Week 29- Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income - Tell us About a Favorite Freewrite

in #contest6 years ago

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A Favorite Freewrite

Every Tuesday, you have a chance to win a membership to Steem Basic Income, SBI, at the Freewrite House.

Try to win one, my friends. An everlasting vote on your posts is nothing to sneeze at.

We want to make it super easy for you. Your task is to tell us in the comment section about one - or more- freewrites of others you have read in the last couple of days you really liked. Yup, not your own!!

The comment must be at least 50 words long - no upper limit 🤪

See the rules below for details.

In an ideal world, you also give that person a nice upvote - but we are not going to check on that.

To be entered into the drawing, go to the Daily Prompt post by @mariannewest. We are doing our best to resteem them to the Freewrite house profile.
Read as many Freewrites as you can. Then tell us about a freewrite you really liked and why.
Choose from the last couple of days if possible so others can go, visit, and, inspired by your description, leave a vote.

Win, Win, Win!!!

You Tell Us for a Chance to Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income

Thank you to our sponsor for this week's contest!!


2 x 1 Steem Basic Income from our sponsor

1 Steem Basic Income from the Freewrite House

2 x 100% upvote from the Freewrite House

The Rules

This is what you have to do for your chance to win a membership:

  • Leave us a comment as specified above
  • Remember, the comment must have at least 50 words
  • We will let you know if your comment is accepted and give you a number.

Here are a couple of free word count tools:

The Thursday after the publishing of this post, we will close the contest and draw the winner through a random number generator.

The winner will be announced and sponsored the same day.

Steem Basic Income

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

Here is last week's winner announcement

Finding a Freewrite

If you are not familiar with the daily freewrite prompt and the many wonderful writers who produce the most amazing 5-minute (or sometimes much longer) Freewrites, go to @mariannewest and look for the prompt. The graphics look like this


In the comments, you find lots of links to all kind of freewrites.

The Latest Freewrite Favorites

This Week's Poetry Digest

Join us for the Freewrite House November Madness!!

You Can Be Part of the Freewrite House!!

Find out how here Post is past payout, please do not vote on it.


Make sure to participate in all the fun events at the Freewrite House

Regular Features

  • Freewrite House Adoptee of the Week - Monday

  • Recommend your Favorite Freewrite and Win SBI - Tuesday

  • We-Write and win SBI - Every other Wednesday

  • Freewrite Favorites - Thursday

  • Over 20 Club - Saturday

  • Poetry Digest - Sunday


Join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

Join the Freewrite daily prompt



Hey! I finally remembered to do this ahead of time :)

This one is actually a poem, so I suppose I should put it in the poetry one, but I'm really afraid I'm going to forget, so I'll put it here.


@wordymouth really captured the feeling that I often have of hiding behind a mask of "I'm okay" when in reality I'm really struggling with depression or anxiety or something private/personal whatever. He did a fabulous job of capturing the emotions and the tension of how that can feel at times. A really great freewrite.

This one by @ stinawog was TOTALLY unexpected but such a GREAT and true "FREE" write. You could see the stream of consciousness :) Plus, it includes some details for a game that would make for a GREAT ice breaker for a drama class or a youth group or something. I really wished I'd have known about this game way back when I was teaching! https://steemit.com/freewrite/@stinawog/5-minute-freewrite-face-mask

(Thanks for the edit @wonderwop I REALLY had myself confused this morning!)

And now, to fix my mistake... I'm not even sure I can explain WHY I love this freewrite, but it made me smile and I really needed the extra smiles. It was so free-flowing almost like a word association game and reminded me of probably weird, but fun memories of living on the road and our various encounters with raccoons. Anyway, since the first one I suggested wasn't ACTUALLY by wonderwop like I thought, I can submit this one as well!


1 @byn

So glad that you remembered to put them here!

@byn that is @wordymouth's great #freewrite, I wish I could've thought of something this cleaver. 👍

Crap, I had yours open too and then thought, "Oh, I can't submit TWO of his, so I'll just do this one!" Ugh. My brain isn't on full functioning yet. I guess I can submit your "second" one then after all! :)

You can save me for next time, I'm just happy you're thinking of me. 💕

Thank you @Byn for the nomination. I probably channeled more of myself than I intended.

There's always two sides to a story. Actually I was told there are three sides. His, Hers and The Truth. The facts get twisted and when you are sitting in your pile of crap, you need to believe the stink is not yours.

I got sucked into his story. I felt sorry for him. I hated her for dragging her child into it. And when I was up in arms, ready to fight tooth and nail for him, I saw her side of the story. Wow!! How the mind plays tricks, burying the dirty, pointing fingers, so you don't have to face the truth.

