Ecotrain Magazine June 12th: Topics include gratitude, smartphone blindness, herbal medicine, stunning vegan recipes, homesteading, travel, gluten free, homesteading, anarchy and more!

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Welcome to the @ecotrain magazine! We are gathering more Steem and adding more amazing passengers every week! If you have been looking for a great community of people as well as fantastic posts then look no further, your search is over! We are posting on a wide range of topics on the theme of Things that help make this world a better place. Im sure after reading some of these posts you will understand what we are about!

Please remember to follow the passengers that you resonate with so that you can see more of their posts in your feed, and of course you can upvote them as well!


UTOPIA Part 6 .. Smartphone Blindness

In one of those unfortunately unforeseen and cruel twists of human progress, an idea which seemed so good at the time - so full of promise - turned out to be not such a good thing after all.

Such was the case with the first generation of so-called 'smartphones', which were nowhere near as smart as the second generation. The second generation of smartphones were many times more intelligent than even the smartest people using them. The third generation was smarter still, but it was short lived as its release onto the market coincided with the Great Meltdown and the end of civilisation as it had been known.. so the third generation was the last.

RETURN. Two Paintings. A story never to be told..

The other day I shared a story on facebook. It was not my story, but I shared it anyway because it concerns me, even though it happened long before I was born.

The story was of a man who, when he was a boy, was made to leave his home and homeland. It's a common enough story. It happens to all sorts of people all the time, through no fault of their own.

The story was controversial. How do we know he was telling the truth? Maybe he was confused. Maybe he was lying. Maybe it was only half the story...


DIY Herbal Medicine: How To Make An Herbal Tincture | Monarda fistulosa

Hello friends,

Join me today as I make a fresh plant tincture from Monarda fistulosa also known as Bee Balm or Wild Oregano from our land.

Monardas are in the mint family and are known for their warming and spicy antibacterial and digestive calming properties. This plant in fact was one that helped heal my sinuses last week after my flu virus.

Solar Oven Cooking | Baked Chicken on the Homestead (DLive)

We had a lot of fun using the sun to cook our dinner tonight. This is the first time trying out our solar oven we were gifted from @birdsinparadise for Christmas!!!
Today we cooked one of our hens that had a nasty habit of egg eating. We tried changing feed and even added powdered eggshells to their feed. Alas, the only solution to this situation was to honorably incorporate this hen into our meal plan.




Hi darlings & sweethearts! I always feel very excited about Mondays, and actually, it is my most productive day in the week! Because I think that if you build the base on Monday, you have a building foundation for the rest of the week. That's my theory. Who can agree on that?

I am diving deeper into gluten-free baking and today I have something special for you. As I have told you in an earlier post, I sometimes just come up with something unique while I am creating something quite ordinary. And for those tartlets, that's exactly what happened. I was going to make a pizza (recipe coming soon), and suddenly I had made some tartlets instead! Those are truly brilliant as they are super easy to make and that gluten-free dough holds together perfectly!


Happy Sunday guys! Today I will share 6 of my favorite food and recipes that I have at the moment! Below you can find some of my best pictures lately, I am very proud to be able to share them here. I want to show the Steemit world the beauty of healthy food and what vegans are able to eat without missing out on anything!

Ok guys, you know me, I am a big fan of pancakes and lately, I have really just recreated my own favorite recipe. Those pancakes are sweet with a great taste of cinnamon, and not only super delicious, but also very healthy with protein and omega 3 and 6. They are also gluten-free and sugar-free! Who could have guessed that!
You thought vegans couldnt eat pancakes? I hope I have proved the opposite now!


Cut the Chaos and Enjoy Nature along with me 💖💖😍😍🌹🌹

The temperature is soaring with the Crypto prices falling down drastically since last 2 days. Its been almost 6 months we are not seeing a marginal upward movement. With the BTC drop all the other Altcoins also facing an impact leaving everyone in the midst of uncertainty. But I guess the dark clouds will soon fade and we will see sunlight soon, hoping for the best.
In the mean time let me cheer up your moods with some beautuful pictures of flowers and nature across the globe.

I have never seen a Sunflower this big a size. It's a huge one.


Ride With Me On My Vancouventure

Last weekend I took a quick ride to Vancouver. On the map it's just a short distance, most of which is a ferry ride to the mainland anyway, so it didn't look like a big deal. In the end, it included a good 200 kilometers both ways, so I got good and tired when I returned to the property in Qualicum Bay, on Vancouver Island.

