Story: Matthew And The Dragons

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Title: Matthew And The Dragons


Image Source: Pixabay

Part I

In a faraway kingdom there was once a blacksmith apprentice named Matthew who saved the land from a certain black dragon.

The story begun when the Matthew was tasked by his teacher to look for a rare ore in Hillcliff Valley.

*Clang! * *Clang! * *Clang! *

*Phew! *

Matthew put down his pickaxe on the ground as he let out a breath and stretch his aching back.

"It seems that it is not here" Matthew said.

Leaving his digging spot, Matthew walked and look for the spot where the are could be found.

"It'seemed like I've dugged out all the ores in this place" Mark contemplated.

As he was thinking he where to look for the ore he heard a terrifying roar!

*Roar!!! *

"What was that!" Mark yell out loud.

*Bang!!! * *Crash!!! *

He then heard a crashing sound. Looking at the direction where the sound is coming from, he saw dust and debris flying everywhere!

Though a bit afraid, Matthew's curiousity got the better of him and ran towards the crash site, and there he saw a sight that he would never forget in his life—a dragon!


Image Source: Pixabay

Amazed but terrified, Matthew's instinct is telling him to run away yet his body refuses to move. As the dust settled, he finally saw the appearance of the dragon, it was a beautiful dragon that glows in silver light!

"Silver dragon!" Matthew screamed.

Matthew realized what he did but it was too late. The dragon looked at his direction and spoke!

"Who's there? Show yourself!" the silver dragon command.

Trying to calm himself, Matthew took several deep breath. He wanted to run but he knows that he cannot outrun a dragon—especially a dragon like the silver dragon who is known for its speed!

After calming down, Matthew slowly show himself to the dragon. He then respectfully spoke.

"H-hello, lord silver dragon" he said.

Seeing that it is just a young human, the silver dragon calmed down.

"Human boy, what are you doing here?" asked the silver dragon.

Hearing the loud and but calmed voice, Matthew's nervousness slowly vanishes. He then told the dragon his purpose in the valley. Matthew then wanted to asked what happened to the silver dragon but was hesitant.

Knowing that the human boy wanted to asked him of his situation, the silver dragon told him why it is in its current predicament. According to him, he was fighting another dragon, the black dragon but was wounded.

"The black dragon" Matthew was greatly shocked.

He knows that seeing a dragon is rare enough but to know that there was another dragon, Matthew is truly terrified. He then asked why they are fighting. But the silver dragon's answer shocked him some more. The black dragon is planning to...

To be continued...





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nice work, glad we got a chance to talk in discord chat, hopefully we can do more engaging together in the future :)
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Thank you! I will try to engage more desu~

I have really met so many great people on MSP waves broadcast and Helpie, It has changed the whole way I view steemit and brought the human aspect to it, I love meeting new people and having fun engaging people there. Maybe you already have groups you like?

Yes, I've also meet some great people here in steemit. Because of them, my experience here have been great. It's actually a private discord group with only a few members. Though I do plan to broaden my horizon and try to make some new friends.

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