Week 1 @corpsvalues best of Steemit weekend bulletin, inaugural edition

in #curation7 years ago (edited)

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To promote quality of content: I will be manually selecting one English post per week from a few Steemit tags to be published each Saturday and/or Sunday.


  1. the author must demonstrate consistent dedication to quality content, exhibiting creative thought and originality.

  2. The post chosen will exhibit a high degree of polish and editing.

  3. I will be seeking under-exposed authors but will not settle for less deserving content and will re-feature authors if content quality of unfeatured authors is lacking.

  4. you can recommend content including your own in comments. This does not guarantee a feature.

Please follow featured creators. Any support to the curator is greatly appreciated.

Here are our first featured creators from this past week.

@techmojo in technology

@drwatson in art

@fishmon in steemitcards

@holoz0r in gaming

@zugart in comics

@felander in homesteading

Remember to support this curation effort with resteems and by exploring the featured content.


thanks for the curation of my article, I truly feel flattered that you picked me out of all the 1000s of articles floating around out there...
thanks for the support and I hope that your followers show that same support to me (upvoted)

Your content is quite varied and interesting and you made an excellent point in the featured article that one needn't own 80 acres in an off-grid location to follow the spirit of homesteading. So true!

thanks, I have a broad interest range so its hard to pick a favourite topic to write about... but then again, why restrict myself, it gives my followers some variation as well

information that is essential to enhance the creative authors' electivity. I wrote a lot about integrated farming that is very social for steemit. see our blog. whether we become the desired criteria. Thank you my friend

Thank you for featuring my article about my first ever PC! :) This post is envisioned as the first of a series that I will be working on. Appreciate you taking the time to read the content, and share it with others. :)

It really took me back ;p I wasn't allowed by my parents to play Doom but I remember watching my cousins play it and being fascinated just watching the game play. I enjoy your gaming write ups and hope a lot of other people do as well.

Glad to hear :) Gaming stuff will definitely be something I will focusing on more in the future!

sweet. its awesome to be featured in your first weekly post, thank you very much. always a pleasure to submit work worthy of sharing.

You've posted quite a bit of material that I thoroughly enjoyed so congratulations, well deserved! I actually remember your very first post and you've kept your quality steady.

well, i hope to be on future weekly posts, hopefully with some of the Retro stuff i've been posting.... nudge nudge,,, wink wink. ;)

Again, thank you.

This wonderful post has received a bellyrub 7.69 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to this cool cat: @corpsvalues. My pops @zeartul is one of your top steemit witness, if you like my bellyrubs please go vote for him, if you love what he is doing vote for this comment as well.

information that is essential to enhance the creative authors' electivity. I wrote a lot about integrated farming that is very social for steemit. see our blog. whether we become the desired criteria. Thank you my friend

@cmtzco has voted on behalf of @minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

This post has received a 18.51 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @corpsvalues. Send at least 0.50 SBD to @buildawhale with a post link in the memo field for a portion of the next vote.

To support our curation initiative, please vote on my owner, @themarkymark, as a Steem Witness

This post has received a 7.19 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @corpsvalues.

I really like this idea. As I've been growing a good bit, investing some fiat currency in addition to investing time into the platform, I've realized the true value of curation. As your account grows, there is much more opportunity to curate and make money by curating the right material. That said, it's nice to see you point out some good authors to use my votes to help support. I win-win for all involved really. Thanks for the positive impact on the community!

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