Drop in the Ocean : [008#] PRIDE

in #dropintheocean6 years ago (edited)


Pff, show off.

Proud moment!


Back once again for the Drop in the Ocean roundup! We had another fantastic show on Monday an amazing array of posts from our members. There was a brilliant conversation throughout the show which helped give us a broader perspective on our topic for the week, Pride.

If you'd like to find out more about the show and how you can take part, you can find all the information you need at the bottom of the post. Check it out and come and dive into our ocean!


source - photo by brooklyn morgan

The votes have been rolling in from the attendees of the show and we have the posts ready to share with you all.

The top two voted writers will 'level up'. When a member has leveled up, they will receive a daily upvote from the BuddyUP account at 50%. The member keeps their level for 2 weeks, unless they level up again on DITO within those 2 weeks. Every time you level up, you will receive an additional 10% on your daily vote, maxing out at level 5.

The writer with the most votes will be resteemed straight after this post. This is so we can all look back at the BuddyUP blog and see the winning posts from each week.

And the winners are...


We've been voting on our favorite posts from the show and we have our two winners ready to share with you all. Don't forget to drop by the #drop-in-the-ocean-voting channel in the BUddyUP server to show us which post you enjoyed the most (you'll unlock the channel permanently when you attend the DITO show).

So who has stolen the show this week?



Up first we have the wonderful @katrina-ariel! She shares a poem with us that expresses the topic exceptionally well and leaves room for additional thought and contemplation. A fantastic post to share in her very first presentation for Drop in the Ocean!

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being proud of yourself, as long as pride doesn’t begin to make us think we’re better than other people. Tricky balance, that.

These are wise words and something for us all to think about. The relation between pride and humility is a tricky one for sure, life and interactions can become quite troublesome if you become too self-absorbed.


source - photo by @katrina-ariel

Speaking of pride, over the brief time I've known @katrina-ariel I quickly came to realize her strong family spirit. Whenever she is around there is a buzz in the air and she always encourages and engages with many people around her. It's a real joy to see and it's a pleasure to know she's dropping by to BuddyUP and hanging out with us.

You can stop by @katrina-ariel's poem here and show your support!



Guess who's back again! @monchhchi23 is back with another amazing post that gets her back into the level 3 spot in the DITO rankings. This post was another step into a part of her life, a relationship where pride is displayed for the wrong reasons.

As well as a brilliant write-up about what pride means to her, @monchhchi23 shares something for all of the BuddyUP family. What a true gem!

We are a community family like no other. My heart beams with pride for each and every one of you.


source - photo by andre mouton

It's great to see @monchhchi23 squeeze back into the two top again. She shared a post on every single Drop in the Ocean show so far and has shown an incredible amount of improvement over the weeks with her writing. Keep up the great work Mon!

You can head over to her post and show your BuddyUP support right here!

Current DITO standings


@monchhichi233 (75%)2 weeks
@mandalaflower1 (50%)1 week
@prettydorky1 (50%)1 week
@katrina-ariel1 (50%)2 weeks

Our runners up for this week


We have so many brilliant posts this week. Multiple people have approached me and said how difficult it was to vote So that can only mean one thing... there is some gold below!

You guys are doing an amazing job with your posts each week, the progress is very evident. I can't wait to scroll back through the BuddyUP account in a years time to see all the OG posts!

Are you ready to check them out?

@sarcastic.taco - Hubris? A Drop in the Ocean post_

@andysantic48 - Pride: A Drop in the Ocean Topic

@bluefinstudios - Pride - In the Name Of Love

@penderis - Hide Your Pride

@dreemsteem - Sugarmama : a Drop in the Ocean post on Pride

@poetrybyjeremy - Drop in the Ocean: Pride

@youngboss - Pride - A Drop in the Ocean post

@jan23com - Buddy Up, Contest. Pride.

How do you get involved?


Have you been reading through and wondering how you can get involved with our community/show? Below I've listed the steps to take, so you can jump into the action and share your perspective and views, with all of us here at BuddyUP.

  • Head over to our BuddyUP server. You can do this by following the SafeLink post here.

  • Think about the topic for next week, which is...


  • Write a post about that topic and come by to the Drop in the Ocean show on Monday (20:00 UTC) to present it and join the conversation.

If you are new and you don't have a membership to BuddyUP, you will receive free access if you present in Drop in the Ocean.

The final and the most important piece of information is... do not publish your post until Monday. This is so we can give you all the best amount of exposure possible on your posts and also so you get paid out on the day of the show; so you can come back with an even bigger smile on your face!


source - photo by 和 平

You can come and speak to any of us in #the-pond (general chat channel in our server) or if you have any further questions, you can direct message myself, @dreemsteem, or @penderis, and we will get in touch with you.

We're looking forward to seeing you all next week for the sixth show, clear your schedule, Drop in the Ocean is here to stay!

We all grow together


This has been @calumam, thanks for reading.

All headers are credited in this post here & images are credited individually or are from the authors post.

top image: source - photo by adam king


Congrats @katrina-ariel, it was an awesome having you there at DITO.. and a great win for your first drop!! It was an awesome post, thank you for sharing with us!! Hope to see you again on Monday!!

Nice job @katrina-ariel and @monchhichi23!!!! this was a good one! a lot of fun to write about hehehehe

love you both!

Was a really good show, haha I was wondering because the topic is quite hard whether we would have a lot of agreement making it feel like a calm lake but now I see there is so much force behind it that although at times it may be calm the undercurrent has the weight of the ocean behind it that will rise up and SMASH your little surface ideas on the topic.

Great work @katrina-arial and @monchhichi23, also everyone who shared their posts it really made for a nice start of the week and we all gain some new perspectives.

This was such a fun topic to write about and discuss. I'm honoured that you chose to feature my post! I'm glad I found the time to come into discord and enjoy the conversation and laughter. So good to hear the voices of friends and build this beautiful family I've found via Steem. Much love! 💖

I'm glad you enjoyed it @katrina-ariel!

There was no choosing on my behalf, your post had the most votes this week :) It's always a pleasure, hopefully we will see you again next week!

what a cool idea and some really cool entries

Stop by sometime if you want to listen in @tattoodjay :)

@calumam I will try and pop in sometime

Aww. I may give this a go tomorrow! I've listened in on monday for the first time, and I was astonished by the awesomeness and support you give each other guys!

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