What does Anarchy mean to you? (TRIBESTEEMUP biweekly Question)

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)


Well, it's not quite “repeat after me, fuck queen and country” in my opinion, so what is it?

But it's a start and this Manic Street Preachers song is probably what started my mind questioning in Sixth Form College (thanks Martin).

I've always been an outsider, so it rather much appealed. I could meld into to walls as easily as paint.


Can anarchy be defined as a whole, or is really something that is personal and can only be defined on an individual level?

Well defining it anarchy as a whole, without looking it up, I think would be someone who does not agree with what society has turned into and they have made the conscious decision to chose their own way.

They turn their back on things like greed and capitalism and being ‘controlled’ by the government and seek a path less traveled.

There are different ways of going down this path, till recently I didn’t see a ‘revolution’ that could peaceful, but thankfully more and more people are waking up to see the control and seek to escape it, especially with the advent of cryptocurrency, which could make the escape plan easier.

Heck, Steemit could even be the answer and it is already for some people, especially with the help of @tribesteemup and people working really hard to be seen and noticed, like @toddjsmith1979.

We will all slowly turn away and one day the governments will wake up to no support.

The numbers of us are rising.

It is just a matter of time.


Anarchy In It's Purest Form Is...

Anarchy is going against the norm.

Freethinking, rather than being told how to think.

Having an open mind, seeking more than one perception before you make up your mind.

Making sure you have the full story and questioning everything that you thought you knew.

Everything has been twisted for thousands of years, it takes some time to unravel and make sense of this new reality, as a lot is not what it looks like first.

Anarchy means stepping out the bubble.

Stepping out the cozy living room and seeing the bigger picture and recognizing the lies we have force fed.

Anarchy itself is a word that demonstrates the sheeplike mentality of most, as without looking hard at it, or into it, it has bad connotations and stereotypes associated with it, so much so it is shunned as a way of life.

Go against the tide if that is you, or go with it if that you.

Just be you.

Otherwise, there will be the stereotypical type of anarchy in your brain (chaos).

But true anarchy is FREEDOM!

With <3 @hopehuggs






Great thoughts and yes steemit is helping us think out of the box.

Freethinking, be open-minded and conscious, don't follow the rules made by goverments, be yourself no matter what, freedom - this is what anarchy is to me :)


I would argue that it is the humans natural state. We were born to be free not bound by chains, physical, mental or spiritual. And like you say, one day we will realize we've made it.

Anarchy is freedom, full stop. Not the watered down illusion the government force feeds us, but true freedom in its purest form

Anarchy and freedom should be synonymous but in our modern enslavement it’s certainly not the case. Just like how the gonvernment, CIA specifically, made people think a conspiracy theorist which is just a free thinker honestly, both concepts are feared by those in power. They use repeated hammering to convince people anarchists are evil and free thinkers are evil.

I think you can see anarchy in SOOO many different ways. The first thing that comes to mind is 'the sex pistols'. That too me is anarchy. But also realizing that in the end that is not a working system.

I think the world needs systems otherwise things will deteriorate way too fast. But stepping out of the total 'norm' is also easy. You can easily function proper with still being yourself I find.

Hence, I am emigrating AGAIN.. I see what and what does not work in allll different countries.

I agree that anarchy is freedom, but it is individualized! You have to have some common sense to follow.

Have you read Common Sense by John Locke? It helps show the practical doings of the law of nature.

Check it out. https://www.learner.org/workshops/primarysources/revolution/docs/Common_Sense.pdf

It has to do with one displaying the tendency of being restrained by law.

Ya I grab you point, it's brilliant

Good post Helen.

I really dig your definition of anarchy.

Once there is no more oil in the world we will have Anarchy again.

Civilization is just a very short timespan in human history and some of us know that civilization ain't how humans lived most of the time.

It's really hard to define

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