But what is the truth? Who has twisted the remains to sleep better at night? Thank you @marie-jay for this great read.


At the risk of repeating myself, I repeat myself here:
Welcome to #freewritehouse, @sima369! And what a fantastic first post:
.... "Not only does every word have a vibration, every letter has a vibration."
I love this! Physicists tell us the first thing to exist was a vibration, and the Bible says it all began when God said "Let there be light," and the gospel of John tells us "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God." So, physics affirms what you say:
"When we spell a word we are indeed casting a spell; that's why it's called 'spelling'". That is SO COOL! And so is the rest of the post. You really pack a lot into a small number of words. Well done!

Listen up everyone! @bennettitalia is back in the house! He is such a talented writer and once again, he didn't disappoint with his story using the prompt "yummy." A certain someone or something could not resist the temptation of eating ice cream any longer. The description of how it tasted was so good. Yes, Euclid did get a brain freeze and it may have even cost him his life. Be sure to check out the story here: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@bennettitalia/headache-a-fiction-confection-for-freewrite-368-yummy

awww....!! Thank you so much for the shoutout @whatisnew. I'm glad you enjoyed Euclid's little experiment 💛

I'm ridiculously happy to be back! And to see so many familiar faces 😍

My pleasure. I loved Euclid's experiment.
I am looking forward to more of your stories! : )

Hello friends! On this occasion I want to make 2 nominations:
The first one is @fitinfun and its post
that talks about the masks and how common is its use in Southeast Asia, I really like to know the most human part and the most personal vision of things in the world and this post has it.

My second nomination is @anasuleidy I read your poem for the suggestion made here and it seems to me that it is a very intense and yummy poem.

Thank you @teresah for nominating me, very happy of this attentive reception I receive from all of you.

Thank you so much @teresah! I am so glad you liked my post and so happy to see you in this contest. It's a good one :)


I got ahold of this #freewrite by @aejackson on the prompt mask, and just had to nominate it as my favorite today. It starts out as a couple of girlfriends going to a masquerade party, then turns into a double homicide. Spoiler alert, you're going to have to read this story on your own to see what happens. A.E. does some great stories, follow him. 👍

I think I might be too late, but I am nominating this post by @zephalexia anyway because I love it so much!


This post is completely in the spirit of freewrite. There is no editing and the timer used is indicated so you know it took five minutes. @zephalexia was hungry when she wrote the post and listed out all the yummy food she wanted at eat at the moment and and then some!

At the end she says:

No matter what food it is , it's blessing and we should be grateful for it

Such a fun post and one of my favorites I have ever seen. And now I want some leche flan!

I would like to recommend this freewrite because it is so open and filled with details of the past and part of the life of @carolkean. I was fascinated as I read through her very well written essay on a beloved family and Grandmother. Times have definitely changed and so has the way children are raised. This essay deserves attention!


Aww, thank you!!! To those who've known me longer, I'm a broken record. The sister thing is a life-changer, and it came back to haunt me 40+ years later when a furtive witness came forward with details that might have solved the cold case (but, 3 years later, it still hasn't). Even before a murder in the family, Dad was a hostile, angry man, and I was forever dreaming of writing fiction, so I can't say she is the reason I write or she is the reason he is a bitter, angry man. We all have something that drives us to write, right?

I would like to nominate @feltbuzz this week for best freewrite. His Run for Your Life series is going quite nicely and I especially appreciate his face mask piece because I sort of ran from that prompt when I saw it. I had a feeling this particular prompt would work best in some kind of story form rather than my self-focused, memoir-style writings and yes, I could have attempted something like that too, but did not.
In my opinion, @feltbuzz's writing is improving and it's because he participates EVERY SINGLE DAY, to every single prompt and he never just writes, I am sitting here eating my cereal and staring out the window and there is just nothing I can think of to write :) He is a devoted writer, generous with his support and compliments with other writeres and really improving his craft and storylines by choosing to be devoted.

2 @kimberlylane

You could have given us a recipe for a face mask lol - smash one avocado, add honey and smear all over - or something like that :)

I never thought of that! Isn't that funny? I kept thinking about Jason's scary hockey mask...

Thanks for reading me @freewritehouse!!

Join in and recommend a freewrite! You can win SBI shares = upvotes for life!

You need to have at least 50 words. Update your comments and say a little bit more.

This is the first time I participate in this contest and I'm going to do it by nominating @larryparra. It is a beautiful poem, about an IDIOT that clings to a person who does not love him and despises the opportunity of a new love. I really liked your poem and it's in Spanish = D
P.D: Now I did it right!

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