Weight Loss, Trigger Foods, and an SBI Contest!

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)


I got this weight loss question from one of the people I am helping privately and thought maybe other people have the same problem and would like this information too.

Client Question

Both myself and my husband are compulsive eaters that have a strange thing go off in us that tells us that if we don't eat it, it will be gone. So though we could easily put the food away and have it later he keeps eating and I keep eating until it is all gone.

My husband does not see this as a problem and brings trigger foods home. It is not in my power to stop this. So, I must learn how to rise above this and not allow myself to be pulled into this.

I generally do well staying to my eating plan for about two weeks until something, birthday, too hungry, tired, something like these happens and I fall into the binge eating again. It takes me days to stop. because of this cycle I keep losing and gaining the same 5-7 pounds over and over. Can you help me?


You don't need an eating plan you can fall off of. You need to change what you do eat to be healthier. A 10% improvement in nutrition along with a 10% reduction in toxins done gradually again and again will work better. What are some of the trigger foods so I can know what you are dealing with?

Client Trigger Foods

White bread, sugar, peanut butter, chocolate.

Fitinfun Help

All of the foods you list can be healthy.

White Bread

Please go organic at least. It is full of chemical additives if you are eating the regular stuff on the shelves, and messes with every system in your body. Start there - look at the ingredients. The vast majority of the chemical additives are addictive and damaging.

If you have to eat white bread either get it from a local bakery that uses organic ingredients or bake you own. It's very easy, better for you, tastes better, and you can make a week's worth in an afternoon. When people get off the store bought bread, they can smell the chemicals in that aisle of the grocery store. This would be a good place to start.


Make sure you are eating "Pure Cane Sugar" Everything that says "Sugar" now is GMO beet sugar. If you eat it, you are the lab rat since it has never been tested on humans. I use sweeteners - all organic - brown sugar, not white usually, molasses, maple syrup, and any sweetener made from dates.

Peanut Butter

Go organic and try other nut butters - the other nuts have more nutrition than peanuts. The Jif and Skippys might as well have a poison label on it.


I am a chocolate addict myself. But I will never eat something you can by near the checkout anymore. I get raw cacao, which has health benefits, and make my own hot cocoa, mochas. Any candy bar type thing I want, I will get organic only so the cost stops me a bit :)

I used to have kitkit's as a food group - the last time I tried to eat one, I spit it out because it tasted like chemicals and salt - no chocolate flavor at all. Now my new raw cacao concoctions are luscious and satisfying.

Why you fall off your "Plan"

The reason you cannot last on an eating plan is that you are not getting enough nutrition. Eating half of nutritionally poor food will not work in the long term. You need to improve the food you do eat and then keep making it better. This works better than trying something completely new.

Get trackers going and start tracking whatever it is you DO eat now. Find out where you are getting nutrition and work to improve it. Ignore calories, calcium, and iron for now.

Try to get 125-150 percent of a few nutrients. Try tracking:

  • Vitamin C
  • Fiber
  • Iodine,
  • Magnesium
  • Selenium

Just start working on any one of those and then keep going.


For selenium, you can buy Brazil nuts at a health food store. Eat 5 a day. That's it. You can just eat them, soak them, break them up and put them on salad.

Ideas to Face Reality

Calculate the BMI score for both you and your husband, and track it every 3 months or so. It is really easy to do and gives you a good idea of where your life and health is now.

Have him look up the ingredients in something he brings home on the cdc website. They flat out tell you when some thing is cancer-causing and addictive or whatever.

He might want to change if he has more information and then life will be better for both of you.

Client Reply

Wow! Thank you! I see some home baked bread in my future. Is grass fed butter okay in that or do you recommend a particular oil for bread making ?

Fitinfun Wrap Up

The butter is perfect. The only oil I heat is coconut now.
Check easy bread recipes in blogs. After the first few tries, you can do it in your sleep.

Also - hemp oil is awesome - nothing about weed and very nutritious and delicious on salad or added on top of anything savory after you cook it.

You have to refrigerate hemp oil. I got a huge pack of organic oregano and mixed it with the hemp oil and it keeps in the fridge. My son can eat this mixture out of the jar while standing there, and it is good on top of anything savory.

