Pun Day Monday 16! Jokes! Pocket! Puns! Upvotes! Contest! Prizes! SBD! Free! (and winners from week 15)

in #contest7 years ago

Happy PUNday!

As you know, everyone is welcome to participate. There are no entry fees, like resteem or upvote requirements. To play, you just have to pun! If you don't know how, here's a handy-dandy guide: https://steemit.com/contest/@improv/puns-and-prizes-learn-to-pun-easy-fun-anybody-can-be-a-hit-at-parties

Last week's puns can be found here:


They had to pun about "ant". Mostly people just used the word "ant", though it would have certANTly been possible to pun with other things that are about ants.


I am pleased as punch to be able to welcome @baus85 to our team of punsters! He also gave us a relevANT joke in German!
(and it only works in German, which is a great delight to me...I guess there are dialects where anteaters are called antbears, but not around here.)


Some crossover in the "people who enjoy puns" population and the "people who enjoy Game of Thrones" population.



and let us not forget the POCKET Choice Awards!

... calculating! (Look for the POCKET post on Friday!)

Here are this week's winners:

Best video pun goes unawarded YET AGAIN.

Newbies, if you're looking for a way to enter this contest with a quick win, a video pun will likely succeed!
breaking news!
Scroll to the bottom for breaking news!

POCKET Choice is awarded to @doctorcrypto by a single POCKET!

@baus85 was a close second!

And finally, best pun

Awarded by me, with all my years of experience as a professional puntender...
Goes to
This may come as a bit of a shock to you
I know a tremendous double pun when I see
The incredible
the incomparable
the inexplicable
the instant celebrity
the one
the only
(unless he's been cloned, I don't actually know)

@paul.atreides for ANTifanta!

It's a drink, a political movement, AND a pun!!!


The prize for each is an upvote from me AND a tip from @tipu on a link you send me. Furthermore, the Pocket Choice award is entered into an annual contest, which has a prize pool of 1000 POCKET. Last week's POCKET choice winner was @heroic15397! So now there's a pool of two possible winners!

This week's pun subject

will be determined a little differently. Instead of choosing an entirely random word, I'll be choosing a random spooky word! It's Halloween season!
So that's your pun topic: clowns. They don't have to be scary.


Please submit to me any spooky (or otherwise Halloween-related - they could be horror-comedy) stories you come across during your Steemit time, whether you wrote them yourself or you just found them! If we have a few good ones, next week's punning might come from one of those stories, and I'll feature the story in the game post!

My wife is a big cheater face who didn't do her pun until the last possible second. But here it is:

You can watch the video here: https://steemit.com/contest/@improv/contest-free-to-play-pun-day-monday-15-pocket-chosen-winners-week-14-winner-announcement#@stinawog/re-improv-contest-free-to-play-pun-day-monday-15-pocket-chosen-winners-week-14-winner-announcement-20171010t012721565z

She did it! We have our first Video Pun winner! @stinawog, send me a link to tip and upvote!


Quick tip: If you are ever googling your favorite clown.....
Don't include the words cream and pie in your search.
Lesson learned.



Who's your favorite clown?

I'm going to leave it right there.
Thread locked.

You've become a higher reputation recently, haven't you? Congrats!

Not rep, but I did get a 500 SP delegation, which is cool.
Actually I did go up 1 . :)

Ya! I know everyone says reputation is a meaningless stat, but I disagree. I think it's one of the most meaningful. Congrats on both!


Ok, we believe you. No need for us all to go in a hurry and see on Google in some kind of Clowndike Gold Rush.

I would make a clown pun but I don't know how to juggle words... oops.

Clowns like to leave you. They love PARTying.

You got it!

Another Pun Day Monday championship banner has been safely hoisted into the rafters of House Atreides! Yes, I have been cloned, read all about it in the international bestseller "Hunters of Dune", now in paperback. Sorry, but I have no puns for you this week. I guess I will just have to be conTENT with last week's glorious victory. I did bump into Ronald McDonald at a local movie theater over the weekend. I asked him if was having a good time and he said, "I'm lovin' IT!"

Why did the clown cross the road? To get to his rubber chicken--which was no small FEAT in those shoes!

Was the rubber chicken a female? If so, and in order to eat it, then the clown would have had to inJester!

Yes, he did have to inJESTER, which is a good thing because he was CARNIVALous. But once he found out she was made of rubber, he SKIT her out.

Ok, so it didn't boz oh-so-well​ for the chick-end after all​.

No, not so much. But he was still hungry so he ran back across the rodeo to get some peanuts.

Oh so thats why clowns pee nuts. But why do they shit candy?

YESSS. I hope he and his rubber chicken make-up.

They did make up, but let's face it, that chicken was no fool.

It knew what it was getting into when they started seeing each other. It's mother warned it about this when it was just a rubber egg.

You have got to stop egging me on.

Please keep yolking!

Oh man. I should have used that one in my last line. Nice touch.

This one took me more than 30 minutes to think about. It's really quite hard, I'm telling you. You're on a whole different level if you think about a pun in the first 5 minutes of reading this post. Anyway, this is all I got...

Just yesterday I saw more than twenty clowns exit a small car. I guess someone clowned around and gave them a cloning mobile by accident.

Instead of a clown mobile? I think I got it....

Yup, it's always great when you get to overexplain a joke. Always funnier that way.

Totally agree. That's what I explain in my "how to make a pun" how-to article above.

As the song by the clown named Cyndy Lauper goes:

''Clowns they just wanna have phone''

Yow yow yow we have a winner right here!

Glad you like this entry! On Friday I'll be posting the post where Steemians can bid for their favorites to win an award!

Well, I appreciate all the work you put into it!

Always remember: If you are ever attacked by a mob of angry clowns...

Go straight for the juggler!

Also @improv CongRats on the dependAnt!!!!
I didn't say that before. Awesome news.


Actually, I RATher like rats. And ants. Just not loose in the kitchen.

Oh that's where the RATtling sound is coming from.


Oh man, I was trying to come up with one along those lines, but couldn't make it work. You totally took the cake on this one.

Oh! That's a useful tip and an excellent pun.

1: When a clown farts, it smells funny!

2: Was macht ein Clown im Büro? Faxen!

I met a clown once at the circus. He was shot through the air and landed on his long legs. However, to this day... I stilt cannon remember his name.

And yet that's so memorable!

How should we describe the actions of someone on Steemit when his (or her) #comic posts have become trendy on the platform? A Steemian acting clown-niche!

How should we describe a clown who can tell a bloody joke? A killer clown!

What is called​ a clown stuck in the past? A pantomine!

Ooooh. Nice touch @heroic. What do you call a clown insect stuck in the past? An ANTomine.

...or depending on the circustance, you can call it an ant-tick.

Oh, you all are sooo good.

An ANT pun?!? But... but...

Snow rules again that!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! We're traveling backwards in time!. The existence of tachyons has been confirmed! Call Cern!

YES! And the existence of bosons has been confirmed as well! I can't tell much, I'm under a gag order. But I'm still allowed to provide you wit the following surious info:


An excellent suries of explanations!

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