The Curation and Engagement Leagues ๐Ÿ† - STEEM prizes & steem-bounty available! ๐ŸŽ

in #engagement โ€ข 6 years ago

Welcome to this weeks Engagement and Curation leagues, kindly sponsored by the awesome @curie!

I hope everyone has had an enjoyable week, let's see how we've been doing with regards to Curation and Engagement.

To enter the leagues drop a comment below (for a lifetime membership - you will need to ask to be removed)

The league tables are reset each week and so any time is a good time to join!

On your marks, get set, curate!

The Engagement League - Sponsored by @curie

This league is not based around financial rewards and relates to engagement.

Everyone currently on my master list has a chance here - including those powering down or dealing in delegations over the past couple of weeks.

I've used some metrics (which is the fancy way of saying that made up some numbers) relating to:

  • Posts (P)
  • Comments - number of (C)
  • Comments - replies to replies - depth > 2 (C R)
  • Number of people spoken to (PS)
  • Comments - length in characters (C L)
  • Witness votes (W) (for those proxying witness votes, your total is always 30)
  • Up-votes to others (V)
  • Up-votes to different authors (U V)
  • Self-votes - a (getting smaller each week) minus score for this one sorry! (S V)

Firstly, if you are placed in the table above then you among the top 25% of the league entrants!

Congratulations to this weeks Engagement League winner, yes you guessed it, @janton! ๐Ÿ†

With twice as many points as 2nd place, Joy Boy looks unstoppable. Hat's off to the man from Texas!

In 2nd, @steemflow, who has moved up the ranks in recent weeks and looks like a solid top 10 perfomer from this point onwards. Great job!

And another recent addition to the leagues, @niallon11 is a new entry into 3rd. Nice work!

Excellent engagement levels also from @erikah, @maquemali, @melinda010100, @dreemsteem, @veryspider, @macoolette, and @headchange, who will all be receiving some STEEM this week.

Those without a self-vote (from their main account at least! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ) and placed in the top ranks will also receive a little STEEM. These people are: @cryptocopy, @cicisaja, @bengy, @coinsandchains, @gillianpearce, @delishtreats, @anutu, @mountainjewel, and @scrawly.

Well done everyone!

The Curation League / Rewards based

Please find the rules in a previous post.

The end column is what I think is a genuine indicator of how well you are financially working the curation game with the tools, including vested Steem Power, that you have at your disposal.

Congratulations @jacksartori!

๐ŸŽ Prizes ๐ŸŽ

The Engagement League

0 votes to self - Spot Prizes

Lucky number 25 in The Engagement League

A @steembasicincome share, courtesy of @fullcoverbetting, goes to @tarazkp!

Thanks Peter and well done @tarazkp!


  • If you have spotted any glaring errors in my post, please let me know so I can fix them

  • If you would like to be added or removed from the master list, give me a shout

  • If you have any other comments or suggestions, please enter them into the box below

Thank you everyone, have an awesome day!



If you feel that The Engagement and Curation leagues are a worthwhile addition to the Steem blockchain, please consider a vote for our witness - @steemcommunity

Find out more about our project here

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ย 6 years agoย (edited)

I was waiting for this post, you know that and it's finally here :) After your last week's post was out, I started to study the list to see where I need to improve my activity and was waiting to see this week's edition to see if I have learned something.
The fact that I am where I am this week is a confirmation that last week was not a waste of time. I have learned a lot, connected with a lot of people, found a new community which I love and hoping I can learn a lot from and this is not all.
There's still a lot to learn, there's still a lot to figure out but I'm confident :)
@abh12345 I want to thank you for opening my eyes, for showing a way to be better here! Also want to say congratulations to all of the users that are on the list (except one) and wish everyone a great week.
See you guys next week :)

P.S. I've been meaning to ask you about the colours. Green I know what it means but there are two type of blues and a yellow. Care to elaborate?

Thank you for this message @erikah!

I'm really glad you spent the time to look at what was required and then took action on it this past week.

Your post count is really high! And I suspect that meant you had less time to comment in length, which is the only place that might need to improve to reach the top 3. Great job though :D

Blue is no self-vote, and yellow is lucky 25.