The reason for my trip was to see my parents. Since they live in New Zealand and I in Mexico, we don’t get to see each other every weekend. So it’s even more ironic that they happened to go to Mexico for a conference just when I wasn’t there. However, we tried to be accommodating on both sides, so they booked their flight to have a day-long layover in Vancouver, and I pedaled my bike over to see them. Another reason, though no lesser by any means, was to make my first real-time encounter with a fellow Steemian:

Essential for the Helping Hands: The Volunteer Kitchen

One of the major projects in preparation for the Doighouse Earthship Build was the volunteer kitchen. Now that it is "really almost finished", one wouldn't even think how much time and energy has been put into it. But to tell the story of this kitchen, I have to start with the sawmill and four cabins…

When Tony and Susan bought their property, it was completely grown over with the thick forest Vancouver Island and the region is famous for. Clearing an access path and setting up a camper was their first step years ago. Now that we are almost ready to build their eventual home, the only working kitchen (fridge, stove, sink, food storage) remained their camper. A very limited infrastructure, clearly not capable of taking care of more than one volunteer (even then in a tightly cramped circumstance).

Complementing the Earthship: The Permaculture Garden

While Tony has been busy in getting the Earthship build organized, Susan was preparing her garden for the time when she would be away from it for a week, as she wants to attend her daughter's graduation from Lund University in Sweden. As she left this morning, I think it is the perfect time to take a closer look at her plants. Susan won't mind. In fact, she left with a sense of proud accomplishment, giving us a thorough list of how to take care of it, and even continue its progress if we have some extra time along the Earthship construction… We'll have to see about that. Though I'm happy to introduce her garden here!


What does Anarchy mean to you? (TRIBESTEEMUP biweekly Question)

Well, it's not quite "repeat after me, fuck queen and country" in my opinion, so what is it?

But it's a start and this Manic Street Preachers song is probably what started my mind questioning in Sixth Form College (thanks Martin).

I've always been an outsider, so it rather much appealed. I could meld into to walls as easily as paint.

Ditch the Wanchor! Escaping Emotional Abuse - The Feeling of Walking on Eggshells

It's been over a year now since the break up of my marriage and now I am ready to talk about emotional abuse and the damage it can do and how to identify it.

As a friend, it is also good information to digest, as when you are in the midst of it you are not always aware of it happening.

When you are in an emotionally abusive relationship it is not the breaking of the eggs that does the harm. No, it the prolonged and continuous walking on the eggshells that does the damage.

When there is emotional abuse, it lingers in the background like an acne flare up, it always there, even in times of relative peace.

Ditch the Wanchor! Escaping Emotional Abuse - The Moment Sense Hit Me (And the Candid Story Up to That Point)

My husband and I had been together for thirteen years. Turns out it was unlucky for some. But I’m not having that superstition, as my daughter’s birthday is on the 13th and she was born in 2013 and she is awesome. Back on track

How It All Startred We met on a blind date and hit it off immediately and had moved in together within 2 months. He was a writer, or so he said. Untrue from the start.

Truth was that he was a man on welfare because of a back problem he was in pain every day and because of that he was unable to do a traditional job, but never mind there were plenty opportunities on the internet right? Well nothing that could hold his attention or anything he could get enthusiastic about, it turned out, after 13 years of trying to find something we could both do together, as I wasn’t to do something by myself - oh no (well until Steemit came along).


Liquorice Root Tea - Liquid Gold & Not Remotely Black

Twice in two days I suggested it. For lung congestion & immune support. And a severe infection. People ask me often, what would I choose & use for myself? Be it to assist with the heavy phlegm common in stage 4 lung cancer, or to help alleviate a nasty infection affecting the urinary tract. My answer is soooo often the same: liquorice root and ginger tea. With a squeeze of fresh lime. Simple. Proven. Well-researched. Inexpensive. Delicious. Easy to prepare.

Snakes & The Healing Magic They Reveal

Since literally day dot, snakes have engendered feelings of revulsion, fascination and been connected to medicine and healing magic. We have LOTS of them here in Thailand, and the shift from hot-dry to hot-wet always brings them out. Maybe out a little too much. Having seen snakes in the garden daily for several weeks (at least one sighting was clearly a venomous black-yellow banded krait) and determined where at least one nest was (within a meter of the washing machine), I was contemplating some machete action. Until this little guy arrived in the house a few days ago.


