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RE: Pun Day Monday 16! Jokes! Pocket! Puns! Upvotes! Contest! Prizes! SBD! Free! (and winners from week 15)
How should we describe the actions of someone on Steemit when his (or her) #comic posts have become trendy on the platform? A Steemian acting clown-niche!
How should we describe a clown who can tell a bloody joke? A killer clown!
What is called a clown stuck in the past? A pantomine!
Ooooh. Nice touch @heroic. What do you call a clown insect stuck in the past? An ANTomine.
...or depending on the circustance, you can call it an ant-tick.
Oh no!!! Too good.
Oh, you all are sooo good.
An ANT pun?!? But... but...
Snow rules again that!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! We're traveling backwards in time!. The existence of tachyons has been confirmed! Call Cern!
YES! And the existence of bosons has been confirmed as well! I can't tell much, I'm under a gag order. But I'm still allowed to provide you wit the following surious info:
An excellent suries of explanations!
An amazing stretch.