My Art Contest On the Exotic Shores of a Black Hole

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

If you've been reading my continuing story "My Vacation On the Exotic Shores of a Black Hole", you've likely tried to imagine how the ship might look, or how the character might look.

Hell, I haven't even really given a full description of the main character. I plan on fleshing him out over time.

I'd like to see what you've imagined though. Whether it's a character, or a scene, or the ship. Whatever.

So, lets run a little art contest. I'm a little afraid of not getting much response, because maybe my story series doesn't have a ton of artists that follow it, but I still wanna see what you all got.

So, I'm gonna take a risk, and put up 10 Steem for the winner, and 1 Steem each for 5 honorable mentions or runners up.

Maybe that isn't a lot for you, but it's a chunk for me.

Edit: I've decided to raise the prize. Now it will be 15 Steem with an additional 5 Steem for a runner up!

However, I will only be giving out the honorable mention entries unless I get more than 10 entries.

I know it sucks, but this is really only the honorable thing to do. Otherwise, there would be no real winner, as there would be no competition. If I have to do this, I may choose to give out a few extra steem at my sole discretion.

If this happens, I will extend it to 1 week past the payout of this post, to give an extra few days for people to enter, and keep from having to withdraw any prizes.

I hope it's enough to entice you to compete, even if just for the fun of it.

Additionally @suesa has graciously decided to donate 100 SP to the winner for a month! How awesome is that? Lets all give her a round of applause!

The Rules:

Resteem. The contest needs more exposure. Maybe I'll even get some new fans, even if they only read enough to enter the contest. Maybe they'll like it.

Make some art! Whatever kinda art you want to make, it's cool. Make whatever you want. Wanna draw? Awesome! Charcoal? Pencil? Digital? Whatever! Wanna paint? Cool! Maybe you like mixed media! That's awesome too! Maybe you wanna create a clay sculpture. Maybe that's your thing. Whatever you wanna do.

Make the art consistant with the story. Otherwise, what's the point? It should be something from the story. It can be anything from the story. It can be a character, or a scene, or hell, it can even be an orange Scuttlebutt. Whatever you want to recreate, you do so. I must warn you though, that a traditional can of soda wouldn't work in zero-g. I almost made that mistake myself in my writing.

If whether or not you created the art is in question, you will be disqualified. I don't wanna make any specific rules regarding signs or anything. You can do whatever is your preferred method of proof that you made it. If it is in question, you will be disqualified from the prize though.

Put your art into a post, and link it below. This increases the exposure that the contest gets, and gets you some extra rewards.

You grant me at least a limited license to use your art in future posts on the steem blockchain. This is kind of required. I need to at least use your art in the post where I announce the winners. I might also want to use it in future posts, either for a section of the story, or in future contest announcements. By entering the contest, you are granting me permission to use your art in this limited regard, and to save a copy for myself. I will ask if I want to use your art in any other media other than on the Steem blockchain in the future though.

That's it. You don't have to upvote this post. Though it will help me pay for this contest and future ones. I will more than likely be upvoting your posts though, as well as your comments. I might not be upvoting them at 100% though. I do still need to curate. I'm sorry if that offends you.

The contest will be judged 3 days after the payout of this post. This gives people a little longer, even if they only find out right before this post pays out. It gives them at least a day or two after payout. But don't wait until the last minute! You don't wanna miss out on it because I end up making my decision an hour before you post.

Most importantly, have fun!

If you've missed any of the story, you can click below to access it.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
I'm super proud of managing to push myself to get this much of the story fleshed out.



Hey, @geekpowered, it’s not much, but here’s my contribution (using Prisma) ![AC4A202E-73EE-48C0-8A5B-4E874F538664.jpeg]



I really like the one of what looks like him on the tether.

Make sure you make a post with it, and comment with the link, per the rules!

Hey, thanks, for the encouragement :)

Still mustering up the courage to make a post of it, or try to create something else... Not much of an artist, but fussy & particular like heck!

So quick questions: besides putting image in a post and sharing link, do we have to use any special tags, title, etc... Do we need a write up?