Gratitude Challenge Day 2: Grateful for my Life

I have been nominated for the #7daypositivitychallenge by the lovely @trucklife-family who is one of my most favorite people on all of steemit. If you haven't checked out her posts, you are so missing out. She is an incredibly heart-filled, loving mama who is all about encouraging us to love and appreciate ourselves and our amazing, beautiful bodies. Yes, I'm going to keep that paragraph for all seven days!

I mentioned yesterday in my Day 1 post of being grateful for gratitude that sometimes it's good for these to be simple. Sometimes we are really glad for very simple things. At some points that is because that's all I can muster. I just can't see farther than that. At other times the simple things are the most beautiful. That is the case for today's gratitude.

Gratitude Challenge Day 1: Gratitude

I have been nominated for the Gratitude Challenge by the lovely @trucklife-family who is one of my most favorite people on all of steemit. If you haven’t checked out her posts, you are so missing out. She is an incredibly heart-filled, loving mama who is all about encouraging us to love and appreciate ourselves and our amazing, beautiful bodies.

I have loved watching this challenge go around. I love seeing people swim around in the gooey goodness of life. I love hearing what’s good. To be clear, I love gratitude. For day one, my gratitude is …
Gratitude In case you didn’t know, I believe gratitude saved my life. I have been in a practice of making a list of things I am grateful for each day for the last 4 or so years. Each day I type up 25-30 things I am glad for in my life. I actually started calling it my "glad heart list" because I began to have a bit of a distaste for the actual word gratitude. I always love the concept, but the word itself feels like it comes a little from a place of lack, like we have been gifted something we don’t really deserve.


What's your routine? Mine right now is Nice cream Time! + super antioxidant + anti-aging!

The best thing about summer time is Nice Cream! and this one is really really nice.

I've been freezing bananas for a long time, but I never knew it was actually called nice cream until recently haha, well i'm not a person who actively goes out and looks for recipes, one reason it's because it makes me really hungry.

Well it's no secret that nice cream is perfect for breakfast especially this combo that I wanted to share with you all for @lenaveganliving for the#fruitsandveggiesmonday contest

Why i'm going gluten free as much as I can and how I manage it on the go!

Wow life can get a bit hectic sometimes, well it is for me right now! I'm making lunches boxes everyday as i'm traveling in and out Barcelona which is an hour from my home. I've taken a temporary job just to pull a bit of extra cash together., but I thought I was only going to be working 25 hours because that's what they offered me and now I'm working 35! I was expecting to be able to eat my lunch at home and have more time at home working on my steemit posts. But time is getting a little bit stretched.


My Journey to a Plant-Based Diet, and the Benefits I've Experienced

Hello beautiful being! I hope you're having a glorious day!

I just finished having a delicious lunch, of fruit (papaya and dragonfruit), and sourdough bread topped with vegan "cheese" avocado, hummus, and tomato. YUM! The meal left me feeling so satisfied, and also left me reflecting on my food journey over the past few years.

I started thinking about how I came to be eating a nearly vegan diet after growing up eating tons and tons of meat and cheese, and I thought I would share that story here with you beautiful people.


What I Value Most About The Ecotrain. Day 1 Gratitude and Positivity

Beautiful @riverflows nominated me to take part in the #7daypositivitychallenge. Here is my first contribution to this wonderful challenge. This is Day 1 and I wanted to start this challenge by saying a BIG THANK YOU to the Ecotrain.

Just over one month ago I clicked on the @eco-train tag from a post by @mountainjewel that I had stumbled accross on my Steemit feed. I had just returned to the platform and was trying really hard to find like-minded individuals to connect with. I read an article by @eco-alex, the founder and driver of the #ecotrain. At the bottom of the post was an invite to anyone who wanted to help make the world a better place. This invite encouraged the reader who was interested in joining to email eco-alex.

Embracing Womanhood, The Spirit Of Bringing Life Into The World~Day 3 Gratitude & Positivity

Woman, daughter, mother, grandmother.

We are the life bearers, our wombs are magical instruments where life begins. This human experience, this mammalian evolution that allows us to grow life inside of our bodies. Much like nature, the seed is planted in the dark. The seed sparks to life, begins to grow toward the light until it pushes through the soil to spread its leaves. The act of pregnancy is much the same. The seed is planted, sparks to life and grows until it is big enough to enter the light via the birth canal, the channel from where new life pushes through to the light. We have been given the task of providing the gift of life.

This life is then nurtured in the first stages by the woman, the life bringer. Our bodies provide nourishment, warmth, comfort and safety. This is our natural empowerment and the joy it brings to be able to observe every moment is something for which we can all be thankful. Why? Because without this ability, we would cease to exist.