Thank you very much for the explanations. Now I see clearly where and what. I've even managed to figure out the second chart, the curation chart. That's really helpful as well. I don't have many SP right now but that's not relevant, it's relevant how I'm using it, right? There is someone in front of me with only 25 SP, soo ... "use your SP wisely" :)
You're right, writing long comments takes time, time we don't always have. This week I'm going to work hard on that, let's see where it's going to take me, but the week after will be a busy one, so I'm not going to be on the list, or not in the top ten, that's for sure. But it's ok, no problem.
Anyway, thank you once again for your amazing work! It helps me a lot to develop, exactly what I needed.

You catching up very fast @erikah. ๐Ÿ‘

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm trying :) Thank you!

Huge congratulations @erikah! You are amazing! Look at those numbers! โค๐Ÿ˜˜โค

Thank you so much Melinda! Congratulations to you too, we both did well this week! Not to mention the knowledge we got from here! See you next week, let's see if you can get first place :))

You should go for first! No way can I type that much!
This is a learning experience, isn't it? ๐Ÿ˜

To go first? I don't know, I guess first place is for janton for good.
It is a learning experience but not only. It's a learn to do it right way :D

Congratulations @erikah! You're definitely a quickly rising star here! I just checked out your page and am now following!


Many thanks @curatorcat for the nice comment and for the follow as well. I don't know about being a rising star, I'm not considering myself one, but I love what I could find out here thanks to Asher and I;m using it. Good lock to you! Are you on the list?

Blue is the way to go if you can't get into the top 10. The prize from winning a no self-vote is going to be bigger than the rewards for self-voting... at least for most people it is.

It would be for me too but I'm lucky, I'm in the top ten this week, although that's not luck, I worked hard for it and learned a lot. This thing Asher is doing is very helpful, at least for me it is.
Anyway, thank you for your comment and good luck, see you next week :)

You definitely worked hard to have made it to the top 10. There's no luck involved. There are certain things you can focus on, like meeting more people, but at the end of the day, you have to put in the work. Congrats on your placement this week. :)

Many thanks for the kind words! Have a nice day and let's see what the next chart is going to look like :)


Congrats with the Lucky 25 prize @tarazkp. You SBI share has been sponsored.

Thanks @abh12345 for organizing this contest once again! It really shows that there is more engagement than we do expect on the steem blockchain!
Strange leaderboard compared to several months ago. @janton is still leading the pack by all the other names within the top 10 are rather new for me!
@glenalbrethsen is taking a break, at least it appears that way!

Curious who will win the Luck 25 next week!


Hey, @fullcoverbetting. Thanks for the mention and for remembering me. With all the newer people claiming the Top 10 this week, it's easy to become part of the dustbin of history. :)

I'm not so much taking a break as life is taking me away. My wife had hernia surgery two weeks ago and continues her recovery, and I have my oldest son and his wife here, so it's kind of like a family reunion right now.

At any rate, good on you for the sponsor, and I find it particularly fitting that it be @tarazkp. Just seems like he should get something back for all his labor on our behalf. :)

Hope that your wife will recover soon! Enjoy the family time, much more important than this. And I have no doubt that you will strike back :)

cheers mate.
I haven't sponsored anyone before is it:
amount + account name in memo?

Yep, transferring steem to @steembasicincome. Than the amount of share you are willing to sponsor and the one or ones you do want to sponsor.

Was trying to explain it, but this posts does it in a much better way:


Wow @janton that is impressive... Not only are you doing this at an amazingly high rate, you do it consistently day in and day out. And for many many weeks now. I am very happy to see you do so well and I hope you continue to lead many people in building this social interaction so that we can make Steemit awesome!

And great job again Asher ... Its amazing to see so many new faces and even the old ones like @glenalbrethsen and @lynncoyle1 are still on the list even if they are taking a break right now.

