Solar Oven Cooking | Baked Chicken on the Homestead (DLive)

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)


We had a lot of fun using the sun to cook our dinner tonight. This is the first time trying out our solar oven we were gifted from @birdsinparadise for Christmas!!!


Today we cooked one of our hens that had a nasty habit of egg eating.

We tried changing feed and even added powdered eggshells to their feed. Alas, the only solution to this situation was to honorably incorporate this hen into our meal plan.

We're really happy to be eating from the landscape and even more so when it's cooked with the sun. We added blanched tomatoes (from last year) along with new potatoes and thyme, all from the land. The sun is such a powerful ally and we're happy to make use of this abundant resource.


It's always a treat to enjoy good food, and even better when it comes straight from the land and is transformed by the sun!

My video is at DLive


That sounds like a delicious dinner, and how neat to cook it using the power of sunshine! I learned something new :)

the sun is such a great ally!! blessed!

Wow! That's pretty cool. I can't get over the lushness of your environment. It's awesome! That's a great looking cold bubbly beer! Cheers 🍾

yeah it feels like a jungle here come summer!! :) thanks!

Wow, so exciting to see your success with the solar oven. Next cookies and brownies? Fun stuff!

yes! i want to make your delicious chocolate banana muffins i had today! yum!! THANKS SO MUCH to you for buying us this awesome tool! XOOX

Wow a solar oven! what a fantastic friend! for sure he had a good buquet his dinner!

yes it was quite tasty! thanks!

wowww '
cook with solar energy! this is so crazy!

hey @artizm! yeah! really cool to cook with the sun's energy :)

Sorry to hear about the retrobate hen. Glad it was tasty. Every bit of free energy from the sun is good for the earth and good for your homestead :)

yeah, it's just a part of it!! man, aligning with the abundant cycles of the earth feels so good!

Nice!! Dirty egg eater

those dirty egg eaters are the worst! a batch of rhode island reds that we got nearly all had this problem so we slowly had to kill them off. we just got a new batch of chickens, too, and didn't want them to pick up the habit!!!

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