Growing Up As A 'Third Culture Kid'~Day 2 Gratitude And Positivity

As I venture into day 2 of the #7daypositivitychallenge I have been thinking about a number of things that have brought happiness and positive vibrations into my world.

One of the most significant and profound experiences I had was spending my teen years growing up in three different countries in Asia. It was an affair that shaped who I am today. Which is why this challenge wouldn't be complete without acknowledging that part of my life and journey into adulthood.

I am what is considered to be an Adult Third Culture Kid, someone who grew up outside their parent's culture, exposed to a variety of cultures whilst living in a home that is based around the culture of the native country. (Sounds a bit of a mouthful eh?). It had a huge impact on who I am, how I see the world and how I treat people. Which is why I am truly grateful to my dad for bringing this world into my life.


Using Tires for Snail Farming: Heliculture (Snail Farming), an alternative livelihood activity for forest adjacent farmers, hunters, youths, etc.

The Greens in partnership with FOEPSUD (Forest and Environmental Program for Sustainable Development), SERUDEC (Sustainable Environmental Rural Development Centre) and Paradise on Earthorganized a snail farming workshop on Saturday 9th June 2018 at the Forestry School of Bambili for forest adjacent farmers, environmental activists, hunters and youths of Bamenda, North West Region.

Attended by 17 persons, the training sort to educate, empower and engage the participants to practice heliculture as an alternative livelihood activity that can be used to boost health and wellbeing (protein source and medicinal value), promote food security and environmentalism (forest friendly activity that can serve as alternative to hunters), as well as promote the economic vitality of the North West Region.


Who Says You Can't Garden in Winter: @riverflows Garden Journal

Winter in Victoria, Australia can be wet and cold, windy or icey, or resplendant with bright blue skies. It's the time of year where we really get muddy and start big projects in the garden that we wouldn't normally in the warmer months.

After some gentle prompting by @mountainjewel, I decided to upload a little walk through a small section of our garden - although the skies are blue, it's about 15 degrees celsius, though we both ended up in tshirts as we moved mulch, weeded and paved the new path in the garden.

It's a Wonderful (Simple) Life: Attitude of Gratitude #7

“Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify.” ― Henry David Thoreau, Walden and Other Writings

It's the details that make life stressful and make us anxious. We worry about the things that don't have bearings on our life in the present moment, turning over all possible futures like grains of sand between our fingertips and allowing our minds to travel over the things we could have done, and we spend so much time doing that, we don't enjoy the little blessings that we have just here, right here, in the now.


Our Time-100 Days of Poetry Challenge: Day Ninety Six

'Our Time' What I am trying to articulate, is how I really feel, to paint this picture that shows what is real. To feed you no deception to offer up only truth, to delve deep and express from the root.
This expression of devotion, this dreaming up of and creation of the notion, that our connection to the world is so much older than what we had first known.

Are we really all just living on the Surface?

Sometimes you read something and it sticks with you and then suddenly it just pops into your head again as if from no where. That was me today, going about my daily business and that thought came into my head, 'We are all just living on the Surface'

We can look at that in many ways, we do mostly live on the surface of the planet, well most of us build our homes on the surface and some live very high off the ground. I personally have never wanted to live in an apartment or flat, I like to stay close to the earth. I sometimes feel like my truck is too high off the ground, I really do love camping and sleeping on the ground, it feels reassuring to have the earth beneath me.


Getting to Know Nature! This is an actual contest! 😮

Taking pictures on our farm is one of my favorite activities, so when I saw @phoenixwren's Getting to Know Your Nature Photo Contest I decided that I should participate, fulfulilling an obsession I have with stacking functions.

We went out yesterday and this morning and took 7 photographs (plus many more that didn't make the cut). I have a few megabytes of data plan left until 11am, so this is also a steem post stress test on my thumbs ;p


What does Anarchy mean to you? - This World Is Yours! - A question proposed by @trucklife-family with @tribesteemup

I consider myself an anarchist, and am happy to take this opportunity to explain what Anarchy means to me. I was VERY lucky that as a student at A Level (college) my politics teacher was a self confessed Anarchist. Ms Heaton was my favourite teacher, and she gave us such a fantastic insight into the world of politics from such an unbiased viewpoint. She was also very good at teaching us about Anarchy as she was a living example of it. We loved her, in fact I even won an award called the Jackie Heaton appreciation award at the end of the year! Ms Heaton was quite unconventional as a teacher at my school, and stood out in many ways. She wore Doctor Martins Boots, and was always so gentle and sweet to us. We would sometimes move all the tables to the side of the classroom and sit on the floor, or even just have a lesson outside when it was appropriate. Ms Heaton didn't have many expectations of us, and if we missed a class for whatever reason she would be last person to tell on us! It is Ms Heaton who helped me to realise that I am an Anarchist, and I would like to share what that means to me now!