I hope you are doing well and I'm happy every week to see this post come out! (even though I haven't done anything good on it for 3 weeks, I still want to see what is going on and plan for my return to the money places :P ) :D :D :D

I look forward to seeing you there Dave, I think number 7 spot could have your name on it again soon :D

Hopefully we will pick up some more sponsorship soon which should take us all the way to beyond Steemfest. Cheers!

Awesome! (on the sponsorship)... and I doubt it will be this week since SM has a major promo going that has been what I've been waiting for, but once that happens it will kick into gear a plan I've been working on. (hopefully) :D

ps... make sure to take lots pics at Steemfest... I think you all will have a blast and hopefully have some great news to bring back :D

Hey, @davemccoy.

Thanks for the mention. Taking a break is not quite what I'm doing. Being taking away from Steemit is more like it. My wife had her hernia surgery two weeks ago and so I've been needed more than usual to do things around the house and beyond. I anticipate that will continue to happen for another 10 days or so. I intend to get back into the swing of things after that, and see what can be done with getting my name back at the top of the list. :)

Hey Glen! Good to see you are just tending to life... I hope your wife is ok and its great that you are doing more around the house :P ... Don't let her get to used to it though or you might never get back here on Steemit ;) ... jk

And that's cool that you are still going to be taking another week or so away, it will actually coincide with what I've been doing lately. So maybe we can both enter the "money" ranking in a few weeks (you will of course challenge @janton, I will be happy to be in the 0 self-vote section) :P

I hope the best for your wife's recovery and speak to you soon! :)

Once again... @janton- you are the steemit guy!
Congratulations to all!

Not sure how he manage so much ...๐Ÿ˜•

Posted using Partiko Android

Congratulations everyone! It's good to see some new names on the top of the list! Still waiting for somebody to defeat @janton, lol! I think he didn't take the 'one hand typing' challenge, hahaha.

Really good to see the top 20 changing so much, apart from the top spot of course!

One hand? I'm thinking no hands and the 'straw challenge' :D

Great statistics!!

Congrats all and hats off to you sir @janton! No one seems to want your chair!!

Congrats WW Family @dreemsteem you are soaring! @anutu @mimismartypants @eveningart!!

This comment was made from


Some may want it, but he's not giving up that easily at all!

Well done all WW high-flyers :D

Oh he surely made this a war!! Hahaha..

Yeah! We're soaring high! Thank you so much we are having fun each week..

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks!! those WW members - I tell ya. hehehehe they're a talkative bunch ;)

Thank you!!!! it was a surprise this week for sure!!!!! How can I count all my WW comments to apply here too??? LOLOLOLOLOL

just kidding ;)

and how could we even knock him off his throne?!??! I don't think its possible! @janton is a machine! LOLOL

we would have to do NOTHING but comment all day! LOLOLOL one of these weeks, you and me @maquemali.... we'll REALLY try - just for fun! hahahaha
and yesssssssss look at our WW team - still proudly representing!!! :) Love it!

Oh! I wasn't surprised hahahaha with all those super godly comments you make each day, i have a strong feeling you'll make the mark.. and i love it all!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜—.. yeah maybe you're close to #2 if WW comments were counted hahahahaha

Awww... mr @janton is invincible!! Hahahaha its so so so hard to steal that chair! The man is truly a legend!

I would love to give it a try too hahahaha but i dont know, it depends if i have less work at the office.. maybe we should think of something this week at WW House like what we did last week we have something to keep us going!

Yes!!! I love love it seeing how WW Guys are rocking the league! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜€

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much @maquemali ....

M A Q U E M A L I .... S U P E R S T AR .... M A Q U E M A L I ... S U P E R S T A R :)

<3 xx

Hahahahaha naaaahhh i move down this week, there were tiresome nights and i have to take those sleeps.. hehe but thank you for even considering me as one..

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks asher, my position is bottom of the table. This is where I should be. I do not expect to get the prizes. I want to measure how well I am doing in engagement league.

Thanks to @abh12345 and to the rest of the guys on here. I only joined the curation league last week for the first time and placed way down in 44th place. Starting this week fresh I decided to put in a big effort and see how high I could make it with time and effort. Absolutely delighted to make it into 3rd position and totally unexpected. I was just hoping to crack the top 20.

