Pride: A Drop in the Ocean Topic


Pride is a thing I struggle with. I don't really think I have much pride.
When it comes down to it and I think long and hard, I really do have things to be proud of...

My Children

Despite circumstances that weren't ideal for kids to grow up in, they have turned out to be outstanding adults.

My son Mathew is now a farm Manager at only 22. He is loving and helpful and extremely hard working. He's a wonderful Dad and has number 2 due in a couple of months..


My daughter Amy is the most loving Mother I know. She gives everything for her son. She has stood on her own two feet and paid a mortgage since she was only 18 years old and has never asked for help even when she needed to.


They are both people I admire and I am so proud that I have bought up two wonderful caring children. I love them both so much!!


For a couple of reasons.

Firstly life hasn't been easy! I have had some major setbacks along the way... From motor bike accidents to being attacked and a failed marriage... But I've managed to pick myself up each time and get on with things with my sense of humour still intact.

More recently I am proud of the fact that I'm farming on my own. When I came here I had a partner to help me and we did this together.. When he had to go, I was a mess!! I didn't know what I was going to do. I worked full time and then had to run this place by myself and rear calves to just make ends meet. I was up every day at 3am to start work at 4.30am, I'd get home at 4pm then have to start with the days chores here. I was so exhausted some days that I could barely function. I'd come inside and just sit for an hour then go to bed ... no dinner no nothing. I had no idea how to even start the water pump on the place for the animals or use a chain saw to cut firewood..

I Did It

I have eventually, with the help of a few neighbours, learned what I needed to learn and am making this work on my own. I can do it. Some days it's still not easy but I'm still here nearly 4 years later.


I am proud of that !!!

This post was written as part of the Buddyup community as a Drop in the Ocean topic.

Divider By @scuzzy

Thank you for stopping by...


And you should be proud of all you've accomplished! Especially bringing up two fine children, which is continuing to the next generation. Micaiah is already an outstanding person at not quite 8. He was such a joy to be with on our trip to Brisbane, even when we dragging him to places he had no interest in!

He is an absolute joy to be around - so caring and loving, not at all selfish!!
Thanks @kiwideb :)

Whats happened to the @teamnz bot I miss my sheep pic lol

Those are some excellent reasons to be proud. I think a sense of personal pride, especially when you've worked so hard at something, is great. When you've gone through hard times, humility tends to set in too, lol! So being proud of an accomplishment is a good balance. ;)

Thanks @katrina-ariel :) You're right there!! I can never repay to help I got through those times and it was very humbling I can tell you. :)

edit my comment didn't go through - so... again. LOL

Andy - everything you see in them - we see in you :)

I'm thankful for your presence in my life. <3

And I my friend are thankful for yours :)

And I'm sure your beautiful kids and grandkids are just as proud of you. Your farm looks beautiful and very peaceful. Well done for persevering through the tough times, it must have been so hard.

It was a difficult time for sure but we all have them and we all try to move forward :D Thanks for coming to visit @ydraz :)

That's a beautiful picture! Pink and purple skies, wow! Okay, back to the post itself, great to see your children doing well. I'm glad you got 'help' from your neighbours so that you could do everything on your own and be proud of running everything by yourself!

Thanks Jeremy - I sure needed that help!!! It is a beautiful picture - haven't seen many skies like that recently.

Pretty damn epic, some reason I had "The Ranch" in mind (Do watch it sometime)

Specifically, you let me think of the father in the show a hard arse that gets up every day does what needs to be done, his sons and the world around him just kinda flailing but he still needs the flakes since it gives him a reason to do what he does.

Your kids are proud surely as proud of you as you are them and maybe the driving force to some degree, as much as you can now be proud of all you have achieved, you achieved it because you did not want to lose your home but maybe more you did not want them to think you gave up.

That's very true I could have lost my home or my mind lol... I chose to step up and do what I needed to :)

I loved this ... your post was my favorite and it's not just because you're my Andy... its because I can relate to this so much!! I know what it's like to feel like you've done nothing to be proud of.. but look at what you've been through.. and after all of that, you are still a kick-ass human. And you should be proud of that.. and you have a lot more to be proud of. Your lotions and potions, your poems, your drawings.. one day you'll see babe. I am so very proud of you and I know I'm not the only one!! 🖤🖤🖤

Life is a roller coaster ain't it!!! I guess you just have to keep riding it and hope that the humps will level out :) Thanks Mon :)

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