My tiny 'easy salad garden update' - We're harvesting delicious leaves and radishes in just 30 days!. amazing!

Last week I posted an article about a system of gardening that allows you to grow many kinds of vegetables in a tiny space, even on a balcony with no garden. This system is quite easy to do, and by the looks of it is working better and faster than anything I have ever seen before! What if I told you that in just 30 days we are already able to make beautiful organic salads from this garden!? It takes very little time to maintain and is the only part of our garden that is not showing signs of weeds, or slugs!

Did you know that salads items are some of the worst things to eat when they are store bought and not organic? This is because we eat the leaf, which is the part that is sprayed directly! Whilst its still not good to eat any vegetables that are sprayed with pesticides, leafy vegetables are really the worst and also happen to be the easiest and quickest to grow. Let me share a few photos with you and you can see for yourself! Note the the 30 days it has taken to get this harvest includes germination time!


Our 1st Week Living Off-Grid!!!

It's been a week now, since we officially moved Off-Grid!

The power situation is still a bit of an issue, we are running on one cheap battery. Our phones haven't been charged 100% since we got here, and we can't seem to be catching up fast enough. The lights are pullin a lot of juice and the LED bulbs I ordered 3 weeks ago are lost in transit.

I started looking into it last night a little more and found out the new marine or deep cycle battery that came with our Off-Grid Mansion is of course, one of the cheapest out there. Some people don't really even consider it a true deep cycle battery, because it doesn't have an Amp Hour(ah) rating... it may be a kind of hybrid battery, one you can use for starting up a motor as well.


Psychotherapy with the Divine

WHAT ARE YOU WORTH TODAY? Psychotherapy with the Divine

How many times have you been called a bottomless pit by the ones that didn't give you enough? How many times have you been called rude for reminding someone of an agreement they made with you and forgot about? How many times have you been called selfish when you wanted to keep that which was rightfully yours? How many times have you been asked to give up your basic needs just to be approved of? Get away from this worldly trade market where with the currency of fear only scarcity can be bought! Where people trade like beggars, manipulating each other for a share of their life force, resenting each other for it, because they have lost touch with the ever overflowing source of it in themselves. There is another way of being...

Bird, learn to fly!

Robin, mama is here
and will stay close,
when out of the nest you go.
Hopping over the gravel, while a woman on a bicycle
seems to be chasing you.
Don't worry
I am there, keeping an eye at you from the trees,
I'll land in between you and the bicycle
and keep you safe.


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Wow, what a variety of topics under one roof and as usual your wonderful effort to bring them all together. My personal favourites are motivational post but its always good to read on other topics also for knowledge.
With no offence to anyone but I always like
blogs of @thegreens and @riverflows

Im sure no offence take ! We all have our personal tastes! Thank for your support
And for stopping by!

Why thanks ever so much!! I love the ecotrain posts... they always inspire me!

Great edition of ecotrain magazine, I like to see the articles and all the passengers involved in it, I look forward to some day my name appears in some edition friend @ eco-alex , God bless you always.


Thank u dear!

This is great what you are doing... It really touches my heart when I see that there are people ready to make our world a better place. They don't just talk about change, they DO IT! This magazine and all the people that create this - well done!!! Mother nature would be proud! And we all should support initiatives like this. I love it. Thank you, see you around...

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Thanks a lot for whitelisting me.

Looking forward to seeing more from one another in the future!

Fantastic magazine, LOVE the articles AND the authors! GREAT work in organizing this, I am diggin the ecoTrain!!!
Many thanks to one and all,

Thanks for another great roundup of curated posts for me to discover among.

thank you for stopping by and commenting ;-)

Pleasure to meet you, you beautiful people! You have an amazing train there... & the brains who created it. Thank you for all your work! Looking forward to try and get me a ticket. :)
Keep up your good work!

THANk you! pleasure to meet you too.. thanks for the appreciation! ill watch out for you,

Just see you guys! and love your energy, love everything I saw here, obviously I haven't read all of it, but make sure I will.

Excellent initiative and shine with good vibes ;)

thank you! always very nice to hear these words!

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