Hide Your Pride

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

In a realm far away where the chronological timeline of words do not really matter and concepts are as scattered and rare as tribes on a plane at least wide enough for them to never really encounter each other but at times always encounter each other, our story resides at the center of a revolution in pride...... Just start the story already

Gay pride

Bumf or as his friends know him, Dude, was a striking man, he had all the girls swooning and if they knew what the word meant that would be enough to explain how amazing he was, but this was early days on the planes and one needs to use the appropriate idioms.

Bumf was strong as a mule, hard as rock, hung like a horse and thick as shit but the best damn hunter and warrior in the village. His little sister was much more dissapointing.

She did not have any of the attributes the village would consider the feminine version of Dude, and since she was a girl that seemed to be a problem. Even her one quality which has been an asset to the village gets frowned upon, until they need something then they jump on her like you do manna in a desert.

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Notdu was great at solving problems and enjoyed finding ways to assist her village, she built them a well after finding a great spot with fresh water, they seemed happy but then Bumf brings home just another buck and they lose their fucking minds.

Notdu has learned early on not to expect any praise and since she was the clever one she also realised that she did better without it, she knew she was better than her brother where it mattered and that he needed all the attention given to him, he needed to be the pride of the village.

Village life was not all sunshine and daisies as neigbouring tribes would pass through from time to time, this always caused a bit of a ruckus, and once they met Bumf it was a procreation derby as all the daughters from the other village competed in the keep an idiot baby cup.

Bumf was bragged about, and then the village added to his bragging by bragging more, which felt like that could not be more than a few moments of bragging since all he did was hunt buck and killed a lion, once, pretty sure it was a vegetarian lion but Notdu was not going to share that theory as the word vegetarian was not invented yet.

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Notdu enjoyed the visits they got from the Jerkwa, which seemed like a whole tribe of Bumfs which sounds like a bad thing but considering they also had IQ's higher than the length of their members it really just worked, and in turn has the benefit of Notdu getting a lot more attention than she was use to.

Having her brain picked felt really good, they seemed interested in her latest exploits and wanted to know how to do things which felt good, she gushed about everything and they seemed interested although disappointingly still dressed, well she was going to take that as beggars can't be choosers.

The following day she woke up and expecting the Jerkwa to be gone looked towards the horizon only to find strange huts have sprung up over night, oh the Jerkwa have left alright, but it seems they decided to move into the neighborhood.

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Bumf was quite upset over this and quickly rounded up a few men who all agreed wholeheartedly with "Dude, we got your back." Now although the Chief was a quiet man and did not meddle in much he stepped in, and assured Bumf that this was all in accordance with the drunken agreement he and the leader of the Jerkwa made the evening before.

The agreement was that they may move into the neigborhood and their tribe will help with hunting and protection provided Notdu help improve their village as she has done for them.

As time passed this worked out quite well, Bumf enjoyed the company of the other Bumfs and Notdu enjoyed this tribe who questioned and learned from her, they eventually had their own members be able to improve on what she has done and Bumf has taken to not being the main man quite well.

In the end this village grew and eventually swallowed their own village and tribe, and come to think of it their own tribe never even had a name so what is there to miss.

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It also turns out that Bumf enjoyed the back seat a lot since he and another Bumf became co-dudes and did not hide their pride anymore, except for late at night and one at a time. Notdu realised that she was happier and more proud in a village where there was a sharing of ideas without feeling used for what she knows.

The Jerkwa are now one of the most successful tribes on the planes and from any outsider view would seem to just be a bunch of dicks, this was just because they were not use to a tribe where every member was equally valued.

Unless you were the old chief who is the drunk on street yelling at Bumf to hide his pride, and mourning that he never realised that Notdu was his tribes real pride.

Names Explained
Bumf - Bum (British) Fuck
Notdu - Not Dumb
Jerkwa - Jerk Wads

Image Source - PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay (Yip that is the actual account name go figure)


Quite an interesting story; not where I expected it to go, Bumf being Bumf. Bumf remains my favourite character, mainly cause of his name. I did enjoy how it turned out and how pride may have not always reflected the heroes. Justice for Notdu was served <3

Haha not where I was expecting to go either, every line I typed I had to pause a sec to figure out what the new direction is , in the end, I kind of haphazardously stumbled my way through, just grasping at something sturdy to stabilize it a bit and kept moving 🙂

I also really liked Bumf it was the first name I had, he was going to have a brother then I thought there is too much sausage so went with a sister, and made her smarter because you know these people in 2018 are so old school they don't seem to know woman can be smart and stuff.

Really glad you liked it being a great critique and all I will consider myself criticized? No?

Going with a sister was definitely the smarter choice because it is reflective of society.

Omg I love it pen - your imagination is awesome and you tell a great tale!!!

I was trying to think of a witty or self-deprecating reply but instead I can just think of this


Thank you @andysantics48

You're most welcome :)

I only have one thing to say.

i was NOT checking up on the puddle!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

Is too 🙊

Very good one from you @pendris

I like your story telling bro! Keep at it! ✌️

Thank you Mr. Cheese , are you going to try and flex your story telling skills by attempting to write lore for the firebeetle in @steemmonsters ? Lore Post - 3 days left

too late I see, but seeing the winning post, I think Mr. cheese would struggle to compete 😄

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