Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 9/01/18> First Saturday of September = SBI Saturday… plus I need your help.

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

Long weekend …

Here we are again; the week is in the rear view mirror and a long weekend at hand here in the USA as we celebrate a federal holiday on Monday known as Labor Day. Before we get to giving away the shares of Steem Basic Income I would like to see if I could get some help from you folks.

Imagine yourself in…

Some times in life things don’t go exactly as planned or hoped for and that can leave a person in a real tight spot. If you would; imagine yourself with no money, to go along with not having any money you also don’t have a job and you have three little children at home that are depending on you to provide them food for nourishment. That is a desperate situation, wouldn’t you agree?

Will you help…

Now that we all agree that is desperate; who would be willing to help me out? If you would be willing to help me, why would you? Let me take a stab at answering that question for you because I believe I know the true answer to that question.

The true reason…

First you wouldn’t be helping me just because you read the Daily Dose and we exchange comments, ideas and suggestions back and forth.

You sure as hell wouldn’t be helping out because of my good looks or my charm I display each and every day in the words I write.

You might help me because you like the 15th of each and the BBQ review, but that isn’t even the true reason.

The true reason is that each and every one of you are good people with big hearts that care about your fellow man. That is the true reason and I know it; all the other stuff is an excuse to try keep from admitting the truth.

It is real …

That desperate situation I described is real and it is now. I try not to ask you folks to help out on something very often but there are sometimes when I just have to and today’s that day.

It was brought to my attention that a woman in our steemit community has had her world turned upside down and finds herself in the exact situation I asked you to imagine.

Her situation is desperate to say the least and rather than dwell on it and feel sorry for herself she is trying to establish a co-op that can help her and others like her make it on their own when the bread winner in the family decides to up and leave. I don’t know how someone can turn their back and walk away from their young children but it happened.

In the meantime …

Getting that co-op thing going is going to take time and in the meantime there are still three kids that need to eat. I firmly believe she will end up making the co-op work, she is determined to never find herself in this situation again; but right now we need to help her through her immediate situation.

I have donated some steem to her account and if you can spare some please donate it to her. Even if it is just a few cents it all adds up. There are others as well that are trying to raise some funds for her and together we can make a difference. I am going to donate the gross amount that this Daily Dose takes in at the end of the seven day earning period to her as well. So please put your slider at the 100% mark and up vote this post.

Who knows…

Who knows, the next time I am on here begging for help it may be for you or your love ones. I hope and pray that it never happens but you just never know. Please donate to @trucklife-family ,Thanks.

SBI Time…

I was lucky enough to be able to join the @steemitbloggers community this week and I have met some real nice folks in the short time I have been there. So this week the shares of SBI are going to some of those folks.

Since I have tied you up this long begging for support of @trucklife-family I will keep this portion of the Daily Dose short and sweet.

Normally I would do a paragraph or so on each winner but since all three of these folks are new to me, I don’t know much about them to tell, except for one thing. These three people all welcomed me with open arms and made me feel right at home, and that is a good feeling.

Here are this week’s recipients of the Steem Basic Income shares @dollarsandsense , @yvesoler and @janton . Thanks for the warm welcome.

Please donate what you can if you will to: @trucklife-family

Until next time,

Steemit Bloggers
Join us @steemitbloggers
Animation By @zord189


I also know @trucklife-family. She's another writer I would like to recruit into TSE when we're once again stable. She does wonderful work and she has recently done me a great personal favor.

I know she can make her project a success if she has the time / energy / resources to devote to it ... and right now that's a challenge. I know her story and I have been where she is in the past.

I haven't built up my own account here the way I should have over the past year because ... as you know ... I've been busy elsewhere. I'll do what I can. Maybe something small but regular would help. As you say, it adds up.

If she's willing to join TSE when things settle down (for both of us) I can put group resources into the effort, too. We are also smaller than we should be. You know that story. But I'm out to fix that. (Lord, I wish the price of Steem would rise. That would be such a godsend here.)

Finally, you might be surprised what men can do when they decide they need a change -- or that their "destiny lies elsewhere." <--- My first husband's words to me when he walked out very unexpectedly ... after 25 years. (And yet, that made room for @catweasel. So, go figure. Great blessings come in all kinds of forms.)

I really don't know all that much about her but I know that she needs some help and she has kids depending on her , that is all I need to know.
I did read one of her posts just today and it was a good quality post, but if your say she is quality that is all I need to hear.

thank you @enchantedspirit for your lovely words and all the support you have given me xxx

I have upvoted 100%, resteemed and have donated my pittance to help. Only the Creator knows when we might end up in desperate straits. Life definitely is not fair.

I don't know very much about @yvesoler, since I just came across her posts but she certainly someone I will be following.