Congrats to @steemflow in second and to @janton in first place, with what can only be called ridiculous numbers. I know how much time I spent on the site this week so to have that amount of characters and comments is phenomenal. Doing it week in and week out is even more impressive. Hopefully your feeling a bit tired this week so i can take your number one spot, because the only way i'm beating that is if you sleep for a few days straight.

Got to be happy with 3rd spot on your second week, that's brilliant! Congratulations!

Thanks @abh12345. Like I said, absolutely delighted to be there and totally unexpected. I'd like to say that I'm gunning for the 1st place spot now but that's just not going to happen. Roll on next week and we will see if we can do it again.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks @niallon11 was a surprised entry...pretty hard believe seeing my name on top๐Ÿ˜‡

Posted using Partiko Android

I felt the same myself. Getting anywhere up the list is a great achievement with the quality of people in the running. A lot higher than expected.

Yes indeed...i never have thought of reaching....๐Ÿ˜‰ it jist happened

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow! Congrats to you @niallon11 That is a really big leap!

Thanks @melinda010100. I saw how much effort the others were putting in so I knew I would have to spend a bit more time than I had been previously. I used to reads loads of posts but rarely commented after, so that's where I made the difference. I also found a few new authors whole browsing that I found really interesting and got talking to.

Posted using Partiko Android

You are certainly doing something right! Great job.โญ

@janton, you're a machine. Congratulations on another win. It's been crazy watching you journey, but you've found a way to grow your account and you do the activities well. Congrats on another week at the top.

Congrats to all the new winners as well. We're seeing a lot of new faces at the top. That's exciting!

@lynncoyle1 and @glenalbrethsen, I miss the days when it was the three of us fighting for the top spots, but Lynn, I know you were moving this last week. Glen, you've been helping your wife as she recovers. Good for both of you to be looking out for your families. Maybe one day we'll all meet at the top again.

I've been away more than present for the last few weeks. Other projects have been taking my time, so I haven't been around as much. I'm still hoping to make a comeback at some point. Something that will more than get me a "0 self-votes" prize. So watch out! :D

@abh12345, thanks for running the numbers and being so faithful to put out this post. You're the man!

Thank you @themanwithnoname; they were simpler times ... me, you, Glen, and white tv, lemonade on the porch, lamenting the "youth these days" LOL

I was just sitting on the back porch a little while ago. I was enjoying the sunset and talking with my wife. Good times, good time.

Are you all moved into the new place?

Yes we are moved in, and i was all ready to post about it today, but we had a minor mishap with a drunk driver on our scooter :( We're ok, but sore; i did a post with more details (obviously haha), because I'm about to get off of here and lie down now.

I'm sorry to hear that! Wrecks are no fun on their own, but I can imagine that on a scooter it might be worse. I'm glad you're ok. It sounds scary. Get some rest and keep us posted when you have a chance.

Thank you and yes, it was scary! I wrote a quick post yesterday because I figured I'd be out to the game here for a few days. I'm just checking in now for a few minutes, but truthfully, I'm too sore to sit at my laptop :)

Hope you're well!!

I have your post open in a tab. It's not one that I want to skip over. Thanks for checking in. Rest up and get better soon!

Wait. There was lemonade, a back porch and TV?! Man, have I been missing out. I just thought we were lamenting the youth. :)

Sorry, man. We must have forgotten to tell you about the lemonade. It was on the back porch where the TV was. That's all gone now. All we have left is the lamenting the "youth these days." Maybe we can get a new tv soon. One of the "youth of today" stole it. And the porch burned down. And the lemonade went bad. Don't worry, things will get better soon.

hey, @themanwithnoname.

Thanks for the mention. It's nice not to be forgotten among all the young pups we have running around here now (new to the league is where I'm going with this). I'm not quite there yet, but I for one think someone, preferably a group of us 'old guard' folk, need to show people how things are done around here. I'd rather it be for more than just old time sake though. I'm not feeling like it's time for me to be turned out to pasture quite yet. Not by you, obviously. Just by life's circumstances.

