It's a Wonderful (Simple) Life: Attitude of Gratitude #7

in #ecotrain6 years ago

“Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify.” ― Henry David Thoreau, Walden and Other Writings

It's the details that make life stressful and make us anxious. We worry about the things that don't have bearings on our life in the present moment, turning over all possible futures like grains of sand between our fingertips and allowing our minds to travel over the things we could have done, and we spend so much time doing that, we don't enjoy the little blessings that we have just here, right here, in the now.

“Manifest plainness, Embrace simplicity, Reduce selfishness, Have few desires.” ― Lao Tzu

My last gratitude post for the week (although undoubtedly not the last ever!) is just a meditation on this one day of simplicity that brought a little peace to our hearts in a busy and complicated week. It was a reminder of what we like to do most - just be under the big blue sky, hands in the dirt or skin kissed by salt water, creating something together, working in the garden or just enjoying the beauty of this sublime natural world. So that's what today has been about - about simplicity and the finer things in life that we really dig with all our hearts.

I'm just a simple low maintenance girl. I've never been enamoured by bling. Give me a daisy plucked at whim, a heart shaped stone or a picnic of cider and and a simple throw together fare and I'm yours. So today, mucking about in the garden and building a fire to keep us warm when we rest, made me happier than if you'd taken me to a five star restaurant. J's home brewed stout was a win - creamy and malty and sweet and giving the afternoon that come-at-me glow.

"It is not a daily increase, but a daily decrease. Hack away at the inessentials.” ― Bruce Lee

Today was a reminder to hack away at the inessentials - something we remind ourselves as often as we can - we even looked at our house and land and thought that it would be nice to move bush with even less, and go back to living in a truck or a bus or a tiny home again. We won't for a while, as we need to be where we are for a few reasons, but really, that would be our ideal. The land gives much more than the house does - it enriches our souls, gives us purpose, helps connect us to our true selves, brings joy to our hearts, gives us a creative outlet. What need we of the trappings of the world? What need we of anything as long as we have love, and the beating Earth right there with us, the birds, the insects, the plants, all in tune with our own natures, our own hearts?

“Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.”

― Lin Yutang, The Importance of Living

It's far better to live simply - it's better for our hearts. It's when I'm overthinking life that I get most depressed. J. reminded me of that today. We didn't need to complete all the things we wanted to in one weekend - it was fine to leave things undone. His solution to really pull me out of this feeling of being overwhelmed by all I felt I needed to do was to go for a drive in Buttercup, because he said it had a very special button on it that changed even the most ordinary of journeys into an adventure. I like this - such a simple trip through the bush and to the coast could be an adventure where we could see the light on the trees, the darkness of the sky against sun licked gums, feel the rattle of a 45 year old engine that he rebuilt himself journey us through a beautiful landscape so that we'd be reminded of how bloody lucky we are.

“I do believe in simplicity. It is astonishing as well as sad, how many trivial affairs even the wisest thinks he must attend to in a day; how singular an affair he thinks he must omit. When the mathematician would solve a difficult problem, he first frees the equation of all incumbrances, and reduces it to its simplest terms. So simplify the problem of life, distinguish the necessary and the real. Probe the earth to see where your main roots run. ” ― Henry David Thoreau

The day ended really simply too - a meal with family, my nephews playing the didge and guitar, Mum's homemade raspberry coconut cake, a birthday song for J., laughing and joking with the fam, a glass of red wine, rich with oak and berries. It was supersweet to see my parents still so in love and deeply caring for one another despite the stresses and struggles of the last few months. Again, a reminder of simplicity - these little moments of pure and simple love, amongst all the details of life. On the drive home we spotted roos and foxes, rabbits and possums, all doing their nocturnal nature thing in all their simple buzzing blissballed busy-ness.

Ah, life can be so, so simple when we let it.