Your choices for this weeks SBI are awesome. I have been following @janton for some time now. He does seem to make his rounds here on Seemit! (and I mean that in a good way).

I just met @dollarsandsense through #steemitbloggers. He is the proud papa of a new daughter.

Hey Ceci, nice of you to stop by and I do appreciate all the support, we never know what is in store and every little bit surely will help her, so a big Thank You.
I have been having a hard time going through the different post sections and finding some people I am looking for, I may have to go at it a different way.
I am glad you liked this weeks choices, it is an adventure for me right now meeting all these new folks at steeemitbloggers.

thank you my friend for your support, much love to you and yours xx

You are most welcome. We never know what life may throw our way. You are doing an amazing job. Much love and hugs to you and your girls.

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 245 (9/02/18)

100% upvoted, and I sent some Steem to @trucklife-family, too. 💙

Thank you my fine lady, very much appreciated.

Will head on over there, it's very sad and unthinkable that a father can just up and desert his family like that but it happens all the time:(
Congratulations to the sbi winners this week - I met @janton this week through apple roses!

It is sad for sure.
I just did learn today that @janton is a fellow Texan , he lives about 260 miles north of me.
Seems like a nice fellow.
Any help you can give her is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I met @janton this week through my Apple Roses, seems like a very nice guy!

I could see that happening with the Apple Roses they looked delicious. His wife might be in for some dessert making recipes if he keeps following you.

Oh my word, hope his wife enjoys baking ;)

yes sir sultnpapper I got to meet you through steemitbloggers this week, what a wonderful program that forces us to meet new people everyday! Yes I've been told that I am the nicest fellow on steemit. lol. just teasing!
No that title may belong to @dollarsandsense! we go way back..I joined in Feb but didn't start posting until the last week in April and he had joined the day that I started(or there abouts) so we found each other and he's an amazing steemian and human being(even though he's a Millennial,lol!) and has a huge heart to help others.

@dollarsandsense was the first previously unknown to me Steemit Blogger I met when he commented on my Life in The Fast line daily dose. I think he thought that he was going to rile me up with his reply and after a few exchanges he came to realize that despite our big gap in age he and I share some very same views on things, one being how to use this block chain for leaving a legacy for future family members.
You might very well be or both of you might very well be the nicest fellows on steemit, I would never argue that because each person sees things from their perspective and who could say it is wrong?
I am liking what I have seen thus far in that community and look forward to being a part of it for sure.

yes sir well the steemitbloggers forces everyone to meet new people all the time so it helps everyone to grow their account, I love the system. I don't have time to be on discord so I don't know how active that is but everything else is excellent and Jaynie does a fantastic job!

i haven't spent much time in there yet but it looks like the discord is active as well. I would agree it looks like she does a fantastic job and the reason people want to be in the group.

thank you @Lizelle for your support xx

Hopefully more steemians respond, wish you well with your project :)

howdy this fine Saturday lizelle! Yes Ma'am I met you this week because your fabulous apple roses caught my eye. Good to see you again!

Hey @janton, hope you're having a great Saturday :)

thank you lizelle! I finally got to this comment that you sent 10 hours ago but I thank you, it was wonderful and I hope yours was too!

I gave a full upvote and sent along a few Steem to @trucklife-family.

And I also thank you for the nice welcome for being your 777th follower.

One can never pass up a new relationship with a Texan with a beard!


First, let me thank you for your vote and your support for @trucklife-family , it is very much appreciated.
It was also my pleasure to greet you as #777 , it has taken quite a while and I am glad that it was not a bot the came in on the number.
I glanced at your page and so I have to ask, you seem to be a pretty sharp character so I doubt you just stumbled across the Daily Dose on accident, or am I wrong on that?
I always like to know just how people find me if you don't mind saying.
Thanks and look forward to visiting with you more.

I'm certainly not a bot. I have a genetic dislike for vote-buying bots.

Thanks for looking at my page. It's one of those WYSIWYG things.

I got here from @janton's recommendation that I check your page out. He's my North Texas friend and he does not give references lightly, so I took a look and subscribed.

Thanks for the call-back, @sultnpapper

Well I owe @janton a big thank you, especially if he is not inclined to give out references like candy at Halloween.
It looks like we share a similar view of vote -buying bots and I can see for sure you bear no resemblance to any bot.
I look forward to visiting more with you.

thank you so much @willymac for your support xxx

Well. It is a long weekend, isn't it? I have some trouble separating them. You know, every day is a holiday when you are retired.

I can't tell you how many times I have ordered parts or cigars or something 2nd day Air and then come to realize that it is Friday before a long weekend. Parts would have arrived the same day if shipped on the slow boat (that is often free). I am glad to report that I have nothing scheduled for Monday or Tuesday for that matter....