As it is, I've got another 10 days before I can try to get back into the flow of things. So, really week after next is the first time I'll have to try to mount any serious attack of any kind on the mountain. Hopefully @janton won't be bored with it all by then. :)

My wife is doing pretty well. It's hard to know what's going on with her insides, but outwardly she seems to be getting better. We're still trying to restrict her activity until she's told otherwise by the surgeon, but she already has a greater range of movement and seems to be picking up speed. We've been walking almost every day and I think that's been helping her.

Absolutely! You've been a consistent part of my experience since the time that you found one of my posts on the NFL playoffs shortly after I started. These new kids aren't going to replace you. :D

I'm not sure if life's circumstances are trying to turn me out to pasture either. We have to fight against it and see what happens. It's pretty much a roll of the die.

It sounds like you're going to be busy for a little while, but that also means you can save up ideas and rest your typing fingers so you'll be ready when you mount that assault.

I'm glad to hear your wife is doing well! Walking tends to help with many different recoveries. It's strange how such a simple activity can do so much good for the body. It's nice though. And you're getting to spend time with someone you care about, so it's a win-win. Although you do have less time to spend on steemit, so maybe that factors in too. I don't know.

I didn't remember the NFL playoffs posts being you, so I went to go look. Definitely you, obviously, and there was a post before it I commented on about the Steemit delegation we got being halved or something.

Good times, good times. :)

My main issue right now is using the little time I do have to do something here. I'm not on 24-hour call anymore, but there's still the potential for it because my wife is at home. Since she has been feeling better, she's been wanting more done around the place. It's hard to gain any momentum when you could be called away at any minute, so I'm tending to waste time doing whatever, which really makes no sense at all, but that's where my brain and will are taking me right now.

We'll know more about how she's doing next week when she goes to the surgeon, but she does seem to be doing okay. I keep trying to convince her she should call and talk to someone about the aches, swelling, pinching, pain, whatever, but so far, she just wants to wait. I'd probably be worse if I were in her shoes, so I don't know if I should be trying to push seeing the doctor or not. I have no idea what's within the normal parameters or to be expected outside what the surgeon told us and gave us in writing. I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV.

Man, you must have been scrolling for a while to get back there. I've thought about it, but there's no easy way to search by a date range or something.

Interesting that we were already talking about the delegations. It was a frustrating time. I'm so glad to be out from under the delegation curse. Those were hard days to see it disappear just as fast as I earned it. Now I tend to get around 1-2 Steem per day in rewards, so it wouldn't take me too long, but at the time it was torture.

I understand the "doing whatever" because you might get called away at any moment. It's harder to focus on something when you know that you could be interrupted at any second... and then you'd lose your place.

I'm sorry it's not healing as quickly as you'd both like, and that there are some minor complications. Hopefully they're able to clear things up when she sees the doctor next week.

I'm not a doctor, I just look things up on WebMD. Ha!

@abh12345 has set 5.000 STEEM bounty on this post!

Bounties are a new way you can earn rewards irrespective of you Steem Power. Go here to learn how bounties work.

Earn the bounty by commenting what you think the bounty creator wants to know from you.

Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.

Happy Rewards Hunting!

@abh12345 has added 5.000 STEEM of bounty on this post!

Query on intellihandling - seems to be abusing the bounties?

I just noticed this! With alt-account auto votes he can swipe bounty payments! What a strategy!

Yeah, we'll have to fix that ;)

I noticed that, too. Maybe @knircky will comment back.. sad that everytime someone comes up with a cool feature people come along to exploit it...


Hopefully, or I'll just take action myself.

The comment is so bad too!

I replied to him just in case it was a real person, but I think it's funny that he's trying to scam the system and he's saying that he thinks we need more people for him to scam. That's bold!

The @steem-bounty part owner also has a bounty on his most recent post, and this guy is there with his trail also - adding nothing to the conversation again.

I don't think his comment adds value, or will have any value by the end of fthe week ๐Ÿ˜

I don't think his comment adds value, or will have any value by the end of fthe week

Wow, you must be a fortune teller! What lottery numbers should I get? Ha ha.


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