What is the Over 20 Club? And Win!!!!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Day 6 brought to you by Marianne

The Over 20 Club

What is this Over 20 Club? Do we have to be older than 20 to write here?
That, for many of us, is easy. But that is not what that means.

The Over 20 Club came out of our 100 Day of Freewrite Celebration. Here is the original introduction.

The Over 20 Club
To start off the next 100 days of this freewriting journey right, we thought it a good idea to keep looking back a little bit.

Let me explain.

When we first started, just a few people were writing every day. And many of us were little tiny redfish or fairly small minnows. You know that means that our combined voting power was pretty low.

Many of the early freewrites had hardly any payout at all. Still, so many of you stuck with it and kept on writing. Thank you for that!!!

The Over 20 Club is a way to allow some of those long forgotten pieces to shine again and give the authors a way to get a bit of a payout.

Here is how it works:

I have a list of writers who have written at least 20 freewrites.
Every Monday, I will invite 5 authors to write a post showing us 3 or more freewrites they liked and are past their payout.
The writers have until Thursday evening to post their showcase post.
Several of us have committed to giving that post a 100% upvote.
Friday's prompt will have links to the showcase prompts and hopefully, many of you will give it an upvote as well.
It is up to the writers and the voters to participate - you are free to choose.

We had quite a few wonderful entries. This is a link a post with the first five responses.

And there were many more. If you search Over 20 Club you can read many of them.


The New Over 20 Club

Since we now have the Freewrite House, it only makes sense that the Over 20 Club gets to move into one of the rooms. Once we have introduced all our crazy ideas to you all, we are starting to put them all into practice - but no all at once.

The Over 20 Club will remain much the same - you are invited to submit a post showcasing some of your favorite freewrites and telling us as much or as little as you want about your freewrite story.

We, the Freewrite House, and hopefully many of you who are living with us now, will bombard the posts with the highest votes we can muster.

But, it will not come your way once a week. Maybe once a month, maybe every other week. We shall see. we don't want you all to get overwhelmed.

In a minute, I am adding the rules of our contest. You know those by now, right? First, we want to ask you a question. What would you like to see? One person nominated once a week? Or several nominated at a less frequent interval?

Share your thoughts and your ideas. Your input is highly appreciated!!!


A Big Shout Out

We got our first donation to make this space even better for you!!!

Screen Shot 2018-03-20 at 7.59.57 AM.png

Thank you so much @iyanpol12!!!

We so appreciate that you have been writing with us for a long time now and all your support!


The Contest:

You Tell Us for a Chance to Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income

Steem Basic Income
Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

This is what you have to do for your chance to win a membership: Leave us a comment

  • Which has something to do with this post
  • Is at least 50 words

Hint: there are some questions above you could answer for us 😉

We will let you know if your comment is accepted and give you a number.

Here is a free word count tool

At 5 PM Pacific time the day after publishing of this post, we will close the contest and draw the winner through a random number generator. This will give you almost 36 hours to post your comment.

The winner will be announced and sponsored the same day.

7.04 PM Pacific Time. 3/21/2018. The contest is now closed. Day 7 is still open for almost 24 hours.

Watch this space. There will be a daily chance to win for the next 8 days - and maybe longer.


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

Join the Freewrite daily prompt



I'm really not sure if I can contribute something useful, I still feel like I haven't figured out how to "best" use Steemit and what might be suitable for many people who'd like to participate. As for me, I would probably rather go for "more nominations, less frequently", but that's more of a hunch, I have to say, based on the feeling that I can't really keep up with Steemit now ... but that's maybe just me, and of course there might be completely other people interested in reading stories than in writing themselves. In any case, it's a great way to promote really good stories (there are so many!) that had not been so prominent after they had been published originally.
Oh, and last but definitely not least: Huge thanks to @iyanpol12 for the donation, this is amazing!

3 storytllng.rocks

You are in. Figuring out how much time to spend on Steemit and with whom and where on the platform is a big challenge. I am sure some have found the balance. We hope that we always will be part of your Steemit life. 🤓

Ha, for sure, I'm definitely moving in with you! :))

So I didn't know what the Over 20 club was about. I have seen banners for it, but thought it had something to do with age :) I like the idea of writers being able to showcase their favorite posts once again, especially since you only get 7 days to earn here. I think 2 authors a week would be a good starting post. Maybe do one on Monday and one on Thursday, spacing them out so they each get exposure.

1 keciah

You are in!! Thank you for your input! We probably will try that out and time will tell what is going to work.

I have been aware of the Over 20 club for quite some time, and am counting my own freewrite posts so I know when I arrive! Right now I am up to 18, so I don't have very far to go. I like the idea of featuring the over 20 posts once or twice a month. There are so many fun freewrites to read, I do think it would become overwhelming if it popped up too often. Frankly, I haven't managed to keep track of the over 20 posts at all. And that's truly unfortunate! By the way, thanks for the link to the word count tool! I remember the days of typewriters and paper and carbon paper, when the only way to count words was to do it by hand. Ah, the younger generation doesn't know how easy their lives are, do they? :)

4 scribblingramma

You are in. I agree with you that it can get too much. there is a fine line between enough and too much.
I agree with you that things are sure easier in many ways today - and more difficult in others. I feel kids now are so rushed... Up early to be dropped at day care and home late with stressed out parents.