I eat a high fat and low carb diet and do well. Remember - count nutrition and ignore calories. Please get back to me to let me know how it goes. {{{Hugs}}}

So there you have it - a bit of personalized weight loss coaching.

SBI Contest for your comments!

The best two comments on this post will an SBI share. I will award those near the time this contest closes. You can say anything, but here are some ideas.

  • Tell me about your trigger foods in the comments.
  • What are they?
  • Do you have any good strategies?
  • Ask any questions you may have.

How will I judge the best comments? I will use the number of votes they get. I'll be putting this post into @kryptonia as a task and you can get SUP coin for voting comments later. So this is kind of a two-part contest.

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You are going to force me to go and do that kryptonia thing one of those days.

I think your advice is spot on. "Diets" don't work. Eating for life is the only way to go. I find that I like to eat a lot. So, for me, huge salads work well. Or have a container with carrot sticks ready when I get the munchies.
As for the need to finish. I used to have that until I told myself consciously that I can eat that tomorrow. It really took a while where I had to stop, tell that to myself, and take action.
Now, I do live with a compulsive eater - if it is in the house, he will eat it. So, if it is something I want, and I want to have for later - I tell him very clearly that I expect this to be there for me when I want it. Hands off!!
And I know that if I want something, I can always get it.
I also think the strategy of eating really good food is excellent. I grew up with very good chocolate and was never tempted to eat any of the candy/chocolate bars available here :)

Yeah even I think so. Diet will last only for two weeks. If we take healthy and nutritious food it will be good.

for sure - if we think that we can only eat a certain thing - then everything else will look so good!! And willpower only goes a short ways..

Completely agree with you, all those diets are just a big stress to body. eat healthy and little, may more often but little portions, and you will never have any problems with weight.

Yes, you need to get on @kryptonia!

I had to do the same thing with called and my good cheeses. He can eat $10 worth in seconds!

I know a lot of traveling Europeans now. They can't believe how bad the candy bars are in the states. Here in SE Asia, the US candy bars are relabled and made differently, since the chemicals are not allowed here.

I think whenever you get more nutrition, the cravings and need to finish subside. The US diet is so poor, that everyone is "stuffed yet starving." Get some good food in you and your body will not be so ravenous.

That is for sure. Somewhen in my long history of reading about nutrition and such, I read that sugar cravings indicate a vitamin deficiency.

@mariannewest "You are going to force me to go and do that kryptonia thing one of those days." Diets may NOT work but Kryptonia DOES :)

I'll put it on my list 👍

I'm chocoholic myself. What I tend to do for a "fix", especially in the evening: hot (or cold) cocoa from scratch. I use what we call "real cocoa" (it doesn't dissolve in cold liquids + is used for baking, too). First it takes some time: making water boil, putting the cocoa powder into a mug, add a bit of sweetener (I use brown rock sugar), perhaps some spices. Then adding the water to it, stirring and adding milk ("real" milk - not this fat reduced UHT white water) - it not only helps because your brain is occupied with the work process but because it makes the whole thing a treat.

It's not like grabbing the chocolate which you tried to hide from yourself somewhere in the pantry - it's a reward for yourself because you're worth it. Consuming this with positive feelings instead of bad ones ("I shouldn't eat that - why can't I stop doing this") makes it more effective, more lasting :)

I love this comment! Good for you to be creative. Your drink sounds delicious.

Lol on the UHT fraud. This is a nightmare, and I am glad you see through it. It is best to get everything as close to the source as you can.

And positivity is the best plan ALWAYS!

Making your own cocoa resembles our growing up, we used to do very similar to have something different. Took the cocoa power (normally used for baking) added cane sugar (the only one available when we were growing up) mixed the two together in the bottom of a cup and added hot water, a little cows milk and it worked for a nice change from tea. We were not allowed coffee under the age of ten.

I am also chocolate lover.This is one of few things I can never resist.

The need to finish is not something I struggle with, it is carbs in general that are trigger foods. I would never lose weight eating organic home baked bread, but would stack on on the pounds. Heck, I cant even lose weight cutting out all sugar and wheat.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ok here is what my wife and I have done to improve out diet.

