Where do your up-votes come from? / Which 'class' of user votes on your content?

in #engagement6 years ago (edited)

On Monday and Tuesday, I produced 50+ custom (not custard) pie charts for visitors to a similar post - It's the other way around today as the query looks at which 'class' of user has upvoted you in 2018.


The first post was met with a really good response and it was the 2nd most commented on post of the day. Although, the 3+ hours I spent replies probably helped with that.

Some users took their pies home and produced a post showing their gift. Those people included @macoolette here, who also asked the following in their post:


I dare say it is possible :D

The classes are organised as follows:

ClassSteem Power
Redfish or Smaller< 500
Minnow> 499 & < 5000
Dolphin> 4999 & < 50000
Orca> 49999 & < 500000
Whale> 499999

Your pie chart will look something like this:


  • The data is taken from 1st January 2018 to present
  • The percentage represents the total votes received from each 'class'
  • If the account was a Minnow when the voted for you in January but is now a Dolphin, this vote will be grouped into the Dolphin 'class'
  • Vote weight is not taken into consideration
  • Only up-votes are included

Over 80% of my votes come from Minnows or smaller. I suspect that if I was more focused on myself and not the community, the % of dolphins supporting me would be larger as I looked to trade votes with them. On the other hand, the vast majority of accounts are 'Redfish or smaller', and so it makes sense to receive the majority of votes from this class.

As of about half an hour ago, this is the state of play with regards to account classes:

Redfish or smaller110700299.067%

(4 more Dolphins and 5 more minnows than Monday)

Who wants (another) a pie chart?




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Hello, I want also to know the numbers related to me, but tell me please what tool you are using to count that, and how to join @steemcommunity ? The discord link that I found was expired, I'm curating a community called @dcooperation and I need support for it.

Almost missed you due to the gentlebot vote - seems your luck is in :D

A fairly standard chart.

I'm glad about that, I like @gentlebot , it's a good idea to upvote good comments. I like the number of minnows upvoting me, because I'm a minnow as well and I'm happy that I could support them somehow, that's why they are supporting me in return. But fishies seems also to like my content because I try to be helpful to everybody. But I miss whales, I need to learn about what they exactly need to make them notice me as well. Thanks for this nice analysis, I hope to check this in a few months to see the change. ☺

I love these post of yours. It would like to see my chart.

Thanks for the support with this posts!

Huge Redfish support for you, I'm wondering if it's time to look up a bit more?


I am not surprised by that at all. I run allot of promos directed at helping Redfish accounts like myself. Thanks allot for the chart and the link to the post. I been trying to look up .. its hard to grow on here without investment but I think its important that its proved that it can be done as I believe its important to the over-all success of Steemit.

I think its important that its proved that it can be done as I believe its important to the over-all success of Steemit.

I agree. If it was shown to be a fruitless exercise then retention would be very very poor. Cheers!

Lets check this interesting stuff too :D

Sure :)

Quite an even spread amonst the 3 main classes - good dolphin fishing :)

Just scaredly asked for the first pie with crema batida but now that I asked that first one could you please send this one too. Scared i was already so HIT ME UP 😬😬

:D Did I reply yet or was it in the last 10 mins? Let's see...

Everyone's charts are different so far, very cool!

This is the first pie you delivered,
I am loved by the reds and the smallows
Thanks for this one

I have a post out a few days ago, comment over there for the reverse pie :D

I did this morning

Sorry, yes you did. Having trouble keeping up and the charts on the other post have the wrong title today (same as this title :( )

No worries Thanks for the pies

I have a basic idea on what my numbers will be but it would be nice to see an accurate one.

Show me the numbers!!! :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Will do!

The Red fishes love you :D

I think I have 97% violet !
Please, show mine as well
Good post and work

Let's have a look....

Still a bit early to assess based on the others, check back in later to compare :D

Bet mine matches the other pretty close. These should be fun to look at.
Please do lets have a look.

Alright let's see :)

Very much alike!

Thank you. I believe my thoughts from last time were right. Wouldn't hurt to keep an eye open for a few good dolphin and orca.

Thank you! The comments on that one were pretty good too. It is good to see my minnow friends discussing these things. I am very low on the food chain.
It is my hope that those one step up grow and prosper. We will see if the trickle down theory plays out here :)

Nice balance @headchange! Have you done a post showing the two different pies? I'm sure you can make it amusing..... We also start low on the food chain but you are slowly growing. Eat plenty plankton little fishie ;) And as Asher says "look up and down" and I think it was @lynncoyle1 or @simplymike who said "look sideways"!!

Thank you! Yes we are both coming along nicely for sure.
I actually did think about doing that post (how did you know that) I got another of those comedy nominations.
With all that looking around up and down and sidewards we are going to strain our necks. 😊

Definitely comedy! I "knew" because that's what I'm going to do. Compare pies but I don't have the sense of humour you do. Book a chiropractic appointment then get cracking @headchange ;)

Wish it was me, but that sounds like @simplymike:) If she says no, than yes, it was totally me with that bit of wisdom haha

Nice pie @headchange!!

Wel @lynncoyle1 you two do seem to think a lot alike most of the time.
@buckaroo who says you aren't funny that chiropractic crack has me cracking up. 😊

Hahaha, you are right this tiime, it was me :0)

Hi Asher. Would be great to see the pie and have a fair idea I think.

One pie coming right up!

Not too dissimilar to your out-going votes, sounds reasonable to me :)

Thanks Asher. Almost identical.

That would make sense I think. My pleasure :)

I'm suspecting the majority of my votes comes from reddish and minnows?

Let's have a look if you are correct...

Spot on! Did you get the chart the other day on your out-going votes? Comment on that post if you wish, it could be interesting to compare :)

Yeah I did! Can I use these graphs for a post if I give credit to you?

Of course you can, thanks very much!

hey @abh12345 i have no idea, how can i get it?

Like that :)

You are quite new (welcome!) and so there isn't that many votes to assess - early support vastly in favor of the small fish, as one would predict I think.

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