The EcoTrain Magazine: 2nd May 2019- Bringing you Amazing Content from the EcoTrain Passengers

in #ecotrain5 years ago

Welcome to another weekly Curation from the amazing Passengers of the EcoTrain.

I am very excited to share with you all, a wonderful selection of posts that the passengers have written, posts in which they share their wisdom and life skills with us all. It is so important that we find ways to come together and empower one another with our knowledge. To share our stories and to inspire one another to find ways in which we can live more in harmony with the earth. This week we have something to suit everyone, including natural medicine, permaculture, natural buildings and sacred celebrations.

It is our goal within the EcoTrain to make the world a better place and we are all very passionate about doing just that, which is reflected in the content we create. So sit back, enjoy and remember to show your support by upvoting, following and resteeming the content that you enjoy and lets all work together, in making the world a better place!



Seeding Cucurbits in Anticipation of Summer 

Today I seeded up two trays of Cucurbits! The Cucurbitaceae family includes squash, gourds, cucumbers and melons. I am starting them earlier this year and I am starting all of them in trays rather than direct seeding so that they can get an early start. I'll also be planting them out early.

Traditionally our last frost date is June 1st and some people say that there's been frost and snow further into June in rare occasions. But talking to some old timers and some wise farmers that I respect has taught me that our last frost date is moving up in the recent years and we can expect our last frost date to be mid May now.


All rewards from this post goes to Charity @littledisciples

Urgent!! Malnutrition in the celestial Villa sector | Help the children of Venezuela.... @littledisciples @lopzdaniel

@freedomtribe introduced me to this post by @lopzdaniel. Since then many kind mindful steemians have started helping the cause including:

And inspired by @riverflows & @freedomtribe I will be donating all rewards on this post directly to @littledisciples in addition to 5 steem I already sent.

If you can please consider donating directly to @littledisciples


#EndTirePollution Campaign | We saved 04Tires from the Environment today April 28, 2019! 

Today, we saved 04 Tires that were destined for the landfills from the Environment. These tires were collected from Tchoffo Tire Depot at Mile 3 Nkwen by @mr-greens who carried them in his Mini Pajero. We are going to upcycle these tires into; 1. Tire Erosion Embankments: 2. Mushroom Tire Seats: 3. Tire Flower Pots or Tire Gardening:



The Story of the Toads in our Pond!

Water is life and
You build it and they will come.
Two phrases that typify this video...

As you all know we made a pond!
It is a magnet for life on the homestead and we enjoy sitting by it watching our fish and all of the other organisms that are attracted to it.
Frogs & Toads, of course!


Plant Perennial Food For Resilient Gardens 

Planting edible perennials increases food system resilience. It is better for our soil and our health. It also makes our work in the garden a lot easier.

Perennial edibles are the type of plants that often get a bad rap. In the popular quest for ultimate control and perfectly manicured gardens, perennial edibles are willfull, wild, resilient & unruly rebels!

When it comes to food security increasing the amount of perennial food you grow is the smart thing to do. Basically, If you want a lot of food, plant perennials.


When A Seed is More Than A Seed: Steem Now, And a Vision?

![]() A few days ago, a package arrived in the post all the way from Oregon. The sender - the darling @sagescrub - joined me on an experiment to see if seeds would make it through Aussie customs. Before you get all border police on me, these are all seeds that I've seen grow here in Australia, so it wasn't as if I was smuggling in cane toads or prickly pear or foxes (thanks early settlers). Receiving the package felt like Christmas when I was a kid. It just felt unexpected and exciting, pulling out mullein, yellow yarrow, dandelions (yes, I have them growing in my garden already, but I wanted ones from Oregon), and a plethora of other seeds that I'll sow come Spring. 'Seeds of Abundance' indeed - born from having plenty, and being willing to give away to make someone elses life abundant.


Miracles Aren't Chance...We Create Them

Coincidence - that is a word that is tossed around a lot in our lives. Have you ever found yourself chalking up daily actions that come in front of your life as stark coincidences? I would wager a bet that most of those occurrences are not coincidences at all - but rather manifestations of our own minds.

Whether we all realize it or not at this point in time, thought truly does generate all of our realities. While some are beginning to wake up to this concept, most have yet to come to the awareness of it. As we approach each day in our lives, some of our daily thoughts materialize quicker than others like - I want a cup of coffee, I think I'll go for a walk, or I would rather go out for dinner than stay in.


Beltaine - A Celebration of Fertility and Unity

Beltaine is one of the Celtic Fire festivals and is celebrated around this time of the year. When you go outside you can see that everything in nature is bursting forth with life. There are flowers everywhere and animals and birds are all having their young, at this time of the year the earth is at it's most fertile stage. There is so much creative energy in the air, everything is growing and evolving. Now is the time to reconnect, reconnect and unite the many sides of ourselves.

Each festival gives us the opportunity to work on specific parts of ourselves, to open ourselves up to deepen inner reflection and embrace the person that we have become. We only need to look to nature, to see what is happening naturally all around us. When we observe our natural surroundings we then become aware of the energies that are at their most active now.


Trying to Get Organised and Getting on Top of Cooking. 