Bread we bake our own. We grind our wheat and use Alta flour from Honeyville,com. We can no longer eat store bread and ours is very filling.

Sugar is limited use in the house. No sweet drinks are consumed and Honey and pure maple syrup is used when needed. First thing to do is eliminate sweet drinks. No sugar in any drinks except fresh lemonade. Also to help out with this you must reduce the use of prepared food they always have to much sugar in them.

Chocolate Use only dark chocolate and we have found a 72% chocolate bar at Trader's Joes that we like and it satisfies our chocolate urges.

Peanut butter I like it my wife has it sometimes. I just do not consume that much when I have it. It does go great with our home made bread.

This is what helped us.

As a child we never had many sweets, fizzy drinks and had to eat what was placed on the table, all fresh from a local farm.

Starting out at work and earning, being tempted by city life bingeing once a month on pay day became a problem, getting it under control took strict perseverance on my side since I needed a boob reduction op, which they would not perform if you were overweight.

Tactic I found worked best, use a smaller dinner plate and don't load it up to the brim. Continue eating what you enjoy in smaller portions. Strict diets always lead to cravings, then bingeing started again. Now I eat what I enjoy just spreading it out, make sure it is a balanced diet or it could still backfire on your health.

I liked your comment because I feel identified, in my childhood my mother never gave us processed foods, or soft drinks, or processed fats, if we ate legunbres, fresh fruits and vegetables, during my childhood my health was very good, but right at the beginning to work and have my own income fell into the temptation to buy meals on the street and endless sweets. I think your technique for reducing harmful foods is very good and I will take it into account.

Good old days @mariale07 we were lucky being brought up without all the options offered to the children today.

Wow this was a quality post..

I purchased some 90per cent dark chocolate the other day. It was so strong and yuck I spat it out and all I could taste was the cacoa and no sugar... Now I know that's not what you want to hear but how can I overcome this... 🤔 Also I've been eating gluten free bread 🍞 it seems ok 👌 expensive though here in Australia. And organic eggs 🥚 they are also expensive compared to the cage eggs lol. I guess the saying goes. Eat cheap die young.

Posted using Partiko Android

The chocolate you tried to eat is for baking, not eating alone. Just try some more normal type. Even the 60% type would probably be too strong for you at the start. Local candy shops might be a good bet.

Why are you avoiding gluten? If there is not a medical reason, regular organic should be fine. Also check the ingredients in the bread. The gluten free in the states is often just as chemical laced as the regular.

For eggs, local farmers or farmer's markets might have a better price. But that is a hard one to find cheap.

Thank you for the compliment. My food became cheaper when I got healthy. But it takes perseverance to get there. Don't give up!

My trigger foods are carbs, whether it's pizza, pasta, or pretzels, the 3 P's kick my arse. I was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2011 and I'm supposed to eat gluten free, but I find that I'm not fond of gluten free foods. My doctor can tell by my labs, that I'm not following a gluten free diet and jumps all over me. Plus it doesn't help that this week is Halloween and I'll be mugging the neighborhood kids for their Butterfingers. 💕

Lol. I count on you for a good and funny answer @wonderwop!

If you were celiac, you would be deathly ill on gluten. Just upgrade what you do eat and start there.

So get better quality of the foods you are eating and add some even better quality food on the side. It is hard to change fast from where you are at.

One example would be to make your own pizza from quality ingredients, instead of eating the 3 for $10 type like I used to live on. See @fastio's comment here for the theory on that.

In the beginning of my weight loss, I was also very carb dependent. The only way I broke that, was to eat other things in more volume. Maybe try making some lists of what those things might be for you, and then start eating them.

Higher quality food with more variety is my best advice.

As for Halloween, ergh... I can't eat those candy bars now since they taste like poison to me. See @mariannewest's comment here. But until your diet is cleaned up, you will not be able to taste the problem.

Thank you for all your advice @fitinfun 💕

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Some great advice there. Thank you for sharing :)

Thank you very much. I am a broken record on this topic, but not giving up!

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