Funny you're mentioning typewriters and writing by hand. A while ago, I started writing actual letters again, with paper and pen and of course writing by hand - and guess what? Only then I realized that this is kind of a different approach and I had to think "more" before I actually started writing. Interestingly, it was only the case with letters, i.e. personal communication, not really with storytelling. But it was so interesting and revealing, anyway, and I was actually a bit shocked when I realized that I had somehow "forgotten" about writing letters by hand. And I still have old stories I wrote decades ago on a typewriter and remember the fight with Tipp-Ex, lol!

I write in my diary nearly every day, using spiral notebooks and pens. I've considered drafting Steemit posts that way, because it seems to help me think. The only drawback is arthritis in my thumbs and a couple of fingers. Drat.

Oh no, so sorry to hear that! I hope you can write a little bit every now and then, anyway!

I hardly ever write letters by hand anymore either.... Somehow, I dislike the post office :(

I can relate to this dislike - unfortunately. The overall service is declining here ...

You are amazing and I love your Freewrites! You're going to be in the free right club for the 20 / 20 Club in a heartbeat!

Thanks so much! Looking forward to it! (Tomorrow, maybe!)

Woohoo! Here's rooting for you! <3

Honestly, I'm not counting, so if I reach the Over 20 Club please let me know. I just participate for something to do and if I reach some milestone, well, that's cake. I think for FreeWriteHouse it would be nice to count participation in the various freewrite contests, projects, and challenges. This would get more people to try various things. Of course, the challenge of writing for five minutes more than 20 times is a good thing too. Like I said, I'm just here for the joy of writing; good stuff or bad stuff. I figure the more I do, the better I will get at my craft.

5 wordymouth

You are in. Don't worry about counting. You will be invited eventually. To get the badge, it requires the invite and that you are posting your feature post :)

My personal opinion on this one is that it will have more impact as a once a week or fortnight focusing on 1-2 authors and then they will have more chance to get a lot of the people from the freewrite community all voting up their post. Also, I think they should showcase 3 of there posts in a 'Over 20 Club' post, summarising, linking and putting

Quotes from each past-pay post they are highlighting

So that that the showcase post is the one that receives the votes from the freewritehouse founders and hopefully a lot of the freewrite community :-)

2 raj808

You are in. Yes, the showcase post is getting the votes. and I think that you are right. One or two will more likely get more attention than 5. We don't want to overwhelm all of yours and our voting powers.

I have been loving freewrite , feels like i can express my feelings freely and i love the challengung part that it is being timed. I am amazed with miss @mariannewest on coming up with this kind of idea , really awesome

I think i have written 11 or 12 freewrites so far , so i would really love to be a legit member of the club

And as for my suggestion ,my opinion would be having 2 authors feature each week ,so they can have long exposure , or 5 authors will do too, since it would be for a week feature like 1 author per day , well that's another point 1 author per day , but since that's not in the option i'll get back to 2 authors per week , hehe.
Congrats for coming with @freewritehouse

6 mini-zephalexia

You are in!! So glad that you are joining us!! We need kids running around and having fun :). It seems most people are leaning towards less is better. Good luck in the drawing.

Well many a times I saw the OVER 20 CLUB in some of my fellow freewriters posts but I hadn't tried to explore it . Today I got the vivid explanation of it . I really love writing freewrites , since they nourish my writing and creative skills . Though the payments I get from the freewrite is lesser than my other posts , I love writing them than the other . I let my ideas flow without any obstruction . A big thanks from the bottom of my heart for making a community and bringing in all the like minded people at one place !

7 pranithreddy

You are in the drawing. We are glad that your ideas are flowing freely as you write. Hopefully, your post payouts will catch up soon too.

The 'Over-20 Club'? It actually sounds like a good name for a cocktail bar. We could all get together in our evening gear: the ladies in our little black dresses looking like Audrey Hepburn and the guys looking like they walked out of the Great Gatsby! But no - it is a group of Freewriters who (like me) have produced more than 20 freewrites. It actually happened very quickly for me. Since I've started I haven't stopped writing a freewrite every single day.
What I like about the Over 20 posts I've read is that there is often a background to each of our pieces of work. This gives us an opportunity to share this background and therefore share a bit more of ourselves. I look forward to having the opportunity to do so...

Haha, yes, that could be a coctail bar. :) For some reason after Audrey Hepburn my mind went to and Humphrey Bogart - and possibly scenes from Casablanca also started :) Funny how the mind works. And I really like the "Since I've started I haven't stopped writing a freewrite every single day." That's impressive! Keep the streak going! :)

8 mysecondself01

You are in the drawing! I like the party idea 👍 and so cool to hear that you haven't stopped writing since you started!!

As for frequency...I think it would be cool to have 1-2 person each week (but not more, so we can focus on those 1-2). But you can try something and adjust :) It also depends how lengthy (I love that I'm writing words down on here which I never use otherwise...I guess I wanna impress allll the freewriters out here, lol) they are.

10 cyoadventuregame

You are in. And keep using those words to impress us!! Btw. we are already impressed 😉

Like Yoda on an isolated planet, I am waiting patiently of my invite. If I put some numbers in my machine (aka brain) it says I've done more than 19. I feel like I joined the party late, but it has become (nearly) part of my daily ritual.

I know my favourite, but I won't reveal it now. I remember my reaction to the prompt and decided to be a rebel about it. The result was possibly my best story and I still smile everytime I think of it.

My opinion is that one person could be nominated every week. That way, it gets kept alive and everyone can focus on that particular writer and appreciate their work.

16 mr-neil

You are in! I know many have waited now to be invited into the club. this page was supposed to go up a little while ago and that is why I stopped doing it from my page - it took a bit longer. But someday soon, you too will have the badge :)

Thank you, I was being slightly tongue in cheek. :-) I will treasure the moment.

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