I've been trying to get myself organised again and into a routine so I can start cooking more again. The decorating of the last of the bedrooms has been completed and things have been moved back in out of our living room. While I've been concentrating on getting that done, we've been getting a lot of take out food and chores have been sliding in the rest of the house. It's been a bit of a downwards cycle.

Too much junk food has left me feeling drained and in a bit of a brain fog, which has not been helping me to try and catch up with everything in the house, let alone get on top of cooking for the family again.


Enjoy the Natural Coolness of "Bael" this Summer.

Its Summer time in India, and last few day the scorching heat has started to take toll. The temperature is rising and it's getting unbearable going out in day. People started to avoid spicy food and mostly relies on Cucumber, Juices and Fruits. People started to drink more soft drinks and water to quench their thirst. And to be safe from extreme heat waves every Indian household would be looking for "AEGLE MARMELOS" Juice.
In India we call it BAEL FRUIT.

Bael or Aegle marmelos is a spiritual, religious and medicinal plant, native of India and Bangaladesh and spread throughout South East Asia. The fruit takes about 10 to 11 months to ripen. It is a sweet, aromatic and astringent in nature. It has many benefits and uses such as to cure tuberculosis, hepatitis, dysentery, constipation, peptic ulcer, piles and many more, useful in worm infestation and stomach related problems.


Strange Happening During Mating Season - My Wednesday Walk...

With it being springtime (although you'd never know it around here for it keeps wanting to snow) it is the mating season for the birds and they're flirting around the trees giving their mating calls.
For the past couple of years we have had one strange woodpecker visit us, who is determined to get his call heard!

He is drumming on the metal waterspout!

Last year I caught a good video of him in action. He'll continues doing this until his mate responds. Last year it took awhile before his mate responded and came to meet him on the rain spout. When she finally did come they flew off happily together.


The Positive and the Negative forces within 

Have you experienced this that your Heart wants to go soft and smooth but the mind is creating all the possible havoc.
Well last few days exactly this is what is happening with me. My Heart keeps sensing good energies around but the devil mind keeps attacking it again and again trying to bring it down.

My Sister and her Family were here for sometime. Me and her are poles apart, almost in every aspect and she would very rarely agree to anyone. Quite fixed up in her mind. They are gone now but some conversations between us has been disturbing me.


Earthship Biotecture Transcribed: Session 2 - Part 4: Botanical Cells, Using Water 4 Times, Food Production. 

I would like to thank Mike Reynolds for giving me permission to transcribe, edit and reformat this work for the Steem Blockchain! If you do read or watch this and have any questions please ask in the comments. I am happy to educate and help you to understand this. Biotecture is amazing in so many ways, and even after 20 years I still have not seen a model of sustainable building that even comes close in so many important areas such as performance, carbon footprint, longevity, ease of build, etc... Now you can also come to understand what Biotecture Really Is about!


Crunchy Indian Marsala Chickpeas - Yummies From My Thai Kitchen 

School starts back for the year in just over a week's time and, with it will come the demand for healthy snacks to tide us over in the evening, when Mama is in need of a chill-out-glass-of-wine and dinner might still be a couple of hours away. Such is the life of the solo-entrepreneurial mom - plastering over cracks and creating good bridging solutions.

Snacks in Thailand are generally NOT in the healthy zone - just a horrendous amount of palm oil fried thingies, GMO corn, nasty soy product, chemicals, chemical flavorings and artificial coloring's. In plastic packaging. Not on my watch. After learning that the most common rotation crop for GMO cotton and GMO soy is peanuts (yup - soak up that glyphosate!) I kinda lost my taste for them.


Meditate With Metama -- Healing Past Wounds 

It is ok.
I know it hurts at times.
We have all felt that pain.

Join me as we discuss life and heal some of the wounds that we have carried for too long.


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Make The World A Better Place

Discover previous ecoTrain magazines at @ecoTrain




If you are new to Steemit, love to write, and would like to join the ecoTrain community as an official passenger please email me on [email protected]

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Such an awesome collection of articles on such wide variety of topics!
Thanks for putting this together for us @trucklife-family and for including my Wednesday Walk post!

Wow.... the passengers have some amazing content to share! Impressive! Thank you @trucklife-family for steadfastly & quietly putting this curation together each week. Resteemed.

Posted using Partiko Android

thank you @artemislives. always my pleasure xx

And @metama - that video was great 🧘🏼‍♂️🧘🏼‍♀️

Posted using Partiko iOS

Fabulous. I caught heaps of these this week.. Great to see the ecotrain chuffing along! Off to read the few I missed...

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much for the feature @trucklife-family and the hard work of curation! This is a wonderful edition :)

Great selection as always! I think we have all the topics covered this week! Some fantastic posts in there, and it looks like i missed one or two.

yeah so many amazing posts to read from the wonderful passengers xx

Thank you once again for putting this together. A lovely selection too.

Posted using Partiko Android

@artemislives - I want those chickpeas please? Telling this mind to be mindful of the sensual pleasure 😄

Posted using Partiko iOS

nice compilation of posts here.. thank you for all the work you do putting them together

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