizzie....I don't think it's right!"

"C'mon Lara" They all grabbed her and bundled her into the cart.

"Now then Ladies....remember you have different identities now, and you must act like ladies and....gentlemen!"

He looked at Natalie and grinned.

The girls sniggered.

"You have your invitations?"


" can leave the ball when the clock strikes 12 but not before or after. You only have 10 minutes either way."

Lara panicked. "But what happens if we leave before or after?"

Godfrey laughed. "In an emergency you can leave, and I will be here. But if you do, you will go straight back to the rooms of time and then you have lost. When you get back in the carriage......all of press the green button with  your reincarnated fate, then you will go to the next person's carnation."

Godfrey turned around and the horses started to trot forward. 

"This is so funny Natalie, wait until we tell everyone about this. This is going to be the best birthday present ever. Thanks girls! Shame we cant take pictures....! Why is that Godfrey?"

"It just doesn't work here, they wont come out and it effects the experience!"

Gemma leans over and whispers to Natalie. "I snuck my ipod in my bag, I will take some pics!"

"Lucy, you're quiet....!" Natalie looks at Lucy as she is sat staring out of the window. 

"I'm just taking in the scenary, isn't it all so beautiful? Wouldn't you just love to live in this era?"

Natalie squirmed in her seat. "Not really, just full of vermin and uncomfortable clothes. Why on earn would men wear these ridiculous wigs?"

They all laughed, mainly at Natalie's expense.

"Syphilis" Lucy uttered the words without moving from the window.

The girls looked at Lucy in bewilderment, until Natalie spoke up. "Lucy what are you on about now ?" 

"It's because there was alot of illness in that time. People become ill with sores and rashes and things, often losing their hair, so the wigs became fashionable.

Natalie looked at Gemma. " I feel so much more at ease for knowing that!"

They carried on their journey for a short while until Godfrey stopped the horses and appeared at the door. " Ladies we are here!"

He stood at the door and pulled down some steps to help the girls out of the cart.

Once the girls got out, they brushed themselves down before looking at what stood before them. There were dozens of people all in evening attire stood walking into the entrance of a  beautiful medieval house.

"This is like a dream come true, it's like someone is in my head fishing out my dreams. Are you sure Godfrey that this is not my reincarnation?"

"There is one thing you need to be clear of.....something I should have mentioned earlier....silly me. You are all reincarnated but only one will reveal their fate."

" we are all here?"

"Yes.....and....another thing. How I said you wont recognise yourself because you will look different ? Do you remember ?"

Lara looked and Godfrey and screamed.

"Shushhhhh my lady.....remember this is only virtual reality!" Godfrey had changed, he was at least 30 years younger. His chubby face resting on a tight cravat. " I will wait just around the corner. 

The girls looked at each other, their appearances had all changed. Lara's hair had grown into ringlets and her face was slimmer with more delicate expressions. Gemma's long thick hair had been cut short into a thick bob, her breasts ouzing out of her tight cream dress. Lucy's usual flowing hair was twisted into a corn and her neck was laced with pearls. Lizzie's hair had grown long and thick, moving from blonde to almost black, hosting a natural wave that was platted in the middle. Natalie was the biggest shock, she had turned into a man. An extremely handsome one at that. 

"How the hell as he done this? Lizzie, how has he done this ?" Lara was again getting worried. The girls all one by one used the camera on Gemma's phone to see the change.

"I don't know....but it's genius!" Gemma was staring at her breasts. "Look at these they are like two convicts trying to escape. Natalie..........are you ok?"

" I have......things!" Her voice had dropped to a very deep level causing the girls to cover their mouths from laughing.

"What do you mean things?"

"You know what things Gemma!"

Gemma walked up to Natalie. "Can I ?" She was gesturing to take a look.

Natalie nodded in distaste. 

"Yep, twig and giggle berries, quite present!"

"It's not funny, what if they stay there?"

"They won''s not real remember!" Gemma started walking forward. She looked back waiting for the others to follow "Well....come on.....!"

Disclaimer:My writings are to extend my creative writing ideas. Call these first drafts if you like. Secondly I am dyslexic. I do struggle to proof read but I can't always get people to do it for me. So if there is some typo's, then so be it. Thank you for reading. 

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