Story: Matthew and the Dragons (Part XXVII)

in #esteem6 years ago





Inside a large but dark cave foot steps are continuosly heard. Several men are walking nervously while holding torches. Among these men is a middle-aged man wearing noble clothings. This man is none other than duke Bernard.

After leaving his camp, the duke went to see the black dragon. The kingdom's new weapon is a great threat to their cause. Therefore, he decided to visit the black dragons temporary lair, despite the trepidation he is feeling.

Before long the duke reached the deepest part of the cave. There he saw the terrifying black dragon slumbering on a natural-formed platform made out of rock.

Seeing this, the duke felt hesitant to wake the dragon but he had no choice.

"Greeting, lord black dragon!" The duke said respectfully.

The dragon opened his large eyes and looked at the puny humans below him and spoke, "what is it?"

Though he's not pleased being disturbed while sleeping, he still decides to respond to this certain human. After all, he is working for him.

"Lord black dragon there is something of great importance I must report," answered the duke. He then narrates the whole story, leaving nothing behind.

"I see..." the black dragon replied while frowning, he then roared, "Shadow dragon!"

The sudden roar terrifies the men present, especially since they are inside the cave and roar echoes! Even covering their ears does not work, as if the roar was directed to their brain!

"I'm here...," a voice answered from somewhere.

"It's time to work. The humans have a new weapon that could posed danger even to us. Destroy it!" The black dragon ordered.

"Very well!" Reply the shadow dragon.

Thwn the voice disappeared and a loud roar replaced it.

"Forguve me lord black dragon but... you're not going to make a move?" The duke asked.

"Not yet... the time's not ripe," he said, "but it won't be long now..."

The black dragon then stopped talking and resumed his slumber.

The duke was feeling exasperated seeing this but there's nothing he could do. Force the black dragon to act? He is not tired of living yet!

Meanwhile, troops sent by the duke tried to ambushed the soldiers guarding the new weapon but was wiped out after being counter ambushed! This was a big blow to the duke's main force, considering that there army was inferior to the kingdom's to begin with.

The weapon manages to reach the fort safely, and the craftsmen quickly assembled it. After seeing the fully assembled weapon, everyone present are shock at the weapon's huge frame.

The craftsmen simply, laughed at the soldiers dumbfounded faces. One of them talk to the fort commander to explain its function and how it works—amazing the commander even more.

The commander then ordered several well bodied soldier to thoroughly study how to operate the weapon. The weapon was surprisingly easy to use and two hours are all that is needed to learn its operation.

The fort commander was very pleased at this, this new weapon will definitely be a big boost to the soldier's morale—making them fight harder.

As he was thinking of this, a soldier hurriedly ran to his side and pass a parchment. The commander quickly reads it and his face grew more solemn.

Crumbling the parchment, he ordered everyone to get ready. There's going to be a huge battle against a greater dragon!

Everyone became nervous after hearing this but the fort commander was fearless. The new weapon will be baptized by the blood of a greater dragon!

To be continued...


Previous Chapters:





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