Fields Of Fable- Fairies and Elves (Chapter 3)

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

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 Chapter 1 can be read here! 

Chapter 2 can be read here!

The twins jump as they hear a splat on the window. As they turn they see the side of a fairies face slip down the window pain. "I thought they couldn't see us?" 

"They can't silly...and they can’t see the cart either. It's very funny to watch." They look through the window as the fairy struggles to walk. She straightens up getting her fists rolled up as if ready for a fight. She's pacing around looking behind rocks and trees. Her speech is very light and with a slight squeek. "C'mon then Hermey............where are ya? Every time you're around this happens. It's not funny and I know your laughing. Wait until I get my hands on you, I will pull every strand of stupid hair from your stupid head! " 

Hermey is rolling around the floor laughing. " She does this every time......and says the same thing every time!  Watch this." Hermey gets out of the carriage and sneaks up behind the fairy, making her jump up in the air. She swiftly turns around and clips him around the head. The twins laugh as she pulls him to the floor and them jumps to drop on him. 

After a few minutes he distracts her and then runs back into the carriage, his hair all over the place and his shiny face redder than normal.“Always been a feisty one that one!”    

The fairy was looking around once again fooled. She kicks a stone in frustration and then jumps around holding a painful foot. Hermey shakes his head and laughs again. “ You will see a lot of fairies in these parts as we travel, but there’s only that silly one that flies into the window. It’s extraordinary!” He shakes his head in bewilderment. “ Now in a few minutes we will be approaching the Makers Lodge. You can come in and have a look. It really is quite an amazing place, but you stay near Borris. Understand?”

The twins jump in their seats in excitement. “What’s in Makers Lodge? Is this where the Elves live?” They both look at Each Other then scream in unison.“This is where all the presents are made!” “ it? Is it Hermey?” Toby was on the edge of his seat waiting anxiously for an answer. 

“Yes.....yes.....yes. It’s where us wood elves live. We make all the presents and sweets for the old witch........!” 

“The witch...........who lives in the house made of cake ?” Lucy’s excitable tone is almost screeching. “Can we see it?” “ will see it but one thing at a time. Don’t you want to meet my family?” 

They laugh “Yes........yes we do!” Borris opens the carriage door and discretely sweeps the twins under his coat. He wasn’t careful enough. Behind a tree hid the fairy that had earlier flew into the forest. Toby dropped his bag as Borris pulled him into his coat and as he pulled his arm out to pick it up, the Fairy caught a glimpse of it.  She gasped putting a hand across her mouth. “ I knew it...”she muttered to herself. “I knew humans came here, and I knew that stupid Elf was up to something” She hid behind the tree wondering what to do next. It didn’t take her long to come up with a plan. 

The twins were already in the lodge staring up at all the beams with candy sticks and various treats dangling from the ceiling. Toby was jumping up trying to grab them when Lucy tapped him on the shoulder whispering for him to look ahead. In front of them where dozens of Elves all on production lines making presents and gifts. 

“Hello.....!” Out of nowhere jumped an Elf, just like Hermey he talked fast and quick although he did have a slight lisp. His face was rounder and so was his belly. 

“Children, this is Ralph. He is our stocking packer. He likes to greet everyone as they come in!”  Ralph looks up at Borris. “You’re Big , you’re neck is bending because of  the ceiling.” He giggles, then stops. “You don’t eat people do you?” He started to become a little shaky. 

“No sir i don’t eat people....only wood elves!” Ralph went white his face dropping.  “He’s winding you up brother, he’s a joker is this one.” He punches his leg in Jest. Borris gives him a glare as Hermey moves away.  

“Come on then children, I will show you around. Fill your bags with sweets if you like, but you must eat them here you can’t take them home.” Hermey showed the children around whilst Borris sat in the corner of the lodge, Ralph persistently trying to make conversation. 

Suddenly the door flew open. with a cold blast of wind. Borris quickly covered himself with his cloak, hearing the commotion,  Hermy hid the children in a pile of boxes. “Uncle Rumple...what a...pleasant surprise?”  Hermey shouted from, the balcony. 

"What can I, what can we do for, I mean what can I do for..........oh I don’t know what’s up with me today, words all coming out the wrong way!” Hermey was clearly nervous. 

Rumpelstiltskin walked around slamming his walking staff on the floor. “Have you taken any visitors today?"

" I said I wouldn’t without you’re permission. You know me...honest as they come!”  

“That clearly is why I am asking. Are you aware that someone stole gold from me last night?” 

“No.....oh no.......they didn’t did they? Well that’s not on. I mean do they know who you are ? Oh dear Uncle, well you have more I suppose!”  

“That is not the point.” He bellowed throughout the lodge causing all the elves to drop their tools in fright. “If you find out who pinched my gold, you will bring them to me, or I will shut this place down once for all, don’t forget you need my gold to pay you’re retched wages!” With that he storms out of the lodge. Ralph quickly bolting the door behind him. 

“Phew...that was close!” Ralph put his back against the door, his red cheeks flushing like a beacon.  Borris stands up removing his cloak. 

“Hermey, get the children we need to go. I Will check see if he’s here first then we can continue into the woods.” 

Lucy starts to cry. “Hermey can you take us home please, if Rumplestiltskin finds Toby he will kill him!” 

“I knew it was you two who stole the gold. We are going to have to be extra careful now and we are only at the start. I mean what about....” 

“Hermey we don’t want the rest of the tour we want to go home.” Toby was hugging Lucy as she cried. 

“I’m sorry dears, there is no going back. You have to go to the end of the rainbow!”     

 Disclaimer:My writings are to extend my creative writing ideas. Call these first drafts if you like. Secondly I am dyslexic. I do struggle to proof read and I can't always get people to do it for me. So if there is some typo's, then so be it. Thank you for reading.  


a well written fantasy story chapter, thanks for sharing.
It would be nice, if you could always leave links to the other chapters or even better a link to a content page at the end of each chapter. It would make reading through the whole story as far as you have published already so much easier

Oh yes....thank you and thank you for reading it is very much appreciated ! As I am writing as i go along I have no other chapters to add next. Is that what you mean ?

No what I meant is that you could create a page, maybe on your own blog, that's called "content" . This page would be updated every time you post a new chapter to your story.
At the end of every chapter you past here you would then include a link to that content page. Now your readers who might start in the middle of the story could easily go to the beginning or to the next chapter, if you already uploaded it
Your readers could then go to

Oh yes....thank you. Sorry was being a little slow there! I am working on that as we speak. I have for my other writings, but not for this. Great....thank you that's given me more inspiration to do it! :-)

That' wonderfull, thanks for sharing! I've read all the three chapters on one breath! You have a new follower!

Oh wow....thank you so much ! You have made my day! I am running another one as well, its a different genre, its called Rooms Of Time. A bit of fictional time travelling piece. . I'm really grateful for you taking the time to read Fields of Fable :-)

Hi @aubreyfox, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads yesterday and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Wow.....that's amazing thank you so much ! I'm heading over now!

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