ecoTrain QOTW Tie-up Post: How do you know when it is time to give up on something?
The @ecoTrain asked" How do you know when it is time to give up on something?. It was another jam packed response, and gave me lots of great posts to read! Thank you to all of you who took part, such a diverse set of answers it never ceases to amaze me! Unsurprisingly most of the people who posted are not the type to give up on anything very easily, which makes perfect sense seeing as those of us who are here have not given up on Steem!
Have a great read, and as always remember to follow the people who's posts you enjoy and leave a comment if you can!
First of all: I don't give up easily. And from what I know about most of the passengers on the @ecotrain: they don't either.
We're a big bunch of 'not-giver-uppers' and I guess that's one of the reasons why we all connect so well.
I'm like a pit bull. I'll bite myself into a project, goal or even a person and won't give up trying to achieve what I had my mind set on if I believe in it. And that's where the answer lies: I have to believe in it. As soon as I don't believe in something or someone anymore, I will drop it faster than it or he/she came into my life. But this doesn't mean I didn't try everything I could to hold on before this. In fact: it takes quite a bit of effort to get me to stop believing in something or someone. I think that this is my strength and at the same time, it's also my weakness.
Don't get stuck, move on!
Hello Wonderful Steemians!
Hope you are doing great!!
"Get out from the table, if love is no longer served!''
This is one of my favorite life quote. You can replace the word 'Love' with any other word but the thing is you have to understand and realize the need to get out from anything when you are not getting the thing you want on your own way.
This is actually a very vast topic. We all have so many points of view, so different way of living and belief, you can never generalize or judge other's opinion by your own. But as I said, the result or outcome of our work would be same- we should know when to give up.

Is there Ever a Time to Give Up?
Life is full of opportunity. Many of us have lofty goals and ambitious dreams. Yet is it realistic to believe that we're going to accomplish everything that we set out to achieve? This weeks @ecotrain question, "How do you know when it is time to give up on something?" - sets out to challenge the thinking around whether or not one should give up on something that they've been trying to attain.
At first glance, the simple answer that most positive minded people, such as myself, would say is - absolutely not! We should never give up on our aspirations. But this question needs to be looked at from different angles. First, not everything that people aspire after is good for them. One can't assume from this question that everything that a person is after is something that they need for betterment. There are certainly times when quitting or giving up on bad things is precisely what an individual needs.
An important decision is when a man takes and why??
This photo taken from
In fact, many things come out when you find the meaning of this question, many things appear to be flowing in front of you and if you answer this question, maybe you will not be able to finish it, but I will try as much as possible to convince you.
Actually what was the question of his question that I did not think that this work or this thing is not going to be good and that sometimes there is a lot of time in our life which we are then forced to make a big decision. After a long time, Because of some problems, when we are upset about giving up, there are many things in front of our eyes that we are forced to think a lot of things.
Giving Up: How to Know When to Let Go
When I FEEL unhappy with something in my manifested experience, what I'm really experiencing is the dissonance, like nails down a chalkboard, between the energetic vibration I exude from the core of my Being, and what my conscious mind tells me I want.
Always, always, when there is a lack of manifestation, there is a push-pull tension between the stated desire and deeply held beliefs and unconscious desire.
Because I KNOW this, I have a process I follow when things are not "happening" the way I think I want.
I take a great, big pause from 'the problem' - a few days or a week or more if I can.... and I try NOT to think about the issue at all. I refuse to decide or act. I distract myself. I get busy doing something else that makes my energy soar, and I bring myself to a calm, happy place through another route.
I then stay away from people and try to create lots of quiet places and alone time. I physically ASK my higher self to show me what I'm vibrating energetically that has manifested this thing I don't want, or failed to magic up what I DO want.
When Should We Give Up?
When is it enough? How can we determine if something is worthwhile or not? Frequently asked questions that invade our minds every time we ask ourselves even if it is as a last option to surrender... Leave things behind, be it a project, a relationship, a help, an activity... To answer @ecotrain's weekly question I find myself now thinking about the challenges that life puts in our way, the goals and dreams that we propose to fulfill... Should we give up?
Another interesting question is: Does it depend solely on us? Complicated answer, because there are times when it does, but there are times when it does not. For example, learning a language no matter how complicated it may seem to us is something that depends solely on us, it depends on the time we dedicate to it, on our understanding and intelligence, our motivation, in short... All factors that in the end only depend on our being. In this case, choosing to surrender would be a purely personal decision resulting from insastifaction, stress or various annoyances that can bring us the feeling that we can not carry out the task as we would like.
#MindfulMonday and a Response to Ecotrains QOTW on Letting Go...
I get so attached sometimes that it kind of blinds me to other realities or something different that could be far better than that which I'm holding on to. And it is our attachments or clinging which causes a lot of our suffering.
When we are holding on to something it's important to realize what the opportunity costs are, for by saying yes to one opportunity there are many more that we are saying no to. This adds up to an opportunity cost.
If we can know ourselves and examine these things we are holding on to, asking questions like "is this still serving me, is it for my own betterment or is it just something that I'm attached to, comfortable with and is sort of a pattern I've gotten into", this can give us clarity and open us up to take other paths.
A really good book from someone I admire and who studied opportunities is "Opportunity" by Eben Pagan. It is a compilation of all of the different tools, techniques and strategies he had for finding and creating great opportunities along with the realization of how important opportunity is to success. He shows its nature and how it works plus how it changes over time. He figured out the universal patterns of opportunity in all domains and shares this.
How do you know when it is time to give up on something?
In this journey of life,
All of us are trying hard to get there.
All of us are trying hard to forgive people.
All of us are trying hard to love people.
All of us are trying hard to be a little more positive.
Aren't we?
Sitting right here on my bed behind a 4 inch laptop screen, almost crying and writing my feelings down here - How fair does it sound? >To me - Not fair at all. I have been asking myself this morning,
why is it always me? why am I always at the other end of everything in my life? why am I always at the gun point?
" Love is like cigarette , after burning it only left ashes.."
Well from last few days I was feeling like something is missing, something I want to express but I don't know what it is..After a cup of coffee and a cigarette, I decided I should write my unfinished thoughts. Few days back I have posted a video called How do you know when it is time to give up on something?... Let's talk about it... which I feel still unfinished or incomplete.
@ecotrain question of this week is How do you know when it is time to give up on something? which driven me into deep thoughts.
Giveup We, human always believe that we shouldn't give up on anything infact I also believe that but is it really possible everytime..