I was tagged by @canadianrenegade to:

Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)
  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated.
  • Mention three people who should do this on each day.
  • Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible.)
  • Tip: You need to put the # in front of 7daypositivitychallenge or it will not let you use the tag.
I'm not going to tag 3 people on this last day, but I openly invite anyone reading this that might be interested in the challenge to totally go for it!

It's been a fabulous undertaking and I've learnt alot by doing it.



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Heya lady! Oh my, I missed most of your posts but here I am again. So glad to read this this morning, what a blessing.

We didn't need to complete all the things we wanted to in one weekend - it was fine to leave things undone.

It's always great to be reminded of this. When I do overthink and driven to cross out a checklist is when I get stressed out and short with my children. It's horrible when I get in this mode because when I finally realize it my shoulders and neck muscles are tight and taut. Ugh

I'll get caught up with everyone I like supporting when I get around to it. See, it's creeping up on me again. It's an everyday battle. Why did I just take it upon me to read ALL the posts I've been missing. Argh.

It's fine to leave things undone. Thanks again. I love seeing your place and the simple things around you. I'm not a bling girl myself, never been and happy with it.

Oh this happens to me too. Don't worry. We do what we can!! Nice to see you 💚 Oh I know that tight taut feeling for sure. We do have to remind ourselves that we don't NEED to take on so much, that we put a lot of pressure on ourselves we don't need. I do this subconsciously and consciously .. my jaw tightens, my heart races... ugh. At least we are aware it happens and can take steps to calm down!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, yes, double triple combo yes! The more I live inside my flat, the more I realise how much stuff I have, that I don't need.

I'm not being ungrateful for having what I have, it's just that I didn't need all this afterall. I feel much more energetic and happy when I'm living off my tent in the middle of nowhere.

Guess who I'll quote?

"And then I could see how few things were enough to live in peace and well"

Hmmm... it's not... KLINKY BABY???

AHHAh that was obvious, Klink boy the myth.

I'm just a simple low maintenance girl. I've never been enamoured by bling. Give me a daisy plucked at whim, a heart shaped stone or a picnic of cider and and a simple throw together fare and I'm yours.

Every man's dream woman!

I know right? I'm just a dream... ;) However, I do expect a man with brains, that can read, make me laugh, fix the plumbing, do mechanics, lift heavy stuff, look after me when I'm sick, take me on (simple) holidays and be fairly good looking. Such a dream I am. :)

Ah! The bare minimum simple expectations

Totally!!! J. Pretended he could cook as well...

"It's far better to live simply - it's better for our hearts. It's when I'm overthinking life that I get most depressed. " You NAILED it here!! Lovely post @riverflows :)

Thanks gorgeous!!! :) xxx Glad you liked it. xx Boo for overthinking, yay for simplicity.

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This is really well written, and you are doing amazing things with your formatting too. Love it :)

"It is not a daily increase, but a daily decrease. Hack away at the inessentials.” ― Bruce Lee

( a man after my own heart )

Awww thankyou!!!! Ive been playing arohnd with the formatting... its all kinda new to me but its fun experimenting!! Your comment means a lot!

Bruce Lee did have some awesomely wise things to say!!

Thanks for your lovely comment 💛❤💙

Starting and maintaining a daily gratitude journal has been one of the most impactful things I have ever done... That reminds me, I still need to do my journal for today!

It's a really good mindfulness strategy!!! Xxx

Thats real life. Awesome


Thank you for this sweet reminder of the power of positivity, especially about the simplest things in life. We can get so caught up in the details, particularly those of trying to create certain results when life is clearly intending to give us different results. It sounds like you have much to appreciate in day-to-day life. Nice to find you through ecotrain post.

Thanks for your lovely comment. Simple things can bring us more happiness for sure - I still get caught up in the details, because it's who I am too, but I try to always hook back to the sweeter, simpler, finer things that I love the most. :) xxx

Hi @riverflows. So nice to read about simplicity and so true. Beautiful saying of Henry David Thoreau. Look where your main roots are...

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