What I Value Most About The Ecotrain. Day 1 Gratitude and Positivity

Beautiful @riverflows nominated me to take part in the #7daypositivitychallenge. Here is my first contribution to this wonderful challenge. This is Day 1 and I wanted to start this challenge by saying a BIG THANK YOU to the Ecotrain.

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Just over one month ago I clicked on the @eco-train tag from a post by @mountainjewel that I had stumbled accross on my Steemit feed. I had just returned to the platform and was trying really hard to find like-minded individuals to connect with. I read an article by @eco-alex, the founder and driver of the #ecotrain. At the bottom of the post was an invite to anyone who wanted to help make the world a better place. This invite encouraged the reader who was interested in joining to email eco-alex.

"Making the world a better place" ~ The @ecotrain motto

I was so overcome with excitement. If you look at my info on the top of my Steemit page, you will see that I'm 'trying to make the world a better place for my kids'. Straight away I felt that it was fate that brought me to Eco-Alex and the Ecotrain. Our mottos are almost identical. If that's not the universe speaking, I don't know what is? WOW! So I typed up an email and kept my fingers crossed.
A day later I received an email back which read:

"Hi Natalie,
Thanks a lot for getting in touch.. everything you have said and written looks like such a good fit for the ecoTrain!
I would indeed like to invite you our discord group where we meet and organise things like the question of the week..
Once you get there we can also help and guide you on Steemit and how to make it work for you.."

I have to admit I was a little nervous and waited a couple of days before heading into the discord server. Once there I was greeted by some of the other passengers. Everyone was very welcoming and over the last few weeks I have made friends, engaged in some really meaningful conversations, received support and guidance and felt that my voice on Steemit is finally getting heard.

So What Is The @ecotrain All About?

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This paragraph from the post, What is the ecoTrain in a nut shell! hit a deeply resonant note with me.

"The idea of the ecoTrain birthed with the founding principle of Service To Mankind and the world around us. The full name of this ecoTrain is "ecoTrain Seva"
"Selfless service or Seva in Sanskrit (Punjabi: ਸੇਵਾ) is a service which is performed without any expectation of result or award for performing it. Such services can be performed to benefit other human beings or society."

The ethos behind the train is to bring together like minded individuals. People who take an active interest in making the world better in a variety of ways. We come from all over the world, uniting in a common goal. Be it through sustainable living, veganism, spirituality, mindfulness and eco-building. The content produced is thoughtful, kind, helpful, insightful and educational. You won't be disappointed. The beauty about this dynamic group is that there is no pressure. Everyone is present and kindness and a pay-it-forward mentality are the general themes around the train.
@eco-alex is the brainchild behind this beautiful community. He has worked hard and continues to do so to not only ensure every passenger is supported, but also those who are creating posts using the ecotrain tag. Each week he takes the time to create a magazine featuring the passenger's posts, a curation post for minnows who are also contributing to making the world better and rounds up the question of the week posts into one. I particularly like the question of the week or #qotw. Many of the topics are thought provoking and it creates a good point of general discussion among us passengers.

I am feeling super grateful to be part of the @ecotrain community on Steemit. This is one of the few communities that truly feels like family. Not only have I found some amazing friends, connected with like minded individuals and read some amazing posts on life learning, nature, permaculture and so much more but have gained further extended family in the form of @tribesteemup too.

This is what it truly means to be a community; to be a family...

~Thank You Ecotrain ~

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To continue the love I wish to nominate @thelaundrylady, @rainbowrachel and @wombloom. Sorry if you've already been tagged before.
Although I've tagged you, I understand that we all have busy lives so please don't feel obligated in any way to take part. <3

Your mission, should you chose to accept:
Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)

Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated.

Mention three people who should do this on each day.

Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible.)

Tip: You need to put the # in front of 7daypositivitychallenge or it will not let you use the tag.




I'm proud to be a member of the @ecotrain community. Come check out the amazing content from other #ecotrain passengers. A group of diverse human beings, sharing a collective vision to help make this world a better place



Excellent, to change the world we have to change our minds, and a grateful mind is a treasure these days.

To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

A fabulous first post for this challenge lovely!!! You and @trucklife-family have really expressed gratitude to the #ecotrain perfectly this week ... I am so happy to be on this train with you and thankyou for being so lovely. Cant wait to see what 6 more days will bring! 💚💚💚

Thank you beautiful and I'm really grateful you tagged me in the challenge :-) I don't know where I would be on Steemit if I hadn't found the @ecotrain . Just having that connection with you and all the other passengers is on another level. Thank you too for being amazingly supportive, helpful and kind :-) <3

oh myyyy.. i SURE do like this positivity challenge! ;-)))
i was all smiling and joys reading this.. THank you for being SO positive, even without this challenge! THank you for taking me up on the invitation to join us.. because you guys are what make the @ecotrain what it is today..
Huge hugs and love and respect!!

Oh andddd.... obviously...

Congratulations @holisticmom your post had been selected for an upvote worth ~$1.87 as part of the @ecoTrain minnow support project. Your upvote will come soon!

I hope this encourages you to keep writing amazing posts and making this world a better place!.


Aww I'm glad the post made you smile. You really deserve it @eco-alex! Thank you again so so very much for all your continued support 😊😊

love all this love being blasted towards the Ecotrain and send out to steemit, so happy to be part of this community/family with you lovely mama xx

LOVE bombs are going off in every direction 💖💖💖💖💖! Me too @trucklife-family. Loving the connection with you too beautiful lady. 💖💖

Glad you feel at home at @ecotrain! I like it too!
And thanks for nominating me. I'll see what I can do. <3

I really do. Its great to connect with so many lovely people. If you do feel like taking up the offer I'll be looking forward to your posts 😊😊❤

I have seen a lot of users mentioning ecotrain but didn't quite understand what this is about.

Now I do get it :), thanks for sharing this I left you a message on discord!


You just radiate positivity @holisticmom! As you know I am struggling right now, but your energy has been very contagious, and you have no idea how much I really need your positive energy. Thank you for tagging me, so I can read your lovely post. I am part of the EcoTrain community because of YOU! Thank you so much for that.

I have been tagged by a couple of people for this challenge. I would love to do it, but I am in no position right now to commit to it. Thank you for your friendship in Discord and for all the positive messages you have sent me. I truly appreciate everything!

I am so happy to see you being a part of @tribesteemup! You absolutely deserve it. I have seen so many of you on EcoTrain joining in. Glad to see you being supported by an even larger community. You can no longer have an excuse not to be here writing, haha. Thank you for being such a beautiful person!

Aww you are so lovely @thelaundrylady and that's ok, the last thing I would want you to feel is obligated to partake in the challenge.
I know I'm really grateful for all the love lately.
You are such a beautiful soul and we bounce off each other. Sending you loads of love in abundance. Thank you too for being such an awesome friend here in the world of Steemit and Discord too 💖💖💖💖😊

Great day one Gratitude post @holisticmom and I agree with you about the lovely #ecotrain community!

Oh, lovey. This is so delicious. I am so glad you found us. You truly make the tribe better with your heart full of lovey goodness.

Aww thank you 💖💖💖💖💖💖 you too super mama 🌞

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