Greetings of the day to all the lovely steemiens
@ecotrain thrown us a dime which have many faces. The topic is all look like complex and many have to dig deep into the memory it seems, I believe for many, from who are all trying to participate in they need to take a u turn through their memory line and many might have got some mixed emotions due to the special way this question is presented to us.
The precise response that to be answered from the post is simple, but it touches or interconnected with so many other things too. Words like Dream, desire are enough to create essays of different categories if anyone wants, is it so?
Like a saying if there is a will there is a way, or like the famous lines of Paulo Coehlo that if anyone wishes to have something so badly and strongly then the entire universe may conspire to achieve it. And these are all exactly opposite to the question it seems. So it is better not to try too much lines expanding on it.
How Do You Know Something's Over? - Oh, You'll Know...!
This was my immediate thought when I read this week's QOTW by @ecotrain... and promptly forgot about it. Good thing I still remembered in time to revisit the question, and explain how I recently learned to read the signs all around me.
The Last Day of My Epic Bike Ride
After crossing the US from the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State, down through Oregon and on to coastal California, I reached my designated destination one day ahead of schedule: my friend's place in Los Angeles at Thanksgiving. We had a happy reunion, at the perfect occasion, celebrating this weird American holiday with friends and food and good times. This should have also been a nice end-of-the-road celebration, marking the end of a truly successful adventure. However, I still had a good ten days before my flight back home, and a few places were beckoning to go check them out. So only two days after Thanksgiving I was back in the saddle, heading East and then South.
Giving up is not something I am good at, I have a warrior spirit and I will fight for what I think is right, for what I think is important. I generally follow my gut instinct when it comes to making decisions in life, if something doesn't feel right then I don't do it. But what about when it is something that you have been doing for a long time. We change all the time, I am not the person I was last year, and my desires and needs change with that.
It has been almost a year since I broke up with my ex partner, the father of my children. Things had not been going well for us for quiet a while. But we were a family and I really wanted us to stay a family, even though I knew that things were not good. We had grown a part, but then who's to say we could not grow together again.
Don't Give Up, Keep Performing your Karma.
When one can give up?? I think this week @ecotrain question of the week is continuation question from last week TSU - Biweekly Question- What makes you into the Person you are today; it is all Destiny or do we play a hand in shaping who we are?
If we fail to achieve something, we finally give up or leave it to our destiny or luck. However, Their are many things which are not in our hands to get desired result, or whatever we expected. The external influence is what decide the fate of the work. But it is upto us to give our best in doing things. Then why to give up so easily.
Is it time to give up, yet?
"Follow your dreams!"
"Keep going for it!"
The three mantras, from many, that shape our mindset which often pressurizes us so much that we turn into gases and get lost in the void rather than becoming diamonds.
Yes, being driven and going at it will determine your success. Yes, being persistent will translate to victory. But what if all your energy is being seeped up by the wrong roots, the roots that make your efforts redundant and fruitless?
Giving up is not an option, right? Had Walt Disney given up after his first rejection, had Jeff Bezos given up after his first failed transaction, had Steve Jobs given up on the iPhone and kept pushing on the iPod, had Adele not given up on her boyfriend, had Margaret Hamilton given up after failing her first code, where would they be?
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Make The World A Better Place

Thanks for featuring my writing. It feels great. And reading other's writing. 😊
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This was my first attempt atter I returned to steemit after along time and as mentioned in the intoduction I too surprised by the number of entries as well as the way people across the continents had interpreted the topic and briefed their insight. I did not read each single posts but made a quick glance through many and many are worth to make a detailed read.
Congratulations to all the people featured here and special clap to @ecotrain for providing us a chance to transfer our thought process into a hard proofin a wonderful social media platform:
Thank u!!! Qotw is my steem highlight of the werk ;) hope u join us again next time!
I am looking forward to such contests though my intellectual level doesn't match with the way other people had presented their work.
But I really enjoyed it and claps to the high quality of discussion you are bringing here...
Have a good day...
A wonderful repository of wisdom in response to an excellent question. Much gratitude, @eco-alex for continuing to challenge and invigorate us.
Leading the curation trail for both @ecotrain & @eco-alex.
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Thanks for the curation. Lots of great posts again. I think I might have missed some so I think I might have to catch up!
I really enjoyed doing this challenge and lots of great posts are here... Thanks for this challenge... Specially thanks to @eco-alex for this initiatives...