Wishing you best of luck with your story and I think I will be using this version... FCF8E347-AA2B-4BEF-8FD6-84CEEFE95D78.jpeg

If you comment with the link, I can find it, so I don't really need any special tags.

Your preferred proof of creation would be wise. Otherwise, it's up to you. I'm judging the art, not the post. Unless the post is part of the art.

This art is awesome btw.

A fun read and a fun contest.
Dimensional fracture.jpg
Here's the link to my entry post. I created the image as public domain so that you might use as you choose. I upvoted you, followed, and attempted to resteem this post; and I followed @suesa because of her generosity and support of you. I love the way the creative community works on Steemit!

BTW, I couldn't catch the curve on how to make the photo enlargeable. If it is something that you desire, let me know and I can forward to you full-size.

Woah cool contest! Expose your talents fellow steemians!
Gotta read your stories first before i start creating art for ya...


Workin on it.
First one, the ship, although I might redo the whole thing....
Planning on making a couple more anyhow (also the reason why I post the image in a comment. As either I will post them all together... Or I will make a process post of each one....)

Just needed some clarification. The background is shamelessly stolen from google... Is that allowed?

background shamlessly stolen

It wasn't specifically disallowed. I would personally say your depiction meets the legal requirements of being substantially different.

However, I am betting that's just a color shifted hurricane over a star background. So, they stole it and edited it too. :P

Interesting depiction!

I think I can see the deflector!

For some reason the model number made me laugh. I don't know why.

Haha awesome! that is one down than.
Yeah it does look like a mix of other images... So I guess stealing from a thief makes it less bad haha.

Yes sir it has it all. The sails were a female dog tho redrew those multiple times until I had something I found acceptable.

Haha must be because it rhymes haha.
Nice as soon as I have got the other drawing(s) done I'll make some posts
^link to my entry^

Done on Bristol paper with Prisma colors and charcoal

Oh, that is awesome!

I'm a bit low on voting power right this second. I'll come back to your comments and upvote your post after it recovers a bit.

Hey no problem, not too worried about the upvote, just wanted to support your contest! I do alot of strange art. Thank you for the opportunity to participate!

Hi @geekpowered, I finished up my entry. Just in time, I think. I call it "Visions of Julia."

You can find my full post about how I made it here.

Edit: The head was bothering me, I made some quick updates. Included original above, in case judging already started.


Guess who made his first post for this Contest

The ship will follow soon.
(even tho I'm digging the guy that used the Prisma app on the pictures... Not sure if using that counts as creating, but you can not deny those results! stunning, especially the second set... there is your cover right there)

That's an app? Dammit! I feel so old for not recognizing it.

I suppose it's still art, just made by a computer.

It was quite a popular app for a while.
It most certainly still is art! Like I said I LOVE the second set, it really has a book cover vibe that would fit your story quite well.

Really feel like I still should draw my interpretation John... we still got 2 days right?

Yep, 2 days.

I might have to extend it if I don't get enough entries though, otherwise it won't be a contest.

I don't think I'm allowed to compete with myself ;) :P

I understand :) that gives me some more time to draw/redraw some

I'm totally counting each of your entries as if they're separate people if I have to.

Not like you can win 1st prize twice.

True but getting first and runner up would be possible :P heck, I could get you to the 10 entries myself if I had to... But I can imagine that that would look weird in the end results :P
So I'd settle for all (or the best) being counted as 1. or any runner up (IF I win that is...) getting a priceless mention

I'd prefer if there were separate winners for 1st & 2nd, but I have no qualms about someone getting 1st or 2nd and an honorable mention or two.

Not much of an art person but I'll resteem it for you @geekpowered :) Awesome idea by the way!

Thanks! :)

I thought it would be nice. I just hope a few people enter.

My drawing is so bad you'll prolly flag it xD I'm not even gonna talk about other forms of art. Hey, still worth a try :)

Then cut out shapes of colored paper. :P

I will flag you. Don't even try to participate (it's a prank, it's a prank)

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