Merry Muxxmas Contest #1

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

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I love this time of year, more so for the joy on the faces of my children. My family visited Santa this morning, my daughter and grandson were very excited.

Usually we struggle at Christmas time, as I am not able to go out to work due to my health. We normally have to get into debt to make ends meet trying to provide our children with a good Christmas. This year, however, Santa gave us an early gift in the form of the incredible recent rise in value of SBD. As such we didn't need to take out a loan, meaning this year will be a happy, stress-free Christmas, thanks to Steem.

Having been busy in real life today, I have not had much of a chance to do my normal curation, meaning my voting power is quite high. To spread the good cheer, this is the first of five little contests I plan to run up until Christmas Eve.

So, what's this all about?

Firstly, I would like comments below. Not just any comment mind you, oh no. I want to hear how you are celebrating Christmas this year, or if there is anything you are particularly thankful for this festive season. What plans do you have? Are you visiting loved ones? If Christmas isn't your thing, not to worry. Substitute Christmas for whatever holiday you celebrate around this time of year. Maybe something uplifting about your loved ones? A charitable cause you have supported? Something in that spirit.

I will save my voting power to upvote the best comments, anything from $0.25 to $1 for as long as I can. I would encourage others to spread a little of their own festive cheer by doing the same to the best comments.

Oh, is that it?

No, and I am glad you asked. What I plan to do is to award the SBD payout from these mini contest posts to the very best comments I receive. In total there will be five contests, with 1 winner from each receiving a nice little present from Muxxy seven days after posting.

You can help here too by sharing these posts and upvoting them, to increase the prizes. It's certainly not compulsory, but is another way of helping to spread the festive cheer.

Muxxy wishes you all a very Merry Christmas.

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well I live and work away from home and here I dont have any member of my family and almost no friends and at the end of this week I am traveling home for Christmas and will finally see my friends and family, spend some time with them and I am wery excited about that

I hope you have a great time catching up with family and friends.

This Christmas I'm thankful that I'm still here.
I can't say more but I think that covers it.

And I'll be celebrating that with a return to steemit, as soon as I get my mojo back!

Merry Xmas you sexy beast Muxxy!

I am so glad you are, dude. I look forward to re-stalking your blog.

Merry Christmas to you, your good lady and the family.

Christmas is always weird here. Things are tense, to say the least, with my husband's family, and mine is six time zones away. Although I know I wouldn't be that happy about the insanity of a holiday back in the US, I also get oddly emotional when the time comes. And I expect it will be worse than usual this year, althoughI just got back from a visit on November first. Add to that that my health is acting up, my husband was sick for a bit... so we aren't even doing the usual double Christmas that we've done for years with Danish meal on the 24th and American on the 25th. Haven't bought each other presents in 10 years. We have some from my family, that will we open on the 25th. Haven't messed with a tree in 5 years ebcause of both expense and energy involved. Usually get greens in but I don't think it will happen this year. I didn't even get any baking done, because of both of us being sick and usually I make a lot of cookies. I was supposed to visit my MiL last night for preholiday dinner (she spends the 24th with others) but sent hubby on his own and stayed home sick.

BUT.... But this year I have an extended virtual family on The Writers' Block. They've helped me reconnect with a part of myself I'd given up on years ago... the writer part of me. And they've helped me feel productive again, which is huge when one has been unable to work for years.

And a friend worked on my muscles when I was in the US those two trips and put a big dent in my constant daily pain levels and improved my mobility.

So while there may not be a lot going on with the holiday itself and I may get weird and emotional about missing somewhere I don't really want to be....

I've already got everything I could have wished for this Christmas. Less pain, an improved sense of self, and I already had a husband who loves me despite all my challenges and both my dogs and my horses.

We are very lucky to have you at The Writers' Block and cherish all you do for us there.

I wish you a pain free Christmas and a healthier New Year.

Thank you! Many of you have become a sort of family for me.

Like you, @gmuxx, I love Christmas because of my kids. They are all teenagers now, but it's still a really special time. I'm so glad to hear that you have done well with Steem and get to enjoy Christmas stress-free!

The past year was completely insane in so many ways, and included losing a good friend very unexpectedly, and a friend losing a child, very tragically. So many unfathomably sad things happened that I felt powerless and overwhelmed at times. But while these things are really difficult, it makes me so thankful for everything I have, and for the people in my life. I try to live every day with a smile on my face and an attitude of "isn't this GREAT?" because we just have this one life. I don't want to spend it focused on all the bad stuff.

As for traditions, we do the same things each year and they are always really special. Christmas eve is at my brother and sister-in-law's house in Minneapolis with fun and food and lots of wine and gifts and merriment. Then on Christmas morning the kids get up together and open their stockings while I try to sleep just a bit longer. Once my husband and I are up, I do some cooking and we all sit down for a big Christmas breakfast, with eggs and scones and fruit smoothies. And finally after that we open gifts together. Then later that day we go to my sister's house and we have more food and wine and fun and gifts, and perhaps watch a Christmas movie. Then, the day after Christmas we always drive to northern Minnesota to another brother and sister-in-law's house for even more fun and festivities, and they always have more snow there so we play broom ball until we collapse from exhaustion!