I sent a little. I think it's important to help one another as we can. If not me, who?

For the record, the cost of living came up in our 'radio' hangout yesterday. It was actually people were trying to decide if SteemFest was going to be expensive or cheap. The consensus was that Poland is pretty reasonable but the best one so far has been Spain. So maybe our friend can maximize her chances...

Once again, I thank you for your continued support of fellow Steemians and SBI. That is a serious good thing.

Enjoy the weekend.

Thank you very much @bigtom13 for your support xx

Thanks Big Tom. I feel the same way, "if not me, who?" I don't go out of my way looking for people in desperate situations to try to help them but when they end up crossing my path in some way or fashion I feel it has happened for a reason and I try and help in some way.
I still haven't figured out why you are always up so damn early, I am starting to think you have a girl friend in your neighborhood who's husband works the night shift since my first thoughts of you being a milk man or a news paper delivery driver don't seem to be correct. I'm just kidding, I know you are smarter than that, more likely a prostate issue and can't fall back asleep.

I have no idea on the cost of surviving in Spain or any other country but I know that it has to be more than $0.00 so every little bit will help this woman and kids. If Spain is a more reasonable cost of living that sure should help her chances of making it through if the community gets behind the various fund raising efforts that are being done on her behalf.

The way I see it is that no one needs to give a lot if we all give a little, and giving a little never seems to hurt. So thanks man for seeing it the same way I do.
I have also paid for extra shipping only to realize that is money wasted in some cases, I think everyone has at some point.

I keep meaning to mention this, and my memory isn't what it once was. Neither is my prostrate but that's not why I'm up so early. It's just my 'semi natural' cycle. Where most people spend their dark hours in the evening, I just get up early and go. We're all up basically the same number of hours, I just spend mine differently than most.

And you have to understand, you get to see the worst of it. Damn near the first thing I do every day is get my daily dose.

My "semi natural" cycle has been changing of late. It seems I am getting later and later posting the daily dose, it use to be 10 to 11 my time and now it is more 11 to midnight and even later. I found myself on discord until almost 2:00AM Friday night / this morning.
My body clock for waking has always been in the 5:45 to 6:15 time slot and this morning it was pushed back to 7:15 , I might be getting a jump a the fall time change that we do soon.
Your mind is sharp at that time of the morning I will give you that, your responses always are great even when the daily dose isn't that good to inspire a good response.

Wow, thanks for sharing this with us. We are a community and we need to support each other. Being a mom myself, I cannot imagine having to support myself and three children along, especially unplanned! You are amazing to help her! I'll stop over and see what I can do.

I am not amazing as I see it, but if you want to think that I won't stop you. I do care about people and I just try and help in any way I can when I see a real need and this one is truly real.

If we all give a little, if we can, it doesn't hurt any of us and it sure strengthens the community and helps her immensely.

Even those who can't make a donation can help by just up voting the post or resteeming it. Every little bit helps for sure.

Thanks for dropping in and showing your support.

Hmm... Every angle I look, it's surrounded by Socialism... But that's a bad thing.... It will make them lazy... If ur born on this land, and u need help...its because.. Ur way worst... I don't believe that if I give u 100 or 1k... Will change you... Period!

I understand your point of view, but i currently live in Spain, originally from Ireland, I do not want to get any help from the state but wish to make my own way. I am in the process of starting a women's co op to bring women together so that we can collectively create items to be sold in order to create our own income. That will take a little while for sure.

She is in Spain and I don't what they have over there DC so I elect to try and help her.

Let's help her!! How?ill send 100$ in a sec... Which will be 1 hundred times more then the charity...

Just transfer her some steem from your account if you want to help her name is @trucklife-family , that is the only way I know to do it. I hope that helps.

It does on the explaining part.... But I have 0 Steem or SBD available that I can use
...but I have plenty of Credit cards or real fiat accounts.. Why it has to be so complicated, when it's all about help? I trust you! Give me a place to send it... Doing it over Steemit... She might get 20....is that helping anyone?

If I ever had any ideas... I got tricked by the sale out... America... Is the biggest crap I had ever swallowed! I can elaborate, I don't think is necessary...

Well, this is popular; what's your secret

People respond when you ask for help, that really isn't any secret.

It might also have to do that I am new here to #steemitbloggers and people are wanting to check out the new guy.

It also could be that I give away shares of SBI each Saturday and people stop by to see if they were lucky that week and if not, to see who was and congratulate them.

So now that I have told you, you can see it really is no secret, but thanks for stopping by and asking.

I didn't know any of this. Greetings Mr new guy. Now that has been said I shall go back to what I was doing; good luck...

Greetings to you as well Wales and thank you for the good luck wishes. I appreciate you stop by and and visiting today.

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