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RE: Weight Loss, Trigger Foods, and an SBI Contest!

in #esteem6 years ago

You are going to force me to go and do that kryptonia thing one of those days.

I think your advice is spot on. "Diets" don't work. Eating for life is the only way to go. I find that I like to eat a lot. So, for me, huge salads work well. Or have a container with carrot sticks ready when I get the munchies.
As for the need to finish. I used to have that until I told myself consciously that I can eat that tomorrow. It really took a while where I had to stop, tell that to myself, and take action.
Now, I do live with a compulsive eater - if it is in the house, he will eat it. So, if it is something I want, and I want to have for later - I tell him very clearly that I expect this to be there for me when I want it. Hands off!!
And I know that if I want something, I can always get it.
I also think the strategy of eating really good food is excellent. I grew up with very good chocolate and was never tempted to eat any of the candy/chocolate bars available here :)


Yeah even I think so. Diet will last only for two weeks. If we take healthy and nutritious food it will be good.

for sure - if we think that we can only eat a certain thing - then everything else will look so good!! And willpower only goes a short ways..

Completely agree with you, all those diets are just a big stress to body. eat healthy and little, may more often but little portions, and you will never have any problems with weight.

Yes, you need to get on @kryptonia!

I had to do the same thing with called and my good cheeses. He can eat $10 worth in seconds!

I know a lot of traveling Europeans now. They can't believe how bad the candy bars are in the states. Here in SE Asia, the US candy bars are relabled and made differently, since the chemicals are not allowed here.

I think whenever you get more nutrition, the cravings and need to finish subside. The US diet is so poor, that everyone is "stuffed yet starving." Get some good food in you and your body will not be so ravenous.

That is for sure. Somewhen in my long history of reading about nutrition and such, I read that sugar cravings indicate a vitamin deficiency.

@mariannewest "You are going to force me to go and do that kryptonia thing one of those days." Diets may NOT work but Kryptonia DOES :)

I'll put it on my list 👍

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