I really am blessed. I don't think I even appreciate these rich traditions enough. I am vowing this season, and in the year to come, to savor every moment, and to share that feeling of wonder and thankfulness with everyone in my sphere.

Sorry to hear of your losses. They make us appreciate what and who we still have.

Traditions are precious.

I wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year

I m a ....I m not celebrating it...but I do wish u a very happy Christmas.....I want to write a letter to santa on behalf of a Syrian refugees. I hope it will be answered....
Santa.....though I m a Muslim......I hope that's not a problem....bcz I suppose Christmas is nothing but a festival of peace .....and peace is above religion......

I m from Syria....yeah I know that u know that place because of these recent bombing competitions that were organized there and where world powers showcased their military power on innocent children .....women _weak and old....Hell of competitions there were going
America ....USSR....France.....Turkey....Iran .....everyone killing us because they have right to decide the fate of my country .....irony!!...

Santa......If red colour is a symbol of Christmas....then let me tell you....we celebrate it everyday over there.
Our walls are painted in pure BLOOD RED and we don't mind it anymore for we know that World has forgotten us already......
Santa.....I want you to bring with yourself a bag of humanity ,,,peace and love with you ....beacuse that's what I feel we need right now. ....
Santa....are you listening ....bring a bucket of white paint also for I want to repaint the walls to give world an impression that we are not TERRORISTS ...THEY ARE......
Santa.....I want you to bring back my old country ...the old from all worries ...and no fear of anyone.....
Santa.....I want to celebrate Christmas in the heart of Syria without any fear.....
Santa.....I want u to get me Identity card on which my name was engraved in rose red colours.....


Lots of love....

My heart goes out to you and your country. I pray that peace does indeed come quickly and that the world powers stop meddling in the Middle East.

I actually posted something for refugees and want someone to help me reach to a greater audience.....if u could resteem that post .......I will pay u every dollar that post makes ...I just need support and awareness

First of all merry Christmas to you and your family, and yes its so special for me also because its not only christmas for me, its also my birthday. 25 years ago on 25th of December i was born. So cheers to that <3

That's awesome. Have a very Merry Christmas and a happy birthday.

Thank you very much, its awesome to have people like you around which makes Steem a worm and friendly place.

My mom moved to the US a couple of years ago for work. I live in Europe. This year, she's coming home for Christmas. I am so thankful and happy for that, it warms my heart. We're going to see a couple of local Christmas-y concerts, but what I am looking forward to the most is going to see Star Wars together with her, my brother and his wife. My mom knows how much of a SW afficionado I am, she gets me the novels and magazines with SW articles. This will be the first time I will experience Star Wars together with mom.
Christmas + Star Wars + Family = Most wonderful time of the year, indeed.

What a great combination, family, Star Wars and Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

I'll be having the typical humble Christmas, with heaps of food. I'm already fattening up in preparation for the gorging.

Christmas dinner at my aunts Christmas Eve with the whole extended fam and then a smaller one at my moms Christmas day. Otherwise unwinding with some video games, Christmas movies (Home Alone anyone?) and did I mention food? Hope to get some writing in and some editing rounds at the Writers' Block :)

Will you be eating? Lol.

Christmas movies are a must.

Perhaps, I might have been a been a bit hungry writing that comment heh.
Merry Christmas @gmuxx, I hope the fact I am grateful for family came across in the comment (and food).

Lol, I caught the brief mention of family ;-)

Trish and I spent the past couple of weeks fighting some kind of winter crud that's going around. She finally started feeling better, so she drove off to Florida this morning to see one of her only two living relatives. Trish and her sister will spend Christmas there with their Aunt Betty. Betty is 86 and this is her last Christmas in the home she's lived in these past couple of decades. In February she'll be moving to an assisted living community--her choice, not ours.

We spent more time this year hanging lights, maybe because we were sick, maybe because we were going to be apart. We always have a nicely done tree, but this year we've put up the hanging lights outside on the eaves and more lights on the boxwood and azalelias and the deck in the rear. We're not visible from space, but it's pretty bright out there with the lights all on. Tonight, it's making me a little lonely...

Christmas Day I'll wake up late, if I am lucky. I'll take my time moseying out to the country to see my mom. We'll probably drink some coffee and eat a little ham and potato salad, or something. She's in her 80s now and though she gets around better than I do most days, she is still getting older.

My phone will be my favorite friend that day, with any luck. With one son in Indonesia and the other in New Mexico, I'll be waiting and hoping to talk to them both. This is my real Christmas present. For Christmas, there is nothing I ever want more.

Glad to hear you are both feeling better. No worse time of year to be ill.

I hope you and your family have a very happy Christmas.

This is great and there's nothing better for ramping up for the festivities ahead! I am super thankful for my loved ones that I still have with me. We unfortunately had a loved one pass away right before Thanksgiving and its been really hard on everyone given the circumstances surrounding the event. So I am thankful for my family and my friends. I am super stoked because we plan to go to my mother's for Christmas Eve and My Husband's parents for Christmas day. We have excellent feasts and tons of fun spending time together. I get to have the entire week off and don't go back to work until the 2nd so I am looking forward to getting to spend more time on steemit and share some fun things with our awesome community here. Much love and wishing you a VERY merry christmas and a HAPPY 2018!

I am so sorry to hear about your loss, but glad you get to spend time with your families over the Christmas period.

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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